If we get even half of big promised games next year (and maybe Slim refresh) PS4 should definitely sell over 1.5 million next year.
Don't made this error.
In 2013, all guys said 3DS was gonna sell well over 2012 thanks a new super line up like Pokémon, Monster Hunter, ecc.
At the end not only has not sold much more, but even less than in 2012.
Wii U, in 2014 with Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros has sold less than in 2013, and by a lot...
Now, many people say"is a Nintendo console, is not the same as a Sony console" but i don't really see why.
I mean, what's the point with this? We know Nintendo consoles usually sells more in it's firsts years, but they peak the year of the best line up usually, this gen was very strange with this.
And when we talk about Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, you should get that those games can boost a console for one week, and for one week, i mean seriusly ONE week.
Look PS3 with FF 13... I can see PS4 at >150k for ONE week thanks Final Fantasy XV over 1 million.
Then, Final Fantasy XV should have a massive drop at 80 / 85 % level, and PS4 should drop like a rock, hard to guess the numbers too.
Depend if we talk about a holidays week or not.
If we talk about a normal week ( let's say June-July-August ecc) then i can even see a scenario like:
20k ------> 150k ------> 30k -------> 20k
And yes, we know PS4 will have a very good line up and all in 2016... but don't forget 2015 was a good year too.
That said.
I don't think next year PS4 will sell less than this year. But i believe the sales will be pretty flat. I don't expect a massive increase, and yes, i don't see 1.5 million next year.
Of course, i may be wrong, but over 1.5 million seem too much.