Vamphuntr said:Yeah but at least you remove a feature from them. This is so annoying. Shame on the people that leak them online too. They are as guilty as the pirate.
Takao said:All that would've done is keep the hackers out of the multiplayer modes. It would've still been pirated.
DaFish said:How large of a file size is the PSN version supposed to be?
DaFish said:How large of a file size is the PSN version supposed to be?
oh boy... UMD for me thenTheSeks said:1.8 gig, basically the whole UMD. That's not counting the 800meg install for audio.
Master Pain said:Local Walmart had it out in the case already, got excited for a moment but knew it was too good to be true, I never get any releases early. It wouldn't let them ring it up until tomorrowI wonder if going back at midnight would work.
TTP said:Just completed the game (review code I had sitting here for a while) after an almost non-stop 20circa hrs session.
It's that good. Sits right there alongside MGS3. Bosses are friggin incredible as well as everything else basically. I'm speechless.
Blu_LED said:Just though I'd remind everyone now,
Please don't ruin this for us.
TheSeks said:1.8 gig, basically the whole UMD. That's not counting the 800meg install for audio.
Audio, but slower loading times.chandoog said:What does the other 300mb install do ?
Yoshi256 said:Sounds great.
Speaking bout reviews, it seems the gaming press has forgotten that there are still coming interesting games on PSP.
Zero. :-(
Yoshi256 said:Sounds great.
Speaking bout reviews, it seems the gaming press has forgotten that there are still coming interesting games on PSP.
Zero. :-(
Yoshi256 said:Speaking bout reviews, it seems the gaming press has forgotten that there are still coming interesting games on PSP.
TheSeks said:OH WHAT A THRILL~~~~~~~
Review Embargoooooooo *doo doo doooooo~*
Yoshi256 said:Review embargos for PSP games make so much sense.
The hype in the boards is incredible. NOT.
Everybody was freaking out when MGS: Guns of the Patriots hit the stores and now there are even MGS fans that didn't know about Peace Walker until I told them.
Why would you need to install content when it's on the system storage already (PSN version, obviously - I can understand why it's there for UMD)? Surely they'd have optimised the PSN download version to accommodate this?Vamphuntr said:Around 1.7 GB. If you want to have audio codec during gameplay you must do an install of 800 mb. Make sure you have 2.5 GB free
It's optional stuff. Mostly voice acting for non-cutscenes.Omikaru said:Why would you need to install content when it's on the system storage? Surely they'd have optimised the PSN download version to accommodate this?
Omikaru said:Why would you need to install content when it's on the system storage? Surely they'd have optimised the PSN download version to accommodate this?
Omikaru said:Why would you need to install content when it's on the system storage already (PSN version, obviously - I can understand why it's there for UMD)? Surely they'd have optimised the PSN download version to accommodate this?
TheSeks said:All PSN releases (UMD/PSX/whatever) are just straight ISO dumps. ALL of them. Optimizing for PSN relases takes time and money, and WE CAN'T HAVE THAT.
I get that, but if I get it on PSN (which I am - PSP Go user here; would prefer to not play it on my PSP-1000) then the whole thing will be installed to my system storage, so why bother having the option of installing from the system storage to the system storage? It just seems like a waste of space to me.Blu_LED said:It's optional stuff. Mostly voice acting for non-cutscenes.
Vamphuntr said:Nope, they did not :lol . You are litteraly downloading a 1 : 1 copy of the UMD.
Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up, guys.TheSeks said:All PSN releases (UMD/PSX/whatever) are just straight ISO dumps. ALL of them. Optimizing for PSN relases takes time and money, and WE CAN'T HAVE THAT.
You don't need to have all your PSP games on your system at once. Back some up that you don't play on your PS3, or PC, unless you play them all.Omikaru said:I'm a little bit pissed off about that, though. I've only got about 1.9gb left on my PSP, and I don't think my 16gb M2 is due for a few more days...
TheSeks said:It's on the PSP. Did you expect it to magically get the hype that console releases do? You're crazy.
Yoshi256 said:Not the same hype, of course, but in my favorite gaming boards it is very silent about the game.
Crisis Core and Chains of Olympus got a lot more attention back then.
MGS: Peace Walker will probably only be a success in Japan.
TheSeks said:And it's doubtful it'll be a success even in Japan. MGS isn't crazy popular there and there is the PSP piracy rate worldwide to consider.
Pai Pai Master said:?
It's already proven itself successful in Japan.
Pity I'm getting mine tomorrow ;_;novery said:Also, who's going to play with me tonight? : )
Sn4ke_911 said:IGN Review will be up in a few hours. Damn Greg Miller posted an article just to say the Review is incoming. I smell a 10. sry im on my iPhone.
chandoog said:I will be very surprised if it gets more than 9 on IGN.
chandoog said:I will be very surprised if it gets more than 9 on IGN.
Vamphuntr said:Depends on what you mean. It's sold about as much as MGS 4. That was not the plan though. He implemented coop, did the MH collaboration and toned down the violence to get a new audience. This seem to have failed.
Vamphuntr said:Depends on what you mean. It's sold about as much as MGS 4. That was not the plan though. He implemented coop, did the MH collaboration and toned down the violence to get a new audience. This seem to have failed.
Thanks, I found one that lets me emulate D2 long enough to complete that bothersome mission. I don't need a Pandora battery or anything like that though, right? :S Not that it matters at this point anyway, seeing how the game haven't shipped yet. But stillNIN90 said:
It'll probably do 800k original release, which would make it the most successful MGS in a while. But yeah, you do get the impression they wanted's definitely not like "oh piracy destroyed the sales"Vamphuntr said:Depends on what you mean. It's sold about as much as MGS 4. That was not the plan though. He implemented coop, did the MH collaboration and toned down the violence to get a new audience. This seem to have failed.
If you intend to use the UMD version, then yes, most likely.Chip N Chance said:I got my 1GB down to 948MG by backing up the few games i have. That should be enough right? Enough for the codecs i mean.
Y2Kev said:It'll probably do 800k original release, which would make it the most successful MGS in a while. But yeah, you do get the impression they wanted's definitely not like "oh piracy destroyed the sales"
Chip N Chance said:I got my 1GB down to 948MG by backing up the few games i have. That should be enough right? Enough for the codecs i mean.
Oichi said:sorry if this has been asked before, but is it possible for the US and Japanese versions of the game to play with each other?
Takao said:Via Ad-Hoc Party, yes that's been confirmed. Via normal Ad-Hoc play? Don't know.
Minamu said:If you intend to use the UMD version, then yes, most likely.
TheSeks said:If going UMD and wanting the audio, yes.
Otherwise no.
Varth said:I guess they weren't managing their base properly. Contrary to what appears to be common belief, resource managing has impact on the gameplay, and the moment you notice that is precisely when you get your ass kicked from one of the bosses. Having a quicker reload RPG, a good set of smoke nades or a powered up, silenced weapon has huge impact on survival chances.