Cool. I have a huge backlog so I'll just wait for 3.I love 1 but 3 is definitely my favourite. Depending on when they're released, you might indeed be better off waiting for 3. The gameplay is has various improvements/polish and if you love 3 enough then you can play 2 and then 1. It's basically what I did back then, started with 3, then 2, then 1. 4, 5 and 6 I got when they released. What you'll miss I guess is some of the story but they do a good job of re-capping and easing newcomers in.
I collected all the chips in Battle Network 1 because that was my only game before. It would be cool to collect all the chips from BN series but I have a lot of back log.
What you'll miss I guess is some of the story but they do a good job of re-capping and easing newcomers in.
Thread kind of makes me want to watch the anime again.
1 didn't age well. I can't play through it again because of how janky and unpolished it feels. 2 brought so many refinements and convenience improvements to the series that 1 feels almost antagonistic to play through.
2 and 3 are fantastic. I personally prefer 2 for music, scenario and post-game, but 3 isn't a slouch, at all.
4 is just bad. Just a complete slog of a game. I was the kind of kid that would play through anything, no matter how "bad," and enjoy it all the way through. I quit MMBN4 halfway into it.
5 is good. I have the DS version, which adds a lot of great stuff to the game and makes me sad that 6 never got a DS up-port. It's my go to game for a MMBN fix, but it might just be because playing a DS game is more convenient than finding a GBA game and one of my DSes that still has a Slot-2.
I've only played a bit of 6, because I kept holding out hope it'd make it to the DS like 5 did someday. Don't know how good it is, but I personally hated the Soul Unison being replaced by the Cross System. (I wonder why..?)
3 is incredible, 6 is great, 2 is good, 1 is alright, 5 is whatever, and 4 is bad.
What makes four so universally considered to be bad? Just curious.
The game is designed to be played three times to see and unlock everything in each version. Each time you beat the game, you start a new game plus that changes up the enemies, items found and in-game scenarios. When you beat the third cycle you go back to the first and so on. Apparently some powerups only appears during certain cycles, so if you miss one, you have to complete the game some more times to get it.What makes four so universally considered to be bad? Just curious.
First of all, Battle Network 4's plot consists almost solely of a series of tournament arcs, where which opponents you face in the tournaments was at least partially randomized. What these means is that about 80% of the plot consists of random episodic stories with no connection to each other or to the main plot.
Even worse, some of these random episodic stories grant you the Double Soul powers that make up a big part of the newly introduced game mechanics. While their appearances are not randomized, you have to play through the game three times to get all six Double Souls for your version. You can't even get all of the chips on your first playthrough! Enemies will only drop level 1 chips at first. When you clear the game and continue on a New Game+, all of the enemies in the game get upgraded and start dropping level 2 chips. So you need to clear the game in full three times just to have a chance at getting all of the Battlechips in the game and to finally unlock the proper post-game. As a result, the game is padded to the gills with filler content that you have to repeat several times.
I completely broke down and gave up on the game late on my second run, so I never even unlocked Proto-Soul, which was the main reason I chose the Red Sun version in the first place. Even if you look past the repetition and pointlessness of the main story, the core gameplay in 4 just doesn't feel as good as 2 or 3. Double Soul wasn't as good of a gameplay mechanic as the Style system it replaced, and the Dark Chips were more of a novelty. Also, the game's sprites were made smaller for some reason, so the game didn't even look as good as the previous entries in the series.
The game is designed to be played three times to see and unlock everything in each version. Each time you beat the game, you start a new game plus that changes up the enemies, items found and in-game scenarios. When you beat the third cycle you go back to the first and so on. Apparently some powerups only appears during certain cycles, so if you miss one, you have to complete the game some more times to get it.
The story consists mostly of Netbattle tournaments in different countries, with some events happening between some fights. Haven't played 4 for many years but I remember nothing really happened until the very end.
And they changed the visual style, which some people doesn't like, I guess.
I don't think MMBN4 is a bad game myself, but I'd say it's the weakest one with MMBN5. (haven't played that in years either)
Edit: Wow, you couldn't get all the regular chips? Totally forgot.
I actually started with Battle Network 4, so I enjoyed it quite a bit. I'm super excited for them all to be released! I loved 4,5, and 6.
So does this alternate world have its own versions of Light and Wily? How about Bass and Protoman?
On a sidenote, how is Star Force? It seems like the spiritual successor, but I barely hear anything about it (perhaps for a good reason?).
Any chance the US ver. will get the non gimped versions of the BN games?
Many times during the gba days I would see FAQs talking about a gospel PA or the
many things taken out of BN6.
Was about to port beg for Vita and get banned lolAnyways gonna wait for MMBN 3.
For me its 6 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 > 4 personally.
6 was the end and had the craziest stuff in terms of battle chips and program advances. Also the story wasn't half bad.
4 is the worst besides having to finish the game multiple times. The Dark Net was a huge pain in the butt and Bass was reduced to easy mode because how easy it was to get Program Advances in any batle after clearing the game 2 times and getting the right chips.
Yo Step-Cross advance and Dream Sword all day long.
Oh, an OT. I've been following the series since BN4. BN6 was the first game I actually bought and I liked it. Lots of potential.
I'm in the minority here but BN4 was pretty good. It had the best multiplayer execution. Battle your friend's version's Navi in a free tournament and they fight like them! Battle a boss on every map on the Net - even the opposite versions! Fight the opposite version's Navi in the tournaments! It's the most complete game.
I think this is how I'd rank the series as well3 > 6 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
I think it's still the funniest thing ever that Capcom essentially predicted what smartphones would be like (minus the cool ass sentient avatar of your design running errands around the net) with this series.
@Robin64: Yeah it has all of the above and I'd say the MMBN redesign for Bass is one of the best classic series to BN transitions ever. The streamlining of character designs by the art team for the series really did him wonders.
I vaguely remember chip differences but its not a big deal.
Four and especially five have huge version differences. Your version determines enemy and ally (and therefore transformation) Navis.
The DS version of 5 includes both sets.
I actually started with Battle Network 4, so I enjoyed it quite a bit. I'm super excited for them all to be released! I loved 4,5, and 6.
I've loved the Mega Man series since forever, and somehow this is pretty much the only spinoff that I've missed. I did play the GCN game, Network Transmission, which I know is completely different (that game has awesome music btw). I'd like to try this out. Any news on a US date?
I didn't even notice. D: I should pick it up!Yesterday! Go for it. I'd be glad to hear your impressions.![]()