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Welcome to the Metal Gear Community Thread! The hub on NeoGaf to talk all things Metal Gear.
General Forum Rules:
The most recent game should be discussed in its respective OT.
Most of these games have been out for a while so plot talk is ok. The only exception is Ground Zeroes. If you want to talk about that you should go to the Ground Zeroes Spoilers Thread
No David Hayter whining please.
This should go without saying but please be respectful of everyone. If you don't like a certain game that is fine, but don't put someone down because they like certain games....cough cough MGS4.
And as always, general forum rules apply
What is Metal Gear?
Well, a Metal Gear is basically a bipedal walking tank that can shoot nukes from anywhere in the world. But that’s probably not what you were looking for in an answer.
Metal Gear is a series of stealth action games by Hideo Kojima. The games have two overarching stories: One following the actions of Naked Snake/Big Boss and the other following his son/clone Solid Snake. Metal Gear is known for its epic (some may say convoluted) plots, crazy characters, wacky sensibility, and… them cutscenes.
What you’ve heard about Metal Gear’s cutscenes are true. They’re long, they’re drawn out at times, and sometimes they get in the way of the game. You’ll be happy to know that they’re well produced though! In all seriousness though, love ‘em or hate ‘em, Metal Gear is famous for those cutscenes.
How should I starting playing the Metal Gear games?
The good news? You can pretty much play most of the Metal Gear games on the PS3!
I would start with Metal Gear Solid (If you want the best looking version of MGS1 go with Twin Snakes on the Gamecube) and then work my way through in order of release.
Buy the MGS HD Collection, which includes MGS2, MGS3, and Peace Walker. The HD Collection also contains Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. All you have left after that is MGS4 and Ground Zeroes!
If you want to play the games in chronological order, it goes like this:
Portable Ops
Peace Walker
MGS5: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2
Metal Gear Rising
I would skip Portable Ops because 1: It’s only on the PSP (and PS Vita if you want to side load it) and 2: Though the core story is considered canon, Kojima did not write or direct this game. There are really only a couple things of importance that happen throughout the game plot wise. But if you really want more Metal Gear then don’t let me stop you!
The first two Metal Gear games came out on the MSX in Japan. You don’t need to play those games before Metal Gear Solid 1 to understand the plot but they are included with the HD Collection. Just go ahead and read a wiki on the plot of those two games.
Metal Gear Rising is different from the other MG games as it is developed by Platinum Games and is a character action game. If you like either of the two things in the latter half of the last sentence then you’re in luck as MGR is great! And even if you’re intimidated by character action games, give MGR a chance as Platinum has kept in mind that regular Metal Gear fans will want to enjoy it.
Games (In Order of Release):
Metal Gear (1987)

The game that started it all. Solid Snake of FOXHOUND is sent to Outer Heaven by his commanding officer Big Boss to find out what is “METAL GEAR….”.
Setting: 1995
Platforms: MSX2, NES, DOS, Commodore 64, Gamecube, Mobile Phones, PS2, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox 360.
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (1990)

Snake is sent to Zanzibarland in order to rescue Dr. Kio Marv, creator of an artificial oil called OLIX.
Setting: 1999
Platforms: MSX2 (Original), Mobile Phones, PS2, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox 360.
Metal Gear Solid (1998)

Snake is dragged out of retirement to deal with his former unit, FOXHOUND. They have taken over Shadow Moses Island in Alaska and with it, a Metal Gear. Their demands? The remains of the legendary soldier, Big Boss.
Setting: 2005
Platforms: PS1, PS3, PSP, PS Vita, PC.
Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel (2000)

A non-canon portable spinoff.
Platforms: Game Boy Color
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001)

A terrorist unit calling themselves the Sons of Liberty haven taken over an offshore cleaning facility, the Big Shell. New hero Raiden is sent to recover the United States president who is being held captive.
Setting: 2007, 2009
Platforms: PS2, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox, Xbox 360, PC.
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (2004)

The Twin Snakes is a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid by Silicon Knights. The game includes the obvious graphical improvements but also redone cutscenes, voice work, and gameplay.
Platforms: Gamecube
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004)

The origin story of Big Boss. A young Big Boss (known then as Naked Snake) is sent on a mission to prove America’s innocence in a nuclear attack in Russia. In order to do this, Snake must kill his mentor, the mother of Special Forces, the Boss.
Setting: 1964
Platforms: PS2, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox, Xbox 360.
Metal Gear Acid (2005)

A spin-off turn based collectible card.
Platforms: PSP
Metal Gear Acid 2 (2006)

The sequel to Metal Gear Acid.
Platforms: PSP
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (2006)

Set six years after Snake Eater, Snake is on a mission to apprehend his former unit FOX which has gone renegade.
Setting: 1970
Platforms: PSP
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2008)

In a world where “War has changed”, an accelerated aged Solid Snake is sent on a Mission to assassinate his twin/rival Liquid Ocelot. NANOMACHINES.
Setting: 2014
Platforms: PS3
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (2010)

Snake has established the word’s first PMC, the Militaires Sans Frontieres (French for Soldiers without Borders). Snake’s unit is sent to investigate US involvement in Costa Rica and the possible return of an old mentor.
Setting: 1974
Platforms: PSP, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox 360.
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (2011)

This collection contains MGS2, MGS3, and Peace Walker in stunning HD and a silky smooth 60 frames per second (on consoles). The Vita version only contains MGS2 and MGS3. This is the definitive way to play these games.
Platforms: PS3, PS Vita, Xbox 360.
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D (2012)

Snake Eater 3D is a port of MGS3 to the Nintendo 3DS. It features additional gameplay features such as crouch walking and over the shoulder aiming.
Platforms: 3DS
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2013)

Nanomachines son.
Ok, Ok a real synopsis. In this Platinum developed character action game, you play as cyborg ninja Raiden in the aftermath of MGS4.
Setting: 2018
Platforms: PS3, Xbox 360, PC.
Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection (2013)

A Metal Gear fan’s dream. This mega pack includes:
The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions
Two Digital Graphic Novels
An art book
Unfortunately this set is hard to find and thus prices have gone up for it.
Platforms: PS3
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (2014)

The first Metal Gear in our current console generation.
The prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Paz and Chico are captured by Cypher and held in a Cuban prison camp for interrogation. Snake embarks on a rescue mission in order to save the two before they compromise MSF.
Setting: 1975
Platforms: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (TBD)

The Phantom Pain is set 9 years after Ground Zeroes. During this time, Snake has been in a coma and awakens to exact revenge for the actions that took place during Ground Zeroes.
TPP will be Metal Gear’s first foray into open world gameplay. The game is said to be “over 200 times larger than Ground Zeroes”. The game currently does not have a release date but is rumored to come out in early 2015 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4.
Special Shout-out to Marcedn over at Deviant Art for letting me use his art for the cover banner. Check out his work on Deviant Art here. http://marcedn.deviantart.com/
Community Spotlight
Checkout Jerrod's Ground Zeroes' speed runs here. He's currently number 1 on the Xbox One leader boards for a lot of categories!
Also check out the granddaddy of all Metal Gear, no all OTs here on neogaf: BruceLeeRoy's Metal Gear Solid 4 OT