Hmm I am not that pessimistic.
Well what do you expect to move the baseline? The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2 (although I'm not even sure this will come this year) and Pikmin 3 will be great games but none of them will be huge games that cause a sustained impact. I'll also addend that if Nintendo shows some major 3rd party support (even ports like RE6) it could improve things. At this point there is really none of those games are reasons to buy a Wii U over the cheaper 3DS and (probably soon to be) cheaper PS3. Maybe in a vacuum Wii U could do much better than that, but it's not in one.
It might help sales a little, but I agree that it won't be by much. Dragon Quest is just another port, after both Wii Fits on the Wii I don't think that the market is still looking forward to another one (at least not at the price you would have to pay for both console and software) and while Pikmin will be a great game, I don't think it's the kind of game a lot of people will pick up console for... It'll certainly bump sales for a week or two, but that's about it.
Well I agree all these games will give the Wii U one week boosts but they'll just be Persona 4 Goldens or Hatsune Mikus that don't send the baseline any higher.