kiryogi said:Eh? Correct sprite display formats?
Which is exactly why the PS2 version is better.efralope said:but they switched the buttons...
Justin Bailey said:Which is exactly why the PS2 version is better.
Ok look, I'm a Nintendo fan, always have been always will be, but I'm also a Megaman fan. Forget the stupid interview or the damn cartoon, the PS2 version is better simply because:efralope said:like JJConrad said, they're different, which button placement on the controller is better is up to opinion, neither mimics closely the NES anyway, although the GCN controller doesn't have a huge hole inbetween the four buttons...
You realize that the jump and fire buttons on the PS2 are X and square, respectively. They're basically the same distance as the A and B buttons on the GC controller.efralope said:I was referring to how the PS2 and GCN controllers aren't really the same (although at least the GCN one has 'em all close together...
Yeah, but unless you're double jointed, using the tip of your thumb to push square and the middle to push X is more natural and closer to the originals than doing the same with the A and B buttons on the GC.efralope said:yeah, but like I said, neither is comparative to the NES, which didn't have them diagonal, but next to each other...
At 4 in the morning on the east coast, no. Do you?={<SMOKE>}= said:christ, don't you dudes have anything better to do?
={<SMOKE>}= said:christ, don't you dudes have anything better to do?
Not really. Its a little akward at first, not because its hard to do, but rather it isn't what you'd expect it to be. I had more trouble adjusting to using the Z-button to pull up the game menu. I had beaten half of the games on the disc, before I realised that the Item and Rush power-ups were selectible using the C-stick.Justin Bailey said:Yeah, but unless you're double jointed, using the tip of your thumb to push square and the middle to push X is more natural and closer to the originals than doing the same with the A and B buttons on the GC.
={<SMOKE>}= said:actually, i'm trying to finish ffx right now. didn't mean to be a dick, but you guys were just going back and forth about which control scheme "more accurately recreates" the megaman experience. i think it probably comes down to preference.
efralope, splinter cell is a decent game. i'm assuming you don't have an xbox (you seem like a hardcore nintendo fan) so i can't recommend that build of the game to you, but the gcn version isn't bad. are you considering picking up pandora tomorrow?
Look, if everyone just accepted the fact that most things come down to preference then this board would be pretty dead would it not?={<SMOKE>}= said:actually, i'm trying to finish ffx right now. didn't mean to be a dick, but you guys were just going back and forth about which control scheme "more accurately recreates" the megaman experience. i think it probably comes down to preference.
MoxManiac said:PS2 is the best version, no contest, or arguement.
That's pretty much what I mean. Most people that wanna buy this played the originals and that's what they expect out of the compilation. Throwing a monkey wrench into it just makes everything worse. But really, pick up a block of wood or a book and notice where your thumbs naturally lay. For Megaman, it matches the angle of the PS2 controller's buttons.JJConrad said:Not really. Its a little akward at first, not because its hard to do, but rather it isn't what you'd expect it to be.
Justin Bailey said:That's pretty much what I mean. Most people that wanna buy this played the originals and that's what they expect out of the compilation. Throwing a monkey wrench into it just makes everything worse. But really, pick up a block of wood or a book and notice where your thumbs naturally lay. For Megaman, it matches the angle of the PS2 controller's buttons.
Honestly, they should've made the jump button "A" and the shoot button "Y" to make it "feel" better to play.
Why? The same button angle worked for the X series on the SNES (just like the PS2 layout).kiryogi said:Uh no (at the a/y thing)
={<SMOKE>}= said:christ, don't you dudes have anything better to do?
Sysgen said:I'm reading this and it's like don't buy it becuase the A and B button is switched. I've never seen a dumber thread.
NWO said:Amazing that the Gamecube version outsold the PS2 version even though everyone around here seems to like the PS2 version better. I wonder if they made the Cube version as well as the PS2 if anybody would have even bought it for the PS2.
JC10001 said:I think its because a lot of the people who own Gamecubes are diehard Nintendo fans who have followed them since the NES days. Megaman was huge on the NES, hence the good sales.
Also the Battle Network series popularity on the GBA might have rubbed of on MMAC.
Sp3eD said:That is a big deal when you take into consideration how difficult some of the jumps can be in these games. Anything hindering that ability to accomplish that makes for an inferior version. End of story.
belgurdo said:Please. Like it takes 60 hours to get used to having two buttons reversed or something?
belgurdo said:Please. Like it takes 60 hours to get used to having two buttons reversed or something?
Link316 said:I doubt you'll be saying if the buttons were reversed in a fighting game
wavebird sucks.Gantz said:People who can't handle the GC version are weaksauces. Another positive to add to the GC version is we get the wavebirdDon't play it with the regular GC controller.