54-46! said:What? you poor or something?
It's £14 cheaper on Amazon. Why pay £14 for better loading times?
54-46! said:What? you poor or something?
Better loading times? doesn't the UMD install?Yenrot said:It's £14 cheaper on Amazon. Why pay £14 for better loading times?
dark10x said:Man, I really love this game, but there are elements of it that drive me crazy.
It's so easy to be spotted but difficult to spot enemies. In the rain forest when the game intentionally makes them hard to spot, for instance. This could normally work, but they are simply cramming too much detail in 480x272. The visuals simply aren't clear enough to support that type of gameplay well.
Is there any gadget I can research that provides a more useful scanner/rader/etc kind of thing? The sound device is not useful at all.
I still feel they designed the wrong type of Metal Gear for PSP. They should have went for more MGS2 like camera angles, gameplay, and level designs. It's impressive that they crammed so much into this game, but I think it suffers due to the low resolution.
Still, despite those complaints, I really am enjoying it a lot and the CO-OP stuff is wonderful.
Even with the 800mb install, the game would run faster off the memory than off the disc.54-46! said:Better loading times? doesn't the UMD install?
In any case, if he's got a PSP Go, I don't really see how he can complain about prices on PSN.
Callibretto said:NVG helps to make them stand out a bit, you still have to squint though. forgot where I got it.
Graphics Horse said:The more you develop the NVG, the more people stand out, pretty cool.
Augemitbutter said:so far i beat every boss without grinding on my first try. just listen to the codec before approaching bosses and use some common sense guys
it's pretty hard to die in this game with so many recovery items to choose from.
autobzooty said:You should help me with the extra ops, vamp D:
I tried playing coop with some randoms today and coordination was impossible. Really frustrating.
dark10x said:I still feel they designed the wrong type of Metal Gear for PSP. They should have went for more MGS2 like camera angles, gameplay, and level designs. It's impressive that they crammed so much into this game, but I think it suffers due to the low resolution.
Still, despite those complaints, I really am enjoying it a lot and the CO-OP stuff is wonderful.
Vamphuntr said:So here are the pics I took in Extra Ops 67 and 68. There you go pervs.
SPOILERZ extra op 67 and 68
Extra Ops 67
Extra Ops 68
My PS3 can't do ad hoc. We can try xlink kai if you can help me make it work again![]()
dark10x said:Man, I really love this game, but there are elements of it that drive me crazy.
It's so easy to be spotted but difficult to spot enemies. In the rain forest when the game intentionally makes them hard to spot, for instance. This could normally work, but they are simply cramming too much detail in 480x272. The visuals simply aren't clear enough to support that type of gameplay well.
Is there any gadget I can research that provides a more useful scanner/rader/etc kind of thing? The sound device is not useful at all.
I still feel they designed the wrong type of Metal Gear for PSP. They should have went for more MGS2 like camera angles, gameplay, and level designs. It's impressive that they crammed so much into this game, but I think it suffers due to the low resolution.
Still, despite those complaints, I really am enjoying it a lot and the CO-OP stuff is wonderful.
Gamer @ Heart said:Some of these boss battles feel impossible and im still early on. Its so easy to run out of ammo, and they now want me to hit and break certain parts? IF I DO THAT I WONT SUCCEED.
Also, carrying only two weapons in sucks. Will that improve later on? For instance, that first mini tank battle is now an extra ops mission, but i cant complete it without bringing in two sets of rpgs leaving me without something for the guards. That really sucks.
Still, its sooooo much fucking fun to capture guys and build up that outer heaven.
Gamer @ Heart said:Some of these boss battles feel impossible and im still early on. Its so easy to run out of ammo, and they now want me to hit and break certain parts? IF I DO THAT I WONT SUCCEED.
Also, carrying only two weapons in sucks. Will that improve later on? For instance, that first mini tank battle is now an extra ops mission, but i cant complete it without bringing in two sets of rpgs leaving me without something for the guards. That really sucks.
Still, its sooooo much fucking fun to capture guys and build up that outer heaven.
autobzooty said:With Battle Dress you can carry three weapons. Only boss I had to use a two rocket launcher outfit to beat was.cocoon
Vamphuntr said:You will need to use two launchers to beat 113, 115 and 117. Probably for some vehicle missions too.
autobzooty said:Yeah I meant just for the main campaign. I can't beat those ops with three launchers and a perfectly placed support strike. :lol
Hence my desperation for coops help. I don't know what to do to get any farther. I could try stealthing it, but damn that's hard.
Gamer @ Heart said:Some of these boss battles feel impossible and im still early on. Its so easy to run out of ammo, and they now want me to hit and break certain parts? IF I DO THAT I WONT SUCCEED.
Also, carrying only two weapons in sucks. Will that improve later on? For instance, that first mini tank battle is now an extra ops mission, but i cant complete it without bringing in two sets of rpgs leaving me without something for the guards. That really sucks.
Still, its sooooo much fucking fun to capture guys and build up that outer heaven.
Vamphuntr said:What is your R and D level?? Also don't use Snake use one of your soldiers that have 9999 Hp and Psyche. MOst of my guys are better than Snake. With morale you can easily have A or S in every attack attributes (Reload, Shoot, Defense) and be way better than Snake. With the Proper weapons they are all doable. I'm alone and got S so it's possible. Get the Carl Gustav Rank 5. Do you have mostly C R & D guys? B? A?
I got a volunteer that's S in everything for soldier. I didn't even realize it until quite a while eitherVamphuntr said:What is your R and D level?? Also don't use Snake use one of your soldiers that have 9999 Hp and Psyche. MOst of my guys are better than Snake. With morale you can easily have A or S in every attack attributes (Reload, Shoot, Defense) and be way better than Snake. With the Proper weapons they are all doable. I'm alone and got S so it's possible. Get the Carl Gustav Rank 5. Do you have mostly C R & D guys? B? A?
autobzooty said:R&D is at level 53. I really wanna use Snake, but I guess if I must, I'll use someone else. :lol
Most of my R&D team is rank C. I'm in the middle of rooting out all the crappy staff members I have. I'm more than willing to grind for better R&D, but I don't know where to find good dudes.
Gamer @ Heart said:Can someone make a # list of the dam near impossible Extra Ops missions? I know that as soon as i finally play one, my opinion of this game will quickly sour as i think its totally bullshit and i want to avoid that unpleasantness.
thefil said:Does anyone know if there's a list of missions that give you a reward for S-rank? I'd like to know what I should be redoing.
Vamphuntr said:Ok to level up fast go to extra ops 49 and keep farming the 3 POWS there. They also have the metamaterial technology skills and the EM weapons skills. They will be wounded but when they are full healed two of them will have A in R & D. To get 49 though, you need to beat 102 and 91.
If they are too much for you then farm in Extra Ops 17 Fulton Recovery. It takes 5 minutes to clear and there is a 100% chance you get two guys with B in R & D. In about an hour your R&D will go up to 75+. Then go to the pooyan missions. Get an S in the last two ones to get the sniper rifle and the fulton gas mines.
Even if 91 is 5 red skulls in difficulty you can beat it easily if you know the pattern. Use a violent method first. Stay in the hangar behind from where you start. Snipe everyone with the Sniper from the pooyan mission (it has piercing rounds so 1 headshot and they are dead). When the captain shouts NOW!. Dodge roll to the sides of the hangar to dodge the missiles. Once every soldiers are dead, stay in the hangar anyway and shoot rockets at the chopper. When it loses 3 lifebars, the captain will come out and blow him up. Learn the pattern and you will be fine.
autobzooty said:I haven't unlocked 49, 91, OR 102. :|
Also, what is pooyan?
Vamphuntr said:Mission 63, 64 and 65. It's an hommage to the nes game. If you beat the game you should have 17. Just the clear the other fulton recovery mission to unlock it. 100% there are two B R & D guys in there.
autobzooty said:I've cleared the fulton recovery missions up to 16 but 17 isn't there. This game hates me :lol
Pooyan just unlocked though, I'll get to work on that.
Vamphuntr said:You have to beat the Version II bosses to get it I think.
autobzooty said:oh god i'm afraid
Vamphuntr said:Don't, the version II are quite easy. Just learn the pattern.
EDIT : Can you go in mission you don't have unlocked in COOP if the host has it unlocked? I can try to make Xlink kai work. Might take a while though. I think I need to get a Static IP for it to work.
Gamer @ Heart said:Gahhhh. How many solder waves do I have to take out before the fight with the helecoptor ends? I took out the first one silently then the helecoptor started firing missles which made me think stealth was out. I really hate these boss battles.
Edit: 7th try. This game is fucking infuriating.
There's I think 2-3 waves. I don't think perfect stealth is possible either.Gamer @ Heart said:Gahhhh. How many solder waves do I have to take out before the fight with the helecoptor ends? I took out the first one silently then the helecoptor started firing missles which made me think stealth was out. I really hate these boss battles.
Edit: 7th try. This game is fucking infuriating.
If you cleared the Main Ops (autobzooty said:I've cleared the fulton recovery missions up to 16 but 17 isn't there.
In the story. I also tried being all killy about it but the combination of rockets and troops that are impossible to evade after they spot you means my 4 pitiful rations and chips make it almost impossible to live through it.Vamphuntr said:Which one are you talking about? The one in the plot or the ones in the extra ops?
Gamer @ Heart said:In the story. I also tried being all killy about it but the combination of rockets and troops that are impossible to evade after they spot you means my 4 pitiful rations and chips make it almost impossible to live through it.
Erigu said:If you cleared the Main Ops (), it should be.all five chapters
If you didn't... well get to it! ^^