. I voted for it over my own (the release date title, :lol).
I think it's the best because... hmm... it's the most original? It just happend "naturally" :lol
. I voted for it over my own (the release date title, :lol).
Metal Gear Community |OT2| What the fuck happened here? You people are insane.
Voted on this one.
I think it's the best because... hmm... it's the most original? It just happend "naturally" :lol
I am too far down the wall of shame![]()
I voted for What the fuck happened here? You people are insane.
But I silll love this one
|OT2| N4G where's the checks ?
This thread will reach 20000 posts today!
351 post lawd I love this community it doesn't feel as much.
It's happening guys!
GIT GUD :smugface:
Les Enfants Terribles.
Les Enfants Terribles.
Dawg was the bad clone? lol
Dawg was the bad clone? lol
Dawg was the bad clone? lol
Les Enfants Terribles.
He recieved all the recessive genes!
Liquid knows how to fly a Hind D, and can take out 2 F-16s in a blizzard with one. He seems fully competent at piloting REX, even without his radome he does pretty well. He does a good enough job deceiving the high command and Snake as Master Miller. You find out later Liquid intentionally leads you through the game to let you do the work in activating REX. He gets shot down in his chopper too, yet survives. Also in REX when the mouth is open the final Stinger shot is in Liquids face, but he survives a head on attack. When you finally come to you're on top of REX. I don't remember seeing a ladder but somehow liquid scaled Metal Gear with you on his shoulder to have a fist fight. When the fight finally does take place look who's life bar is bigger. After falling what looks like 50 feet Liquid comes to, and jumps in a jeep chasing you guys, probably bleeding internally with several broken bones. Then he gets lit up by a turret and rolling over in a bad car accident he's still in the fight and after you. And in the end it's only foxdie that takes him out.
That's a pretty dedicated soldier if you ask me.
So what can we discuss in 1500 posts. Hmmm...MGS4>MGS3. Agree?
Yea, now that you mention it Liquid was near invincible.Liquid knows how to fly a Hind D, and can take out 2 F-16s in a blizzard with one. He seems fully competent at piloting REX, even without his radome he does pretty well. He does a good enough job deceiving the high command and Snake as Master Miller. You find out later Liquid intentionally leads you through the game to let you do the work in activating REX. He gets shot down in his chopper too, yet survives. Also in REX when the mouth is open the final Stinger shot is in Liquids face, but he survives a head on attack. When you finally come to you're on top of REX. I don't remember seeing a ladder but somehow liquid scaled Metal Gear with you on his shoulder to have a fist fight. When the fight finally does take place look who's life bar is bigger. After falling what looks like 50 feet Liquid comes to, and jumps in a jeep chasing you guys, probably bleeding internally with several broken bones. Then he gets lit up by a turret and rolling over in a bad car accident he's still in the fight and after you. And in the end it's only foxdie that takes him out.
That's a pretty dedicated soldier if you ask me.
Oh, shit, son. Spittin' hot fiaaa! I don't necessarily disagree. I've always loved MGS3, but my appreciation for it has grown a hundred fold over the past couple of years. Overall, I've played more MGS4 than MGS3, but since the release of the HD Collection, I've probably spent more time with MGS3. Noticed something when playing MGS4 last night: How gripping the cinematics are. I've seen them a billion times, yet when I loaded up my most recent save (haven't played in a few months, but was at Act 4), I couldn't stop watching the Crying Wolf cutscenes. MGS4 has some of the best moments in all of gaming, in my opinion. Act 5 is one of my all-time favorite chapters in a game, for example. Sneaking in Outer Haven, Gekko units impeding your progress-- doesn't get much better than that. These games, I appreciate them so much more years down the line simply because there is nothing like them. Regardless, these games are all so special in their own ways. This series is the only one I can think of that offers a completely different experience from one game to the next; remarkable, really.
Voted for 'What the fuck happened here? You people are insane'.
I'm proud for my vote, democracy will prevail.
Also i have a proud spot in the wall of shame. High enough to be present, but low enough to pass unnoticed. A real sneaking git.
Chill MGS2 > MGS3 come at me.You are insane. What the fuck people? Here happened something.
MGS3 is by far the best Metal Gear Solid game ever!
It has everything!
Enough said.
And I want now that Kojima does what he always wanted. Make a mgs game based on The Boss.
Yea, now that you mention it Liquid was near invincible.
Chill MGS2 > MGS3 come at me.
But that's the only thing good about MGS2, the VR Missions.
You are insane. What the fuck people? Here happened something.
MGS3 is by far the best Metal Gear Solid game ever!
It has everything!
Enough said.
And I want now that Kojima does what he always wanted. Make a mgs game based on The Boss.
Chill MGS2 > MGS3 come at me.
I'm split between MGS1 and MGS2 being my favorite.Chill MGS2 > MGS3 come at me.
Jesus christ, thats terrifying.
Likewise, my appreciation for MGS3 has grown in the last few years because of the HD collection. I initally didn't really care for it when it came out. I'd go as far as saying that it was a disappointment. I still really enjoyed the ending and the bosses were cool but I didn't want a prequel and I didn't want a jungle setting as well as disliking the camo and healing systems. Because of that, I didn't bother with Subsistence so I didn't the get the superior camera until the HD collection and boy, did that fucking work wonders for that game. I never hated it but my opinion of it certainly swung upward with that new camera. I've gotten into the gameplay more since then and it may actually be the most fun to speedrun. If I was given the option to do a Big Boss (or Foxhound) run right now, I would probably pick MGS3 and that's the one I've done more recently.Oh, shit, son. Spittin' hot fiaaa! I don't necessarily disagree. I've always loved MGS3, but my appreciation for it has grown a hundred fold over the past couple of years. Overall, I've played more MGS4 than MGS3, but since the release of the HD Collection, I've probably spent more time with MGS3. Noticed something when playing MGS4 last night: How gripping the cinematics are. I've seen them a billion times, yet when I loaded up my most recent save (haven't played in a few months, but was at Act 4), I couldn't stop watching the Crying Wolf cutscenes. MGS4 has some of the best moments in all of gaming, in my opinion. Act 5 is one of my all-time favorite chapters in a game, for example. Sneaking in Outer Haven, Gekko units impeding your progress, a Mantis fight, and one final showdown with BROTHER-- doesn't get much better than that. These games, I appreciate them so much more years down the line simply because there is nothing like them. Regardless, these games are all so special in their own ways. This series is the only one I can think of that offers a completely different experience from one game to the next; remarkable, really.
So what can we discuss in 1500 posts. Hmmm...MGS4>MGS3. Agree?
I'm split between MGS1 and MGS2 being my favorite.
It's not perfect by any means, and has some bad boss encounters here and there, but the level design in this thing is phenomenal.
Ofc the current 'open world/multiple path' stealth direction is better, but for its time and considering the HW limitations, it was a masterpiece.
Chllin. Getting a new phone tomorrow though.Whats everyone doing this sunday?![]()
Oh yeah, MGS2 is definitely the best for AI Campbell alone. Nothing more memorable than that awesome shit.Chill MGS2 > MGS3 come at me.
Read your quote again and think about Metal Gear Solid 3.
Bosses, they are all awesome in their way.
The End, The Fear, The Sorrow, The Fury, The Pain, The Boss, Volgin, Ocelot, Ocelot Unit,
Level design
And MGS3 was also ahead of it's time.
Geez guys, this isn't even a worthy discussion.
MGS3 > all MGS titles together.
It honestly would suprise me if MGSV can top this.
MGS3 > all MGS titles together.
I still believe that MGS2 level design > MGS3 level design.
I also believe that gameplay mechanics wise, GZ > any other MGS title ever.
When TPP releases, having the gameplay from GZ + other mechanics shown already + bosses, i have no doubt it will be the best MGS of all time.
TPP has to fuck up royally to miss that spot, it already has the basis of a perfect MGS.
PS.Let's argue more, let's fight even. Those last posts won't post themselves.
Likewise, my appreciation for MGS3 has grown in the last few years because of the HD collection. I initally didn't really care for it when it came out. I'd go as far as saying that it was a disappointment. I still really enjoyed the ending and the bosses were cool but I didn't want a prequel and I didn't want a jungle setting as well as disliking the camo and healing systems. Because of that, I didn't bother with Subsistence so I didn't the get the superior camera until the HD collection and boy, did that fucking work wonders for that game. I never hated it but my opinion of it certainly swung upward with that new camera. I've gotten into the gameplay more since then and it may actually be the most fun to speedrun. If I was given the option to do a Big Boss (or Foxhound) run right now, I would probably pick MGS3 and that's the one I've done more recently.
With some of the things that I initially didn't like about MGS3, you'd think it would carry over to MGS4 but no. I guess by then I was more open to change in the series so I could get into the octocamo and the outside environments. And yes, those cutscenes are great. Yea, there's some stupid stuff like dumb proposal scenes but you can really get caught up in the action of those scenes. Great game and it sometimes hurts to see it hated so much around here. These games are definitely all unique in their own way and now we're getting an open world Metal Gear. How fucking crazy is that!?
I know what you mean about wanting to divert from your goal and explore the world. Remember that mansion in what I think was the Gamescom demo across from the bridge? There was a ton of comments from people wanting the demo to take them in there and I was one of them. I'm sure there will be a mission infiltrating it, heck, there could be a few side missions around that mansion but I'm sure as fuck am going to find it myself as soon as we're allowed into that map. Can't wait!Yeah! It's understandable. MGS3's setting is complete opposite of MGS2, so if you really love 2, I can see why it'd be hard to adjust. Funny, I remember watching the E3 2003 trailer for MGS3, thinking "I never knew that a MGS2 successor in a jungle is what I wanted more than anything ever in life, but now I have to have it!" I absolutely loved MGS3 when it arrived, but man, the Subsistence version really propelled it to new heights, for sure, in part because the game is so beautiful and it gives you a better look at all of the details (and the gameplay advantages, of course). Subsistence was such an amazing package. My God. Metal Gear Online quickly become my favorite online game (until the second iteration launched with MGS4).
Yeah, no doubt. Too many people spend way too much time thinking about the sorts of things that happen in these games, and not enough time simply having fun and enjoying the ride. Everyone is always so busy trying to determine what they hate most after Act 2 that I think they overlook some really great moments-- especially boss battles.
This is precisely why an open world Metal Gear is a dream come true. Hideo Kojima detail, Easter Eggs in a gigantic open world. Sweet Jesus, yes. I will touch every spot on the map just exploring. Like, every time I watch the E3/Gamescom 2014 demo(s), I just think "Wow. I want to see what happens when you make a right (or left) instead of keeping straight at the fork in the road." Man, you can just tell that this is what Kojima has always had in mind simply because you see the ideas in place in prior games. In MGS3, you could sort of make your way to a fortress and then infiltrate, but most of the focus was on what you did at your target rather than what you did to get to your target and then what you did once you got there. Like, every time these gameplay demos are shown, I can't help but think "Hey, that area we didn't see, take me there!"