chun li's thighs
Very cool, perhaps you have to beat that particular game then? I hope its in there.
It's in the database. Go to a robot master and hit X or something to fight them.
Very cool, perhaps you have to beat that particular game then? I hope its in there.
Bought this on xbox one earlier.
Early impressions after playing Mega Man 2 for a small time, the controls are off. There's a very noticeable delay on the controls I don't recall from the nes days. It's not lag from my tv either, i'm running on a 2013 bravia.
Hope it gets fixed.
Yes I know DE as a company has done it for a long time but from what I understand it's not the DE. Now maybe it's just being to optimistic but from what I hear about the collection it's small things that can be fixed.
Will they be? Who knows I would rather not be pessimistic about this especially considering the people involved in the project.
I was talking about that quote in conversation with someone yesterday. You don't see film people recommending one of the old Godzilla DVD box sets over the Criterion release because it had more films, or comics folk one of those shitty Marvel Essential softcovers over an IDW Artist's Edition. Unfortunately I think most people still see video games as disposable, and due to video games' hobbyist and tech-centric origins most don't see value in curation or pleasing presentation. It's going to be a long, hard road but I think now is the time to start.
The problem with these comparisons is that the source material of these movie and comic books are not in any considerable danger of being distorted when they're being transferred over for these beautiful, curated re-releases. I get your point about value and whatnot, but there's also something to be said for the fact that presentation matters little if things go wrong during the process of video game porting and/or emulation, which is why people would recommend older releases of games over newer ones, You can dress up the game all you want and add in all of these features to make its presentation pleasing, but if the game itself is ported over badly, then yeah, people are smart to hold onto their releases from 10 years ago if they're a better version.
M2 has obviously been doing this for way longer than DE and they haven't had a multiplatform release of this scope on modern platforms and PC. The more recent multiplatform stuff they've released, like the Sega Vintage Collection stuff, are fine ports but nowhere near the quality of this as a collection.
Also, I don't understand the refrain of, "Criterion Collection, pfft." I've been buying Criterion discs since they released their first DVDs, the transfers of which are ghastly. They sometimes release stuff that has a poor transfer, incorrect coloration, bad subtitles or little to no supplemental material. They try but don't always live up to their mission statement and improve things over time, which is exactly what DE is trying to do here. The port work appears to be superb, you have some really cool supplemental material and according to them it's in a format where they can preserve the work they did here down the line. The annoying technical issues all seem like stuff that can and will be patched out.
Hardly a port the games are clearly emulated, with that said i have bought the game and enjoy it
It's Mega Man, not Megaman.
What gives, OP.
(Leaving unlinked cause of possible spoilers for first-timers)
From the same translation the games in this collection uses. Like I said earlier, to me, it should be "Megaman" instead of "Mega Man" since in Japan, it's "Rockman," not "Rock Man."
I like how one of the images you linked to calls him "Dr. Wright." Doesn't the game text also sometimes call him Dr. "Wiley"?
Man I really miss Inafune's drawings. This is just wrong looking:
The problem with these comparisons is that the source material of these movie and comic books are not in any considerable danger of being distorted when they're being transferred over for these beautiful, curated re-releases. I get your point about value and whatnot, but there's also something to be said for the fact that presentation matters little if things go wrong during the process of video game porting and/or emulation, which is why people would recommend older releases of games over newer ones, You can dress up the game all you want and add in all of these features to make its presentation pleasing, but if the game itself is ported over badly, then yeah, people are smart to hold onto their releases from 10 years ago if they're a better version.
Looked at the gallery and "Pickelman" and "Metall" stand out as Engrish because the Ls should be Rs.I like how one of the images you linked to calls him "Dr. Wright." Doesn't the game text also sometimes call him Dr. "Wiley"?
I dig it.
(Leaving unlinked cause of possible spoilers for first-timers)
From the same translation the games in this collection uses. Like I said earlier, to me, it should be "Megaman" instead of "Mega Man" since in Japan, it's "Rockman," not "Rock Man."
I rest my case!
Really though, I believe he's Mega Man, man.
Man I really miss Inafune's drawings. This is just wrong looking:
Bionic Commando, Strider, Code Name: Viper, Street Fighter 2010, Gargoyle's Quest II, and Mighty Final Fight are probably doable. That's six games. Maybe toss in four (or all nine) of the arcade ports and call it Capcom Legacy Collection?
I'm personally more interested in a Disney compilation at the moment.
Streamers are saying the input lag is awful. Looks like this is as definitive as the ps4 USF4. Glad I hung on for feedback.
Streamers are saying the input lag is awful. Looks like this is as definitive as the ps4 USF4. Glad I hung on for feedback.
Very cool, perhaps you have to beat that particular game then? I hope its in there.
The main issue here is the really bad lighting. It doesn't match the style of the rest of the drawing. A lot of people with like to go hog wild with computer editing software and add in fancy lighting and shadows without consideration of whether or not it actually matches the rest of the drawing.![]()
I get what you're saying. Keeping in mind, the SSB4 model was purprosely based on his NES design. I'm guess that this style is in what Capcom has in mind for the new cartoon version
Yes, you guys should buy Jeremy's books so his Game Boy World project can keep getting funded, he's doing some great work
I learned from this thread that you wrote a Mega Man book. This makes me happy.
....and now I'm on Amazon and see you've written a LOT of books based on NES games. Wow, I have some books to buy!
That'd be really cool. Just don't expect it for $15.
Runs fine for me too, some people just want excuses so they don't buy games :V
The more recent multiplatform stuff they've released, like the Sega Vintage Collection stuff, are fine ports but nowhere near the quality of this as a collection.
I'm not seeing this at all (PS4 version). I played the PSOne complete works games on the PS3 which really were unplayable due to input lag. I've played Mega Man 1, 2, 3 and 6 so far along with the first 10 challenges and the controls seem perfect to me. I can pull off the pixel perfect jumps with no problems what so ever.
Is anyone else getting weird horizontal scrolling? I haven't been able to play this but I immediately noticed that moving left and right the background's movement produces a weird stutter, absolutely not what a game running in 60 FPS should look like.
Every other movement seems fine, even when going up and down ladders and the screen "shifts" vertically. I noticed it in Mega Man 1, 3, and 4. I really can't remember it happening in the original NES games but I might be wrong on that one.
Considering getting this, but I do have a little gripe.
I've never played a Mega man game before, just how difficult are they? Will I be pulling my hair out?![]()
I'm VERY interested in this collection. As someone who has never really played any Megaman games besides the first level of X on the PS3, should I look up the best order to tackle bosses or just go in blind?
I'm VERY interested in this collection. As someone who has never really played any Megaman games besides the first level of X on the PS3, should I look up the best order to tackle bosses or just go in blind?
Bought this on xbox one earlier.
Early impressions after playing Mega Man 2 for a small time, the controls are off. There's a very noticeable delay on the controls I don't recall from the nes days. It's not lag from my tv either, i'm running on a 2013 bravia.
Hope it gets fixed.
Hey, anyone know if this is normal? Like, this happens on NES too?
Yep your not the only one, got it on the PS4 and atm playing the original Mega Man and there is a slight delay on the controls kept on falling to my death at the start of the GUTS MAN level. Those moving platforms did my head in.
Considering getting this, but I do have a little gripe.
I've never played a Mega man game before, just how difficult are they? Will I be pulling my hair out?![]()