Ruined my desire to give a shit about MGS at all anymore till GZ came along.You make it sound like MGS 4 ruined your life eheh
Ruined my desire to give a shit about MGS at all anymore till GZ came along.You make it sound like MGS 4 ruined your life eheh
Yeah I agree with that, I was talking specifically about him trying to kill you during the bike chase after he clearly tried to help you versus volgin.
Who knows though... if he had of hit and killed snake would it have furhered his agenda?... I put it simply like this... If he was trying to kill you, and succeeded, could oscelot have carried on to achieve "his" goals..
Hey everyone I've been in class the last couple of hours but I just wanted to thank everyone for the kind words about the thread. I was really nervous about doing this at first but I'm glad I did it.
And while we're ranking games, my top 5 are:
MGS: PW (Currently playing right now, but I know its good)
I haven't played PO, and I still haven't finished MGS1 (I'm working on it!). 4 is my favorite because it was my introduction to the series. It may be a mess in a lot of ways but its nostalgic value for me is too high.
I'm also a bit bias towards games featuring Big Boss since I think he's a cooler character.
Ok, everyone is ranking their Metal Gear games. I just want to be popular:
MGS = MGS3 > MGS2 = MGS4 >> MG2:SS >>Peace Walker >> MG1 >> Portable Ops
Only mainline titles. I'm not including Ground Zeroes even though I really liked it, because I want to wait and play The Phantom Pain.
MGS4 is awful.
The third act was fucking terrible
Ruined my desire to give a shit about MGS at all anymore till GZ came along.
MGS 4 is one of the best games of last gen, get at me brehs.
We're pretty close here. I knew from the other threads you knew what's up.
Also: can we all agree that MGS2 has the best videogame opening of all time?
"The Hudson River, two years ago..."
Im surprised to see MGS 2 so low, what do you dislike about it considering that MGS 4 is your favourite and that one continues the events setup by mgs 2.
Dat fucking bridge jump, brah.
And not only the event itself. The scene direction, the special effects (Still blow my mind to this day. Best rain efect EVER). And DAT MUSIC.
"I didn't plan on relying on that gadget anyway..."
Ruined my desire to give a shit about MGS at all anymore till GZ came along.
MGS4 is amazing. How can you hate something with this:
Is the cutscenes in it too long? Hell yeah. Does the story make no fucking sense at times? Yep. Too much nanomachines? You bet ya, but I love the shit out of it
I still wouldn't care about it, numbered or not, if the game play wasn't vastly improved as it is. The story will be an add on, shitty or not, it has no bearing on my enjoyment. The game play is so solid. More so than I hoped it would be."Ruined my desire to give a shit about MGS until the next numbered MGS was announced"
Although when GZ was announced it wasn't numbered.
Winner of NeoGAF GOTY award.twice
I forgot Rising in my rankings. BLASPHEMY. I have to cleanse myself from my sins.. How dare I..
MGS 4 > MGS 2 > MGS 1 > MGS 3 > Rising > PW > PO
Rising is so cool. It backtracked on Raiden's character development buttfuckit, the game is badass.
MGR: Revengeance - It Has To Be This Way
Is the cutscenes in it too long? Hell yeah. Does the story make no fucking sense at times? Yep. Too much nanomachines? You bet ya, but I love the shit out of it
And not only the event itself. The scene direction, the special effects (Still blow my mind to this day. Best rain efect EVER). And DAT MUSIC.
"I didn't plan on relying on that gadget anyway..."
I know it might seem weird that these were a surprise hit but hear me out.
So I only jumped into the MGS bandwagon in 2012. This was a time where my internet lurking did not include gaming related stuff for the most part, I was completely ignorant about the magnitude of the franchise. All I knew was that this was a game that my brothers had played when they were teens and I was a little kid. I remember that they loved this game and I had faint memories of cool looking boss fights and stuff. Fast forward to 2012 and now my eldest brother buys Metal Gear Solid 2(they kinda dropped out of gaming during he early 2000's , my eldest brother must have been feeling nostalgic and he wanted to see what the sequels were all about.), well he bought it and he played through the tanker chapter and dropped it for some reason, however my other older brother played through the entire game and I watched a few parts of it here and there and the narrative was super compelling(this is when I found out the MGS games were very story heavy, I thought they were gameplay oriented stealth games).
With that I decided to get the first MGS for my psp and see what the fuss was all about.. I struggled with the gameplay early on because this was my first experience with a stealth game but the narrative, voice acting and long cutscenes pulled me in completely. I could not stop playing this game. The gameplay was tons of fun too with great boss fights and a lot of imaginative ways to tackle problems. In every step of the way I was completely baffled that a non RPG game had such a great story(in 2012 let's just say that my knowledge of gaming in general was very limited and it was playing games like MGS that made me crazy about gaming and basically it's a central part of my life now.).
I finished it in 2 days and I had to immediately start up MGS 2.. Playing MGS 2 was like reaching a new level of enlightment.. I was completely blown away by all the twists, philosofical commentary and level of complexity of the story.. I played it in a single sitting and jesus fucking christ was it good.. Another one of my all time favourites. MGS 1 shattered expectations because I was ignorant about the series, MGS 2 shattered expectations when they were already sky high coming off of MGS 1.
Of course in the vacinity of 2 days I bought MGS 3 for the ps2 and also played it in a few sittings but it didn't raise the bar after MGS 2.
Damn I made a mistake in the re iteration of my rankings MGS 2 > MGS 4 not the other way around.RULES OF NATURE!
I fucking love Tanker. It's so awesome. The whole thing is just perfect. Ocelot's scenes near the end are great, too.
"The gift of the silver tongue...they say it's the mark of a good officer...and of a LIAR!"
Anyway, so what was y'all first Metal Gear game? What's your MGS history? I played them in kind of a weird way. Basically, I watched my friend play through MGS1. I think he got through the whole thing but I honestly can't remember. I played it a bit, but seeing as if I didn't own it I don't think I ever got through all of it. Loved everything about the game because it was so cinematic and awesome. I didn't have a PS1 at the time, but when MGS2 hit I bought it and a PS2 immediately. I guess you could say that was my "first" MGS game (that I actually played through completely). Loved pretty much everything about it. Was disappointed that I was Raiden in the second half of the game, but honestly that just grew the Solid Snake mythos for me (as he's a badass side character that is nigh unstoppable). Bought TWIN SNAKES for GC and loved every goddamn second of it. Even though it was Matrix-y and cheesy at times, still really solidified MGS as my favorite series.
Then, of course, there is MGS3. I was really worried that they were going back in time to 64. I wanted more Solid Snake, I wanted them to tie up the loose ends of MGS2 and introduce more crazy futuristic military shit. Anyway, I bought it immediately because at that point I was a die-hard fan. Something clicked like no other game has since. I can't remember how many times I've beat MGS3. I think I have like 5 or 6 different versions of it. Fast forward to MGS4, the PSP games, and of course GZ, and here I am today.
Let's just get some shit straight.
I don't know how i feel about Ground Zeroes yet.
This is by far the best rendition of the main theme:
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Main Theme
It represents the soul of the franchise beautifully.(Especially from 2:43 onwards)
It's easily one of my favorite main themes in the video game industry.
When it comes to the "new" Metal Gear Solid theme, I would go for "Metal Gear Saga" from MGS4:
The part when the tune slows down into a sad, melancholic melody gets me every time.
Also the Soundtrack goes so deep, being able to play all the tunes on the iPod, Love Theme, Old Snake, Father & Son, Here's To You, Metal Gear Saga and of courseJust really really good.The Best is Yet to Come in Shadow Moses.
Oh man Metal Gear Saga is so good aswell.. Especially when it plays during the last boss fight. It's the stuff of legend.
Oh man Metal Gear Saga is so good aswell.. Especially when it plays during the last boss fight. It's the stuff of legend.
I'm a huge fan of Ground Zeroes' theme "Here's To You", there's just something about it that really clicks with me, love it! Anyone else?
The part when the sad melody starts during Metal Gear Saga is forever engraved into my brain as the music that plays at the moment when Big Boss disconnects Zero's life support and hugs his old friend/foe one more time as he dies.
Holy shit. IMPOSSIBLE to hate such a scene. It truly made me shed manly tears.