Maybe but it doesn't remove the fact that today's games tend to me more forgiving common.
Megaman series, Castlevania series, Ninja Gaiden series --- you can't play it lously. It is definetely not forgiving.
And what does that hard really mean? --- not forgiving. There's no "skill" to play a video game man, it's pushing buttons. It's not hard, it depends on your level of concentration, coordination, reflexes.
Today, games becomes more mental. There's more puzzle, stories, emotions etc. We could say that there another kind of skill coming in (something like intelligence i would say).
I think old games relies more on reflexes and concentration. There are mostly not forgiving (call it hard if you want). Today it's less and less a simple question of reflexes and concentration. I understant this guy having the feeling he's becoming a pussy at games. It makes sense somewhere. (we'll never get out of that question 100% clear you know)