I don't think it'll make a difference, just different parts available. Don't quote me on that though.
Beat one of the extra "boss" ops by myself. LAW/RPG-2/supply drop/Doritos (er-chips)/Rations were all I needed. Didn't get an S-rank (BOO) but still. Wasn't too hard to just spam RPG's into the red weak point.
I need to get better statted personal.

I'm getting a 130% in food and R&D/Intel teams are kinda weak/low.

GMP isn't going too fast, but I'm still able to research at a half-decent clip.
Do tanks/infantry get repaired at the end of them or do I have to recall them back? The tutorial doesn't really specify and the outer ops (so far) aren't giving me too much cash/GMP. Why? I beat the enemy with a full team. Is that the reason? Do I have to make my units struggle to get more cash?
Also is there a way to view the log/replay the battle? It doesn't seem to have a way and that was the weak point of Port Ops' "outer ops"-like online mode. You couldn't review/resee battle logs once you dismissed them.