I got the GC version, mostly out of curiosity of how they fucked it up, cause I've played all the games , and since it was $11 for me to buy this, why not. Anyway, if you're gonna get it to play the Mega Man games, so far I can't see a problem with it after playing a few hours.
Getting used to the controls on the GC version took like two minutes. It took a while to get the sliding down, but it wasn't as bad as some people have moan about it.
In all, since I don't care about the extra bullshit, you all have fun bitching about the things you bitch about, back to MM2.
And on the wavebird, honestly you fucks, its the preference thing, and at least the company behind the console has the gumption to make a good, reasonably costing wireless controller that doesn't cost $50.