Sweet, it's up? Any impressions yet? I'll grab it as soon as I get home.
It only went up like right when I made my post.I'm about half finished downloading it, though, and will play it as soon as it's done and post some impressions.
I guess don't forget to download the latest game update (1.04) if you haven't already. 401mb on PS3.
It's fun so far. Already met the new Wind of Destruction. Haven't fought him yet, though. Hope he has his own theme song.
Yeah, those. I don't remember anything's name.you mean the GRAD?
Version 1.04 is a separate download on PS3? Do we know if it's the same for the 360? All of the version updates for the 360 version have been required downloads on startup or included with DLC.
- Wolf's chainsaw tail has pretty long range.
- Blade mode and dashing are there, of course. No auto platforming with dashing. Have to jump manually. One of the early missions is a platforming mission so maybe there's more of that later.
- Wolf has stealth takedowns, unlike Sam, and there seems to be a bigger focus on it. There's a trophy for doing 30 of them.
- New subweapon: throwing knives.
- Crazy spinning aerial move is cool. (Replacement for Raiden's flying kick.)
- Bladewolf's boss battle theme plays during regular fights.
- So far, absolutely 0 new areas. Not even new places built out of old assets.
- Wolf naturally feels more different from Raiden than Sam did.
It's fun so far. Already met the new Wind of Destruction. Haven't fought him yet, though. Hope he has his own theme song.
- So far, absolutely 0 new areas. Not even new places built out of old assets.
Crouching restores health, apparently.
EDIT: Khamsin disappeared during the finishing blow.Looked like a bug.
And done. Game clock (which only counts time in combat) says 1:11. Sam's DLC took me 1:24, for the sake of comparison.
Boss battle had repair nanopastes everywhere.![]()
Any worthwhile story or cutscene goodness?
This is why I won't buy them until they go on sale.These DLCs would be a lot more palatable if the characters were playable in the regular story levels. Even without cutscenes or codec calls or anything.
It gives a bit more insight into Blade Wolf's life before meeting Raiden. The story is basically as major as the story in Sam's DLC. (So not really important.)
Soooo... Mistral's pretty hot... you know... for a cyborg.
Are you jealous of her Dwarf Gekko chair
Are you jealous of her Dwarf Gekko chair
Are you jealous of her Dwarf Gekko chair
Got the Hard mode No Damage trophy, not sure why it wasn't working on my previous playthrough....
For people having trouble with him,but he's really fun to fight legit anyway.EMP grenades make him a complete joke
I was wrong about the DLC having no titles, just got one for doing 30 wolf hunt kills during a playthrough. Looks like theres 3 in total just like Sam.
- Wolf's chainsaw tail has pretty long range.
- Blade mode and dashing are there, of course. No auto platforming with dashing. Have to jump manually. One of the early missions is a platforming mission so maybe there's more of that later.
- Wolf has stealth takedowns, unlike Sam, and there seems to be a bigger focus on it. There's a trophy for doing 30 of them.
- New subweapon: throwing knives.
- Crazy spinning aerial move is cool. (Replacement for Raiden's flying kick.)
- Bladewolf's boss battle theme plays during regular fights.
- So far, absolutely 0 new areas. Not even new places built out of old assets.
- Wolf naturally feels more different from Raiden than Sam did.
It's fun so far. Already met the new Wind of Destruction. Haven't fought him yet, though. Hope he has his own theme song.
Ouch, might just watch this on youtube maybe (for dat Mistral).