You can call me out by name. I don't bite.
I'd like to think my opinion on Vita is at least somewhat realistic. It's going to be a struggle, less so in Japan, but it'll be a struggle none the less. Compared to the 3DS, Vita's third party support is disgustingly poor. There's absolutely no guaranteed hardware pusher in there. Hell, the PSP has bigger titles lined up for 2012 than Vita does. Part of me naively believes there are wheels turning in the background that just haven't been announced. But then again, just 3 months ago, I witnessed Nintendo buy the 2 largest Japanese third party franchises. Vita's life won't be pretty. Heck, Vita might not even have much of a life. I'd rather just not see it go out without a fight, and right now it won't be a fight, it'll be a blood bath. That's why I have some delusional hope that if Vita just manages to survive long enough, that something will find a way. That's what happened to PSP in Japan, and thanks to Monster Hunter, a lot of great games were made due to the success it brought that platform. It may be crazy of me to hope for lightning to strike twice, but you know what, it's a new decade. Time for a new craze.