"He got away again - and this time we can't track him. So no mission for you." S. M. H.
Alright thanks. I'll just aim for the AI pods
He's hidden in a level now, so unless you really want to scour every last mission to find him, here's where he is, spoilered just in case you don't want to know.
Extra Ops 1, take the stairs and you'll find him.
I forgot to tell you that even then, you're not 100% guaranteed to get that part - it just increases your chances. Silly Kojima.
is it bad that I don't care about the tapes in GZ ?
-_- Kojimaaaaaaaa!
Kojima stated that one of the inspirations in that game was Pokemon Gold, for better or worse.
I suppose that's why it feels so grind-ish, in addition to having a bit of a Monster Hunter feel.![]()
is it bad that I don't care about the tapes in GZ ?
If only he was inspired by something less grindy and that had better bosses...like Metal Gear Solid for example
I think that just drastically-reducing the grind aspect would make the bosses and Mother Base management much better.
Most of the story is on those tapes. I would highly recommend finding them and listening to them. You will learn a lot of things. Trust me. In fact, the tapes have more story and depth in them than the cutscenes in GZ.
True. I don't actually dislike the bosses, but I miss the creative human bosses with puzzle elements and tons of ways to beat them, instead of just 'run around shooting'
Most of the story is on those tapes. I would highly recommend finding them and listening to them. You will learn a lot of things. Trust me. In fact, the tapes have more story and depth in them than the cutscenes in GZ.
And more Kiefer!
Seriously though, he talks a bit more there so if anyone needs more of a sample to base how good of a job he's doing, listen to those.
I think Hayter would have done fine if they had him revert back to MGS1 gruff. He was perfectly fine with that. How you do the BB meetup with Snake (if that happens) I don't know. Less talk all around will be better, since Kojima won't write as much time filler bullshit, and it lets the glorious game play not be intruded upon as much.
Thinking about picking up the Metal Gear HD Collection. I like the idea of having them on my Vita, but I would have to also pay for Peace Walker, so I'm leaning towards the PS3 versions. Any suggestions?
It really depends on how you want to play the games.
Also, does anyone know if the Vita version of Peace Walker has online play that lets you play with PS3 players?
Portable would be slightly better for me. I can just hope that Peace Walker for PSP goes on sale at some point. DECISIONS! DAMN YOU GOLDEN WEEK SALE!
Okay, facing Solidus with the katana is probably one of my favorite boss fights now. Really enjoyed that game even though that super long cutscene just gave me a headache. The whole GW and S3 nonsense.
Starting up Snake Eater tonight. I did get to the first area today, though. What does it matter what I choose at the beginning when it has the options to "Like" Mgs1, Mgs2, or Mgs3?
Okay, facing Solidus with the katana is probably one of my favorite boss fights now. Really enjoyed that game even though that super long cutscene just gave me a headache. The whole GW and S3 nonsense.
Starting up Snake Eater tonight. I did get to the first area today, though. What does it matter what I choose at the beginning when it has the options to "Like" Mgs1, Mgs2, or Mgs3?
I think it changes difficulty modes and maybe there's some easter eggs? I don't remember.
I'll try one save file going for 100% stealth. Is it tough to do? I'm on easy or normal.
Easy or normal? Which is it?
Either way, 100% stealth is pretty easy if you're familiar with Metal Gear Solid gameplay... especially if you're playing on easy or normal.
First two games beaten on easy. Just wanted to get the story. So i'll be hopping up to normal for this one then. I do believe I'll be ready for that.
I just got played like a fiddle.
Okay, facing Solidus with the katana is probably one of my favorite boss fights now. Really enjoyed that game even though that super long cutscene just gave me a headache. The whole GW and S3 nonsense.
Starting up Snake Eater tonight. I did get to the first area today, though. What does it matter what I choose at the beginning when it has the options to "Like" Mgs1, Mgs2, or Mgs3?
You're damn right you did. How'd you like it?
The gameplay was great in the sense of controls and options. The sandbox was really huge. But I felt it lacked content and of course was short. I feel like I got lucky and found where I needed go instead of really searching.
I messed up a few times with getting spotted. "Fuck it, we'll do it leathal!"
The ending is a cliff hanger the sets up TTP. Now, such hype. Not sure how I like the new voice after doing a marathon through the series.
I know the meat is in the side missions. Probably play the main a few times more and the sides.
Ground Zeroes could easily be the opening mission to The Phantom Pain.
You complete GZ, and know all the awesome stuff is going to be in TPP.
And I saw a strange rumor/spoiler that I am not so sure how I feel about.
Playing through again and taking my time. Nobody sees me. Then some dude with his back turned spots me behind the upstairs wall. Thanks bad guy.
Man I can't even imagine what he will be showing with this one! I hope it is as long as the red band trailer!
Here's the question and answer - it starts with ZOE and then goes to the MSX games.
Yeah, he's so electric in those Kojima Station episodes!![]()
Yeah, he was excited during those times. It looks like he has renewed interest in the series once again, which is cool. But we'll see when the main game finally gets released. From the written interviews/articles, he seemed happy with PW too, in terms of it being an experiment.
M47 Rocket Launcher is the best. But yeah, even then. Chrysallis is an annoying piece of junk.
Calling it, he will show (young) Solid Snake.
Also, he's almost finished with the trailer? dang i hope he didn't rush it. MGS trailers are always so much hype and last years E3 trailer was one of the best trailers ever!
Ah well, in Kojima we trust.
Most of the story is on those tapes. I would highly recommend finding them and listening to them. You will learn a lot of things. Trust me. In fact, the tapes have more story and depth in them than the cutscenes in GZ.
Which is frustrating.
It's like budget storytelling.
Where are the FUCKING cutscenes?
I don't even get a picture to stare at like in Peace Walker?!
Should I close my eyes and use my Sense while listening to?Skull Face raping Paz
The whole tapes thing really felt lackluster in comparison to the rest of the Solid series. AnD I get the logical reason to use tapes: I just feel like I'm (the player) being Punished (Snake).
Is that the intent?
Eh, I liked the tapes. It would be weird to have a series of disconnected cutscenes, and it gives the player something to hunt down. Not to mention Kojima would get a ton of flack for showing what the tapes described, so leaving it to the player's imagination was a much smarter choice.
And I like that you get a nice, lean story for ground zeroes that doesn't get in the way of gameplay too much, but if you want to delve deeper into the backstory you can hunt down and listen to the tapes.
I also really like the sound design of the tapes, which realistic whirring and clicking of a cassette player, and all the sounds are well done so you can infer what is going on in the scene.
Wow thanks for the reply! I appreciate it, that was a cool interview I really enjoyed it. But again man, he just has so much energy when speaking his native tongue I wish he could get his terrible translator to translate some of that instead.![]()
That said, I didn't really get the same vibe from his interviews about Peace Walker(plus I didn't like Peace Walker for the most part) but this..I dunno man I just have this gut feeling that this will be the best Metal Gear ever.
It's just a hunch.![]()
All your points are valid and I agree that the audio production quality is superb, and that you can't show the graphic scene, but it's frustrating that there is so little story presented through cutscenes and so much story presented through audio; it's just antithetical to the MGS (edit: outside of CODEC calls of course; though I guess these could sort of be thought as something akin to CODEC calls...) I've loved from MGS1-4 (PW is a mixed bag...).
It's not the same. I've played all of the missions. I'm mainly referring to the GZ mission.
Edit: above...
If young Solid Snake is in the game (which he might be, but I don't think he will be) I doubt Kojima would spoil that in a trailer.
The trailer will no doubt be awesome though. He really outdid himself with the "not your kind of people" and Red Band trailers.
I could see Kojima putting Solid Snake in TPP. I mean,Your opinion is the minority seeing as most people think Solid Snake is going to be in the game in some form or another. Any reason why you don't think he will be in TPP?Liquid is basically confirmed.
If anything, he'll be in the last scene of the game, or in a scene at the end of the credits. >_<