- As of the moment, sources are saying that the 3DS version will NOT have any 3d capabilities (despite the rumors going around late last year...) The "3D warnings" that comes usually with 3DS releases are no where to be seen on MMLC's box art.
Guys, I never played Mega Man 9 and 10. Is there a way for me to play those?
I have a WiiU and a PS4.
Didn't seen worthy of a new thread so I thought I'd ask here were it is full with retro Mega Man lovers.
Guys, I never played Mega Man 9 and 10. Is there a way for me to play those?
I have a WiiU and a PS4.
Didn't seen worthy of a new thread so I thought I'd ask here were it is full with retro Mega Man lovers.
Thanks for all the replies my fellow Mega Man fans
I am going to check Wiiware out. I still have Wiimotes, so that shouldnt be a prob. The old wiistore used WiiPoints right?
Do we know anything about the image quality on 3DS? VC games looks pretty awful on there. I'm assuming they'll run at 4:3, which means it won't be 1:1 pixels, but that can still look okay.
All the screenshots of the 3DS version looked pixel mapped so the aspect ratio is like 8:7 instead of the proper 4:3. I wonder if there are any video options.
Even though we're so close to the launch of the 3DS version, Amazon leaked a new Xbox One Special Edition that includes a Mega Man Statue and E-Tank for $129.99!
Any more news on how the versions compare?
I see that the 3DS Limited Edition is back up on Best Buy and comes with some extra goodies, but I'm wondering if there's a reason to pick up the PS4 version instead.
I've been waiting as well hoping some more info would come out regarding the PS3/3DS versions.
I'm tempted to buy the 3DS collectors edition, but I dunno... I think I may enjoy these more on the big screen.
So quick update in the 3ds version (thanks to destructoid and protodude for the info)
There will be 3D - in the menus and backgrounds...
So, I wonder...when this launches next week, will the current digital versions finally receive the patch that fixes issues we've been dealing with since August ???
Still hoping for it. But I feel they would have mentioned that by now.
Frank Cifaldi had a pinned tweet on his Twitter page for months saying that they're working on a patch. I just checked and it's no longer there. If fixes aren't coming next week with this retail release and a patch for digital owners, I'm going to be pretty upset.
Do we know if the 3DS version has the same problems as the others? Would be weird, but you never know.
If you bought the steam version and havent refunded hoping for a patch...
Good thing I did, shame that Radeon users cant be Mega Man fans.
Amazon just emailed me that my PS4 statue CE was delayed a week. Nothing good ever comes of Mega Man related delays!![]()
So I've been out of the loop on this collection until recently. I just now heard about the input lag, sound issues, and slowdown (not in the originals).
Pretty bummed out, and am worried about picking it up now on the PS4. Hopefully the 3DS version somehow runs better. I don't have a good feeling about this.
I can try and answers questions about the 3DS version, if you guys have them.
Right off the bat, I tried the "Credits" feature and I am already not impressed! The vertical scrolling isn't smooth, with a judder every second like clockwork, and there's even some screen tearing. Screen tearing, on the 3DS!
Edit: I am not terribly happy with this performance. The levels don't feel like they're scrolling as smooth as they should be, and sometimes screen transitions are VERY juddery. (And sometimes not!)
Edit2: On a positive note, all the US and EU boxes and carts are available to view in the Museum. So that's nice.
I can try and answers questions about the 3DS version, if you guys have them.
No 3D in the games themselves, for sure?
Nope, no 3D in the games. The only 3D is that the borders sit a little way behind the gameplay screen.
I'll probably wait a bit with this one, as I can only get it digitally here in Europe (for 3DS). I have Project X Zone 2 and Bravely Second to play anyway, so I can wait a bit with this one. Still' it's cheaper to get it rather that buying all the Virtual Console -versions, even if they run a bit better.
I can try and answers questions about the 3DS version, if you guys have them.
Right off the bat, I tried the "Credits" feature and I am already not impressed! The vertical scrolling isn't smooth, with a judder every second like clockwork, and there's even some screen tearing. Screen tearing, on the 3DS!
Edit: I am not terribly happy with this performance. The levels don't feel like they're scrolling as smooth as they should be, and sometimes screen transitions are VERY juddery. (And sometimes not!)
Edit2: On a positive note, all the US and EU boxes and carts are available to view in the Museum. So that's nice.
So, the performance is worse than the 3DS Virtual Console versions of these games?
Yeah, it is. Though the difference in image quality sort of makes up for it, it's annoying every time you get a judder.
Just to make sure it wasn't anything to do with specific points in the level, I used an area in Metal Man's stage where you can ride a conveyor belt for a couple of screens without moving. Sometimes that movement smooth, sometimes it wasn't.
At least I haven't experienced any input lag or audio glitches! I guess that's something.