Anyone else experience rapid fire not working at all? Or taking forever to kill enemies? Probably late on this one.
Anyone else experience rapid fire not working at all? Or taking forever to kill enemies? Probably late on this one.
Do enemies have a invincibility period after being hit?
It's the best versions you can get. Priced right and simple extras with nice interface. Games play like Nes versions just cleaner.The Rapid Fire glitch only happens in MM1 from what I've seen. It doesn't happen in 2.
I bum rushed through the 8 bosses in MM2 on Difficult cuz I'm a Mega Man pro and I've stopped at the Castle for later.
It's a good collection because of the games in it, but I find more things that stand out to me as being done incorrectly the more play it. Backbone would cry tears of joy over how consistent it is with their work on Retro ports. At least it doesn't have the shitty "HD" filter. There are just so many boneheaded design choices that leave me scratching my head. Being on PC makes it worse since it's bare bones as can be.
The whole marketing campaign was simply them tooting their own horn and nothing more. They put the Mega Man fanfare over their own branding and not Capcom's for crying out loud. I simply don't get the sense of love or care here that M2 puts into their emulation process. There is NOTHING from Digital Eclipse that inspires more confidence in them because of this.
It's the best versions you can get. Priced right and simple extras with nice interface. Games play like Nes versions just cleaner.
oh my god no
yeah, I've noticed it taking longer to kill enemies at times. It's very spotty.
So I've had the chance to sit down with the collection now for quite some time and I have to say I'm a little iffy on the package as a whole. Some gripes (I'm on PS4 by the way):
1) The sound mixing is fucked. I'm not just talking about the actual games with the crackling and popping and that kinda thing, I'm also talking about the entire collection's sound volume is WAY too fucking loud. The Complete Works remixes that play in the collection's menus are extremely loud and their music choices are pretty crappy. Looping level select screens and password screen jingles over and over in the menus that you're expected to spend quite a bit of time in (e.g., the Databases) is incredibly annoying. Why did anyone think it was a good idea? Crackling and popping I also noticed happens in the menus themselves. I don't think it's necessarily an emulation thing. Menu select sounds in the collection's menus are way too low in volume compared to the way-too-loud music that drowns it out. It's just a mess audio-wise.
2) Presentation of the collection UI is disappointingly bare bones. You choose any item in any menu and you get instantly dumped there. No transitions or animations of any kind, not even a brief fadeout. It sounds like nitpicking but to me the menus feel extremely amateurish in terms of visual design
3) I don't really like the borders they supplied. I LOVED the border from Mega Man 10 and would've liked to see something so well designed in this. Or at least classy backgrounds like the Mega Man 2 password background, Mega Man 3 stage select background, or something similarly subtle. I know this is specific to my taste, but I don't really dig the border designs they gave us here.
4) The challenge time "requirements" are bizarre. 5 minutes for Yellow Devil? Who will even be able to survive that long? I mean if you're dodging the blocks that well for 5+ minutes you're probably an expert there(Hell, that would make for a fun challenge in and of itself, see how long you last dodging increasingly faster Yellow Devil blocks). Just restart the challenge upon player death.
5) Kinda disappointed there's no Complete Works remixes included. Why wouldn't they include them in the sound test? They clearly have the ability to add them since they added a few as the collection's menu music.
Also, I wanted to include some random thoughts about MM1:
I just finished MM1 in one sitting, and yeah, it's as bad as I remembers it. It's ass. I'm a huge fan of Mega Man as a series but I'll readily admit MM1 is a poorly designed game. I mean, it was the first of the series and their very first try with the entire formula so it's not surprising, but a lot of the difficulty is just devs not really knowing what they were doing. Bad boss design, useless weapons, short and frustratingly designed levels, way too much randomness (the random shooting platforms from Ice Man's level, for instance), several instances where the checkpoints put you in danger immediately upon spawning, a ton of jank (dropping at peak falling speed when falling off of some platforms like the Magnet Beam, incredibly frustrating block puzzles in Ice Man's level, etc.) and just the absolute worst Dr. Wily castle in the entire series. Terrible levels and even worse Fortress bosses. All in all just an exercise in frustration. I beat it pretty much only because I felt obligated to play them all in release order (and because I want the trophy...even though they trophy list is atrocious and shitty. Thanks Sony!), but wow after a while the game was very unfun.
ANYWAY, enough bitching. I love that this collection exists and I'm very much looking forward to playing the rest of the games. Those are the games I actually want to play
They can be difficult but if you played "Nintendo-hard" games from back in the NES days you should know what to expect.
If you need a primer play Mega Man 2 in "Normal" (aka Easy) mode, or play Mega Man 5 (the game designed to be "accessible". Yes, even back then devs liked the "accessible!" buzzword). I HEAVILY advise against playing Mega Man 1 if that is your first ever MM experience. Read my above "review" if you really want to know why.
I'm a Mega Man veteran and I would say only the first game is hair-pullingly frustrating, even after all these years.
The other games are certainly challenging, but they're fair.
MM1 is just BS.
I really enjoyed this collection quite a bit despite some of the issues that have been pointed out in the thread.
That said, I really soured on some of the challenges due to inconsistent difficulty. I died so, so many times on the MM6 and MM5 no item boss rushes but got Gold, meanwhile MM1 and MM2's no item rushes are frustratingly strict in their requirements. It's been a bummer way to wrap up my time with the game.
I wouldn't call it disproportionate image if it was intended to be seen that way. (As long as it's done accurately)
All we really need is someone with an RGB NES to compare to figure out the exact method for reproducing the non-square pixels of the NES.
They could also simply provide a square 1:1 pixel perfect option as well for those who want it.
As it stands, for an "Accurate" collection, it's completely failing on the Video front.
Even the un scaled option isn't even a 1:1 - 8:7 as shown on page 6
Can you save at any time during the specific games? (Total noob, I know).
I just replayed 5 tonight on Wii U (going to wait to pick this up for 3DS after having issues with the PC version).
I want to love 5... on paper it looks like it would be great
+lots of protoman
+toned down charge shot from 4
+slide is in
+good looking levels with lots of variety
but it just never really delivers. It's SUPER easy. I beat the top 4 bosses without dying once, and I'm not like a Mega Man prodigy, nor have I played 5 that much. I think it's probably the only MM game where I can do the boss rush without dying semi-regularly. None of the weapons are interesting. I beat everything with the charge shot, even wily, who was ridiculously easy. The hardest thing in the game are those helicopter purple guys and the laser shooting chicken walkers. The bosses are a joke. The level designs are completely forgettable for the most part. The soundtrack is OK, but only has like 2 great tracks, one of which is the ending song. I wonder if they toned down the music to accommodate the charge shot or something (obv. you can't charge during the credits).
I dunno. I really want 5 to be great but it just isn't. I wish there was just one more great Mega Man game other than 3 that used the slide. It's such a fun mechanic.
I love Star Man and Gravity Man's theme in MM5.
I just replayed 5 tonight on Wii U (going to wait to pick this up for 3DS after having issues with the PC version).
I want to love 5... on paper it looks like it would be great
+lots of protoman
+toned down charge shot from 4
+slide is in
+good looking levels with lots of variety
but it just never really delivers. It's SUPER easy. I beat the top 4 bosses without dying once, and I'm not like a Mega Man prodigy, nor have I played 5 that much. I think it's probably the only MM game where I can do the boss rush without dying semi-regularly. None of the weapons are interesting. I beat everything with the charge shot, even wily, who was ridiculously easy. The hardest thing in the game are those helicopter purple guys and the laser shooting chicken walkers. The bosses are a joke. The level designs are completely forgettable for the most part. The soundtrack is OK, but only has like 2 great tracks, one of which is the ending song. I wonder if they toned down the music to accommodate the charge shot or something (obv. you can't charge during the credits).
I dunno. I really want 5 to be great but it just isn't. I wish there was just one more great Mega Man game other than 3 that used the slide. It's such a fun mechanic.
Regardless that it's free in the net, adding it to the package keeps it well rounded. Looks super clean on my HDTV and I have the Wii U versions which look awful in comparison. The originals don't look this clean because the the cable connections. I don't know, I scrutinize a lot and feel this is a solid version. I like no fluff when navigating the UI.Not really. You're paying for extras that's plastered all over the internet for free, including artwork and music. As for visuals, there is debate in this thread pages ago on why the idea of these games being cleaner is a fallacy because they scaled the games incorrectly.
Regardless that it's free in the net, adding it to the package keeps it well rounded. Looks super clean on my HDTV and I have the Wii U versions which look awful in comparison. The originals don't look this clean because the the cable connections. I don't know, I scrutinize a lot and feel this is a solid version. I like no fluff when navigating the UI.
I just replayed 5 tonight on Wii U (going to wait to pick this up for 3DS after having issues with the PC version).
I want to love 5... on paper it looks like it would be great
+lots of protoman
+toned down charge shot from 4
+slide is in
+good looking levels with lots of variety
but it just never really delivers. It's SUPER easy. I beat the top 4 bosses without dying once, and I'm not like a Mega Man prodigy, nor have I played 5 that much. I think it's probably the only MM game where I can do the boss rush without dying semi-regularly. None of the weapons are interesting. I beat everything with the charge shot, even wily, who was ridiculously easy. The hardest thing in the game are those helicopter purple guys and the laser shooting chicken walkers. The bosses are a joke. The level designs are completely forgettable for the most part. The soundtrack is OK, but only has like 2 great tracks, one of which is the ending song. I wonder if they toned down the music to accommodate the charge shot or something (obv. you can't charge during the credits).
I dunno. I really want 5 to be great but it just isn't. I wish there was just one more great Mega Man game other than 3 that used the slide. It's such a fun mechanic.
I LOVE MM5, but for me it's the Kirby's Adventure of the series. A complete cakewalk, but the visuals are great, the music is incredibly charming, and it's fun despite a lack of serious challenge.
Here you go!
I took these photos a few days ago. It's actually really hard to photograph a CRT screen well. These are some pics of Mega Man 2 (Heat Man stage) playing on an AV-Famicom that's been RGB modded with the NES-RGB kit. I have it hooked up directly to a CRT arcade monitor and the picture is stunning.
Here's the setup:
Here's the same screen, but zoomed in to show just the monitor image:
Zoomed in a little more:
. . . and the money shot:
I hope you guys can use this screenshot to compare with the collection? All CRT monitors and TVs of that era are 4:3 ratio. You can stretch and zoom the picture with the analog controls a little bit too, but this is more or less fitting just the playable frame to the monitor. This monitor has a little curvature to it, but not much.
I've just started to play this after finishing MM4 (which I loved btw). I was surprised that the first boss I chose I could easily defeat with my Megabuster.
Reading your comment I was wondering if I my choice of boss was extremely lucky or that they all are that easy?
That way the distortion from nearest neighbor will be reduced. With 1080p, I'm not sure if it's even possible to get a clean, sharp, undistorted image.
So why are the bricks below the bottom platform the same color in one picture but different in another despite being the same location?
I wouldn't call it disproportionate image if it was intended to be seen that way. (As long as it's done accurately)
All we really need is someone with an RGB NES to compare to figure out the exact method for reproducing the non-square pixels of the NES.
They could also simply provide a square 1:1 pixel perfect option as well for those who want it.
As it stands, for an "Accurate" collection, it's completely failing on the Video front.
Even the un scaled option isn't even a 1:1 - 8:7 as shown on page 6
I've chopped a minute or so off my time on 2's challenge tonight, I'd argue against it being strict time wise. I beat Heat and Crash without dying, and sometimes Bubble assuming I didn't mess up one of the previous fights bad enough to have little health. But every fight after that I can die once and still get a gold metal with no issues what so ever, I guess the best thing to do is to purposely die quickly rather than draw out the fight needlessly if you don't feel comfortable beating the boss. I got around 6:18 originally and that was a gold so it is fairly doable in my opinion.
Can't speak for MM1 though, I managed to clear that one without dying in the end, took me a few tries though thanks to my lousy timing on Elec Man...
I had a 2 death run in MM1 and MM2's no item boss rushes and didn't get gold, but I am pretty sure I died 4 times on MM5's boss rush and got gold. Just made no sense to me.
I did end up getting gold on every challenge, and upon reflection, I think my biggest gripe is probably with the apparent input lag (or something) with MM3. A few bosses call for quick turns followed by a shot, and I absolutely can't get it to work reliably in that game. For some reason, using the turbo button works 100% of the time, but not the single fire. I absolutely could not beat Shadow Man or Gemini Man with a buster even at full health until I used the turbo button to get my shots to register.
Lol holy shit. I'd be more concerned about the fact that the propeller enemy wasn't in that part of the stage on the NES cart.
That's really strange, do you know what your times were for MM2 no item run previously?
As for MM3, I didn't have the issue you mentioned but I do know exactly what you mean, as those two bosses were tough for me as well especially Shadowman whom was annoyingly unpredictable and really fast.
My odd control issues came with MM6, as I sometimes had weird issues where Mega Man would not jump at all even when I pressed the button. It only happened at specific points though so I don't think it was lag per se, rather something odd with the game or port.
I can't recall, honestly, but I think part of it is that I kind of sucked with the patterns at the time even though I managed to avoid a lot of deaths. I got way better with Bubbleman and Crashman, for instance, just in doing the all boss rush.
Also, holy shit, you're the guy whose videos I followed. Huge, huge props to you for your Playstationtrophy posts and videos. I used so many of them as a baseline for my runs. It's so nice to have videos from someone who is obviously really skilled but not so freakishly so that I couldn't replicate anything. Thanks for your work on that front!
Lol holy shit. I'd be more concerned about the fact that the propeller enemy wasn't in that part of the stage on the NES cart.
So why are the bricks below the bottom platform the same color in one picture but different in another despite being the same location?
Here's another NESRGB pic. MM1 this time. This time the overscan/aspect ratio is adjusted perfectly to match the playable area. The moire pattern (rainbowish features) is an artifact of the digital photo.
Here's another NESRGB pic. MM1 this time. This time the overscan/aspect ratio is adjusted perfectly to match the playable area. The moire pattern (rainbowish features) is an artifact of the digital photo.
With a patch coming, it would be great if a platinum trophy could be added to the PS4 version. I cant imagine alot of effort needed to do so or even why it wasnt included in the first place.
It would be nice, but that's not really my issue with the trophies. I just think as a whole the trophies/achievement requirements were kind of lazy. I'd have preferred something closer to Mega Man 9's/10's which required you to play the games in certain ways and achieve certain goals. I really enjoyed 100%ing both of those games thanks to the varied challenges.
I don't think I would've liked a 'Perfect Run' Challenge in this like 9/10 had. I'd prefer something like 'beat all the bosses, buster only' sorta thing, but not on 1 health bar or whatever. As is, it's just kinda laughable at what you try to do in the Challenges. There's no real rhyme, reason or theme behind them for the most part.