Please don't objectify her, men
Weird fetishEw. No. Not for me. That chin is HUGE. She looks like a young Jimmy Hill in drag.
Here is Jimmy Hill for those who don't know.
30 similiar pictures of the same girl blowing out the same candles on the same cake. Just one is fine.
I was thinking more of the photos of my niece who is ten, so to answer your question no, but hit me up in 8 years and ask again.Well, hang on... that depends - does your sister's friend also have a fantastic rack?
Check out Mrs Maisel s1e1 for the big reveal.Damn I had no idea she was rocking that kind of firepower.
You remind me of my sister
She don't be givin' no cause for nobody to be lookin' at no chin, oh no she ain't!Ew. No. Not for me. That chin is HUGE. She looks like a young Jimmy Hill in drag.
Ew. No. Not for me. That chin is HUGE. She looks like a young Jimmy Hill in drag.
Trust me they ain't worth it.Pics or it didn't happen
You think she is better looking than Amy Adams?She's the best movie version of Lois Lane and way better than the previous movie version of her
And I mean in looks. We shall see how she does in the new Superman movie
This place man. Like any of you would get into her bedroom yet going on about her chin.
Stay vain, GAF.
Kinda mid, we cant see her knees.
I don't think her chin looks like you could get pickles out of a jar with was all my point was.You really think her face looks good here? Not trying to be disrespectful or offensive but in this specific picture her face really looks like a trans person trying to look like a female. In general she is good looking but not something like drop dead gorgeous.
You remind me of my sister who, when asked how did the birthday party go, would then send me 30 similiar pictures of the same girl blowing out the same candles on the same cake. Just one is fine.
5/10 meh
Is that why you chose him?You remind me of the guy that cuts my hair - he’s gay.
Is that why you chose him?