Solid warrior
I don't understand what's this ad-hoc party, guys. the question is, can i play online co op with my psp connected directly to my wifi/wireless router? sorry, but I'm confused.
I actually believe it's a week Wednesday (the 16th) for EU, as that's the week Peace Walker hits European shores.kassatsu said:Wednesday for EU.
Solid warrior said:I don't understand what's this ad-hoc party, guys. the question is, can i play online co op with my psp connected directly to my wifi/wireless router? sorry, but I'm confused.
it says in wikipedia that the PS3 has to be connected using LAN cable and PSP connects to PS3 over WiFi. simply put, both systems must be running at the same time, am i right? :/autobzooty said:Adhoc Party is software for PS3 that you can download for free off of PSN. It allows you to play offline PSP games online by connecting your PSP to your PS3. you can't play Peace Walker online without using Adhoc Party or xlink kai (which is a similar program for PC, though impressions of it seem pretty poor).
Solid warrior said:it says in wikipedia that the PS3 has to be connected using LAN cable and PSP connects to PS3 over WiFi. simply put, both systems must be running at the same time, am i right? :/
...GoncaloCCastro said:Yup, that's correct.
IGN said:This co-op focus means that some of the game is a pain in the ass (if not entirely undoable) by yourself. I've seen a ton of other game critics folks I know can play struggle and scream over some of the boss battles in this game.
In the end, I couldn't beat Peace Walker without the help of another player who was way past that point.
heringer said:That's what I was afraid of.![]()
This quote is BS, you can easily play alone.heringer said:That's what I was afraid of.![]()
Solid warrior said:...
I'm reading about Xlink atm. I hope that it'll work for me.
Volcynika said:Well I saw earlier in this thread that a lot of people that played the game said that is wrong and it's very feasible to solo bosses.
TheSeks said:Action. Can't stand aiming with the face buttons. Haven't looked back since I learned the L+R nub aim trick.
my router is installed in another room. it's impossible to connect my ps3 to my router. also, I dislike the idea of two systems running at the same time.TheSeks said:Is it really that hard/undoable to plug your PS3 into the router, run ad-hoc and PW at the same time when you want to co-op online?
Also Xlink sucks balls. Their support for tunneling on PSP is shit. As is for most other platforms (only decent one is X-box [OG], but X-box Connect does that job even better than Xlink).
-Winnie- said:Aww crap, apparently the game is getting a delay for Europe, or the UK at least.
9th of July? :<
Hopefully this is just an error.
duckroll said:IGN is full of shit. The campaign missions are totally doable in single player, and it's even very possible to S-rank every single one of the boss battles in single player.
Oni Jazar said:Wait... there's a control scheme where you can aim with the nub? I don't remember being able to do that in the demo. I played both Syphon Filters and Resistance with their "advanced" controls: moving with the buttons and aiming with the nub. It worked perfectly and should be the standard for 3rd person shooters on the PSP.
duckroll said:IGN is full of shit. The campaign missions are totally doable in single player, and it's even very possible to S-rank every single one of the boss battles in single player. At no point does it really feel like it is balanced for co-op, although obviously with the right partners co-op makes it much easier.
Where the game is totally balanced for co-op is in the Extra Ops. Out of the 120+ missions in Extra Ops, a little over half of those are all boss battles. There are tons of different tanks, APCs, choppers, and even harder versions of the AI bosses, etc. Many of these are FUCKING hard. They are so tough that even in co-op, they are hard. You will need a lot of firepower, or really good team tactics, to take them out. If you want to capture the vehicles, it is even harder because sometimes there are just too many reinforcements.
But this is all meant to be extended content beyond the normal scenario of the game. It is a hook to keep you playing if you have friends who are also playing the game, etc.
Thanks for clearing that up.duckroll said:IGN is full of shit. The campaign missions are totally doable in single player, and it's even very possible to S-rank every single one of the boss battles in single player. At no point does it really feel like it is balanced for co-op, although obviously with the right partners co-op makes it much easier.
Where the game is totally balanced for co-op is in the Extra Ops. Out of the 120+ missions in Extra Ops, a little over half of those are all boss battles. There are tons of different tanks, APCs, choppers, and even harder versions of the AI bosses, etc. Many of these are FUCKING hard. They are so tough that even in co-op, they are hard. You will need a lot of firepower, or really good team tactics, to take them out. If you want to capture the vehicles, it is even harder because sometimes there are just too many reinforcements.
But this is all meant to be extended content beyond the normal scenario of the game. It is a hook to keep you playing if you have friends who are also playing the game, etc.
Solid warrior said:Thanks for clearing that up.
btw, how many difficulties does peace walker have?
oh, this is gonna be challenging.TTP said:None.
WHY THIS ISN'T ADVERTISED IN THE DEMO, I dunno. But it suddenly made the gunplay 20x better than the horseshit of the default controls/D-pad aiming in Action.
My only issue is the chuggy aiming speed now, even speeding it up doesn't really help. But at least I can deal with it now.
Edit: And NO, this isn't the "advanced" controls of Syphon Filter/Resistance, but at least it's better than the "Shooter" and "Action/D-pad" controls. I do wish they would move the move function to the buttons when aiming and have the nub be the aiming system. This would be awkward for some people as shifting button functions screws with people.
Volcynika said:How are the Extra Ops if you were still having to play solo? Seems rough! D:
Solid warrior said:oh, this is gonna be challenging.
duckroll said:There are a lot of very fun Extra Ops for single player. In fact, they're mostly all great, even the boss ones. My favorite are probably the "Perfect Stealth" missions that you unlock later on. They generally include one entire major connected hub (so the number of maps you have to go through would be more than a normal mission in the story mode), but without cutscenes. You have to get from the start to the end point with no alert and no kill. That's pretty much like playing on Extreme mode in a normal MGS.
The most annoying missions to play solo are definitely the red 5 skull difficulty boss missions in Extra Ops. Those are totally stacked against you. Not only are the enemy soldiers heavily armored, they also have great weapons. To top that off, the boss itself generally has REALLY strong firepower, and tons of armor/life. Even with excellent skill and great weapons and equipment, you will probably run out of supplies and ammo. Using supply markers make it more bearable, but it's still a pain in the ass. With 4 players though, it's still a challenge but it's much more fun.
autobzooty said:Adhoc Party is software for PS3 that you can download for free off of PSN. It allows you to play offline PSP games online by connecting your PSP to your PS3. you can't play Peace Walker online without using Adhoc Party or xlink kai (which is a similar program for PC, though impressions of it seem pretty poor).
duckroll said:Xlink Kai sucks balls, especially for Peace Walker. Good luck! :lol
duckroll said:No, actually the game is pretty easy overall.
ProgramFighter said:I really like having that option but was there a reason they didn't include the option to just connect directly to a wi-fi connection like a regular online game for when not home but near wi-fi?
Minamu said:Are there any massive spoilers in their video review?
Immature developers imitate, mature ones steal. Kojima Productions has looked at the wider handheld market and lifted the best bits, reworking its own formulae to fit perfectly. Theres so much right with Peace Walker. It shines a cruel light on the paucity of ambition weve come to expect from PSP titles and holds its head high with a structure of great elegance, its depth only let down by a slight lack of set-piece flair.
So here we are again, but everythings changed. If the series has over-familiar characteristics, then this pick-and-mix structure is a hard-won foil, and it should tempt nonbelievers in a way MGS4 never could. Peerlessly classy, funny and perverse in the same breath, Peace Walker is the most surprising Metal Gear Solid to date. [9]
Nakazato said:Hey Duck you think there would be any possibility for DLC ?? (paid or free)
Rated-Rsuperstar said:What did you expect. This is the guy that did the review.[IMG][/QUOTE]
lol really?
Sounds to me that he just not good at the game or it wasn't his cup of tea, thus sucked at it.
duckroll said:There is DLC, just like for MGS4. There's an Extras section in the main menu that connects to PSN, and then to Konami's special in-game menu. There's already DLC out for the JP version in the form of extra camo, songs for the walkman, alternate voices for some boss fights in Extra Ops, etc. All free so far.
Are they on a Snape kills Dumbledore scale,TTP said:Yes. Quite a few.
You asshat, thanks for that!Minamu said:Are they on a Snape kills Dumbledore scale,,oops
Class_A_Ninja said:How am I 'sposed to talk to my friends who are ad-hocking over PSN. The PSP doesn't have a built in mic, right? Does it let me use my PS3 headset? Is there some special PSP mic I would need to buy?