Graphics Horse
Branson said:Also to completezeke you have to get all of the optional and main parts collected and put on right?
You only need the
rail gun
Branson said:Also to completezeke you have to get all of the optional and main parts collected and put on right?
Graphics Horse said:You only need theand thejetpackrail gun
mrkapawutzis said:I don't think you need the, I was able to build one with thejetpack. Maybe it's any two optional parts?rail gun and armor
Augemitbutter said:yes, but you're not done yet.
Augemitbutter said:get a better walkman through R&D and you should be able to listen to it.
i_am_not_jon_ames said:Just finished it. Wow. Definitely better than MGS3, unimaginable as that was when I started it.
DualShadow said:I'm getting over the vehicle extra ops fights now, way to many of them and they are bullet/rocket sponges.
Would have benefited from scaling bosses depending on how many people are co-oping it.
you do know that you can "cheat" outer ops results, right?sotodefonk said:how can i get head parts of AIs? My zeke was destroyed on outer ops, and I cant get a single head part to build a new one... do I need to damaghe some area? do i need to fight a certain AI?
Blue Submarine No. 6 said:you do know that you can "cheat" outer ops results, right?If you come back from a mission and go to check out your outer ops and you don't like the outer ops combat results, just return to the title screen, reload from save, and then look at the outer ops results again... They seem to be generated on the fly when you go to review the results, so they can change for or against you when you look at them again without saving... If I loose too much hardware, I just keep reloading/reviewing until I get a result I can live with...
Chip N Chance said:The score in the game (Mostly during the codec conversations) sounds very much like The Dark Knight. I just recently noticed it. Anyone else hear the resemblance?
zurra said:one major story point i'm having trouble grasping regarding past history between the boss and snake:
i thought he found out at the end of MGS3 that the boss didn't defect, that Volgin fired the nuke and she sacrified herself for her country. then he bailed out of america. but... in PW it seems like he forgot the truth and is trying to figure out the truth about her all over again. does the game explain this apparent lapse of memory or is he just hiding the truth from everyone else?
That's the jam I'm referring to. It's almost to close to what's in TDK, for me. Still sounds ok though. In terms of the games soundtrack, it's not the best in the series IMO. But still better then most games.Graphics Horse said:No idea how close it is but that was my first thought too.
zurra said:one major story point i'm having trouble grasping regarding past history between the boss and snake:
i thought he found out at the end of MGS3 that the boss didn't defect, that Volgin fired the nuke and she sacrified herself for her country. then he bailed out of america. but... in PW it seems like he forgot the truth and is trying to figure out the truth about her all over again. does the game explain this apparent lapse of memory or is he just hiding the truth from everyone else?
zurra said:one major story point i'm having trouble grasping regarding past history between the boss and snake:
i thought he found out at the end of MGS3 that the boss didn't defect, that Volgin fired the nuke and she sacrified herself for her country. then he bailed out of america. but... in PW it seems like he forgot the truth and is trying to figure out the truth about her all over again. does the game explain this apparent lapse of memory or is he just hiding the truth from everyone else?
Augemitbutter said:no clue, but it's definitely the weakest MGS soundtrack so far.
Augemitbutter said:no clue, but it's definitely the weakest MGS soundtrack so far.
Drac said:They did(yes they have even more health and even more troops in coop).
Salaadin said:How do you stealth kill the extra ops stuff? Me and my brother tried to take down a tank by ourselves and we each had 1 fulton left by the end with 4 soldiers still on the field. I skimmed the area and couldnt find any pick ups.
RelentlessRolento said:so after thereal ending it's basicially saying that dr strangelove is otacon's mom?
Salaadin said:How do you stealth kill the extra ops stuff? Me and my brother tried to take down a tank by ourselves and we each had 1 fulton left by the end with 4 soldiers still on the field. I skimmed the area and couldnt find any pick ups.
Disagree. The cutscenes and codec sequences had some great music. MGS2 (post-tanker chapter) was probably the weakest for me.Augemitbutter said:no clue, but it's definitely the weakest MGS soundtrack so far.
lastinline said:Oh gosh...
I can't seem to beat Peace Walker the second time around, when she's trying to launch the nuke. I hit it with rockets from the RPG and LAW, I have Mother Base strike it from above, and I place C4 where she sometimes goes. Am I doing something wrong, or is there some other tactic I'm not using? The way I'm doing it right now, I run out of RPG and LAW ammo before I even take it down. I'm primarily focusing on the AI Pod, which has worked before, so I don't think I'm doing that wrong. Although, when I call Huey on the Codec, he says focus on the legs, but I'm not sure if he is right or not.
Valkyr Junkie said:A) Use the lock-on rocket launcher
B) Aim for the pod
C) Use resupply marker to refill your ammo. You will need to do this several times during the fight.
lastinline said:Oh gosh...
I can't seem to beat Peace Walker the second time around, when she's trying to launch the nuke. I hit it with rockets from the RPG and LAW, I have Mother Base strike it from above, and I place C4 where she sometimes goes. Am I doing something wrong, or is there some other tactic I'm not using? The way I'm doing it right now, I run out of RPG and LAW ammo before I even take it down. I'm primarily focusing on the AI Pod, which has worked before, so I don't think I'm doing that wrong. Although, when I call Huey on the Codec, he says focus on the legs, but I'm not sure if he is right or not.
lastinline said:Oh gosh...
I can't seem to beat Peace Walker the second time around, when she's trying to launch the nuke. I hit it with rockets from the RPG and LAW, I have Mother Base strike it from above, and I place C4 where she sometimes goes. Am I doing something wrong, or is there some other tactic I'm not using? The way I'm doing it right now, I run out of RPG and LAW ammo before I even take it down. I'm primarily focusing on the AI Pod, which has worked before, so I don't think I'm doing that wrong. Although, when I call Huey on the Codec, he says focus on the legs, but I'm not sure if he is right or not.
lastinline said:Oh gosh...
I can't seem to beat Peace Walker the second time around, when she's trying to launch the nuke. I hit it with rockets from the RPG and LAW, I have Mother Base strike it from above, and I place C4 where she sometimes goes. Am I doing something wrong, or is there some other tactic I'm not using? The way I'm doing it right now, I run out of RPG and LAW ammo before I even take it down. I'm primarily focusing on the AI Pod, which has worked before, so I don't think I'm doing that wrong. Although, when I call Huey on the Codec, he says focus on the legs, but I'm not sure if he is right or not.
lastinline said:Oh gosh...
I can't seem to beat Peace Walker the second time around, when she's trying to launch the nuke. I hit it with rockets from the RPG and LAW, I have Mother Base strike it from above, and I place C4 where she sometimes goes. Am I doing something wrong, or is there some other tactic I'm not using? The way I'm doing it right now, I run out of RPG and LAW ammo before I even take it down. I'm primarily focusing on the AI Pod, which has worked before, so I don't think I'm doing that wrong. Although, when I call Huey on the Codec, he says focus on the legs, but I'm not sure if he is right or not.
Augemitbutter said:good to see people enjoy the OST.
i don't think it's bad, especially not if you compare it to other games, there are some good themes farther into the game, but there's nothing memorable because they try to implement a movie soudtrack into MGS.
the vocal song is nice, but it can't touch those in MGS1 and Portable Ops.
Augemitbutter said:but there's nothing memorable because they try to implement a movie soudtrack into MGS.
bernardobri said:Hmm, what? That's happening since MGS2 with the inclusion of Harry Gregson-Williams, and honestly it's a great approach into the series. Along with Hibino and Toda, they have delivered great soundtracks in 2, 3 and 4. Maybe MPO didn't have a good score, but PW's OST is not far at all from MGS2/3/4's OSTs.