Graphics Horse
Salaadin said:Fucking leave. Or even worse things will happen
I hate it too, but I heard they've already signed up Celine Dion for the next game so that one should be good.
Salaadin said:Fucking leave. Or even worse things will happen
Salaadin said:Fucking leave. Or even worse things will happen
Lol, cant wait for that one!Graphics Horse said:I hate it too, but I heard they've already signed up Celine Dion for the next game so that one should be good.
Pimpbaa said:Ooooh, I'm scared. That song was almost as bad as the credits song in Castlevania SOTN. You'd have to be a real goddamn weeaboo to enjoy that garbage.
54-46! said:
Valkyr Junkie said:Sure you've beaten it?
Pimpbaa said:Of course not. That's why I said "I love how the game continues on after the credits".
Pimpbaa said:Did...did Snake justfuck Paz in a love box?!
suikodan said:PSP2000/3000/Go + TV Output Cable + DS3 = Win
Darkness said:the one thing I was worried about with this game was everyone saying the bosses being really hard. I beat the first two already with no problem. The tank I beat on the first try in a few minutes. Are the rest of the bosses harder?
If they made it pause it would act as a balance fix as well. I don't agree with most of the reviews saying Peace Walker's bosses are overly hard (although I think you really do need to do the extra ops and even repeat some of the missions a few times to build up your army & r&d), but sometimes you just get screwed because you can't do what you want to do due to the real-time inventory plus lack of a second analog/secondary shoulder buttons on the PSP.alr1ghtstart said:^blame the co-op. I hate it too, as it would be an easy fix for single players.
Oh, can't waitValkyr Junkie said:You just have to creep up on enemies very slowly until you receive a certain uniform.
Minamu said:Oh, can't waitIs it a bad idea to just fulton every soldier I meet? The fulton supply seems limitless so scanning soldiers seem rather unnecessary at this point.
Minamu said:Oh, can't waitIs it a bad idea to just fulton every soldier I meet? The fulton supply seems limitless so scanning soldiers seem rather unnecessary at this point.
Minamu said:AlrightBy limitless I meant that they refill between missions in a seemingly never-ending stream.
ad-hoc means local users, yes. But with ad-hoc party on your ps3, you can "trick" your psp into connecting to anyone around the world.Zabojnik said:I'm thinking of getting the PSP just (well, to begin with anyway) for this game. Can someone explain to me how the multiplayer works? I know that there are co-op and versus missions. I'm not exactly sure what ad-hoc means. Can I only play with local PSP users, connecting directly to their PSP? Or is there true online multiplayer?
disclaimer: your PS3 has to use a wired internet connection for ad-hoc partyMinamu said:ad-hoc means local users, yes. But with ad-hoc party on your ps3, you can "trick" your psp into connecting to anyone around the world.
PSP GO Onlyberserk_ftw said:Wait? You can play the game with a DS3 on your TV? Where do I get the cable for that?!
Ya, you need bluetooth for that... however, it's rumoured (unconfirmed) that the soon-to-be-released PSP4000 will have bluetooth...mauaus said:PSP GO Onlyberserk_ftw said:Wait? You can play the game with a DS3 on your TV? Where do I get the cable for that?!
Mr_Brit said:How the hell do you beat? Please help.Strangelove's Torture Triangle Session
I took turns with my brother.Mr_Brit said:How the hell do you beat? Please help.Strangelove's Torture Triangle Session
Sielys said:What are y'alls triangle spamming techniques?
Mr_Brit said:How the hell do you beat? Please help.Strangelove's Torture Triangle Session
Red Blaster said:Okay, how the hell do you beat Ex Ops 91? Even if I take out all the guards, the Raider just destroys me.
lawblob said:Just got the credits. Confused about what I do next.
lawblob said:Just got the credits. Confused about what I do next.
Adam Prime said:Also I noticed that under the Command center section that my rank is 5 but in every other section is says my barracks, etc is rank 0. Are those supposed to rank up sometime?
DarkUSS said:I beat the first boss last night. The game is good so far and I really dig the motion-comic presentation and interactivity with the cutscenes.
Btw, am I the only one who thinks the noise that these flying giant robot things do is kinda disturbing?
I don't mind that the Emmerichs are supposed to be kinda whiny; I just mind that they get really bad material at what should be dramatic high points. :lolautoboozy said:Otacon is a very naive and childlike character. They often write sappy dialogue for him because he's a pretty sappy character. It never really bothered me, but that's just me. I've always liked the character, so I dunno.
Ridley327 said:I don't mind that the Emmerichs are supposed to be kinda whiny; I just mind that they get really bad material at what should be dramatic high points. :lol
Another thing I hate about the story is a bad habit that Kojima started in MGS4 where every single character has to be related to each other, no matter how contrived. Miller getting his start with MSF makes sense (although it does make Solid Snake to be an even bigger idiot than we previously thought when he couldn't see past that facade in MGS1), but did we really need to see Huey being a die-hard Big Boss fan andKojima just can't leave well enough alone.meeting his future wife and mother of Otacon, who also happens to be in league with the same bunch?