Finished it in around 100 hours. I did basically everything with a few days on the calendar to spare.
Overall I really liked the game, it's a fun adventure with an interesting concept, the whole scenario of becoming the king was quite nice. I also found the meta-narrative of the impact that fiction has on reality on a personal level well done.
The story, apart from a couple of twists was pretty predictable but it kept me interested throughout. I also found the pacing between story/side content to be good, at least until the final act. At that point you get six side dungeons in a row, it was a bit too much.
The cast was pretty good! I enjoyed the party interactions and group dynamics. I started playing with the English voices but then I switched to Japanese after a couple hours, personally I think they fit better but I'm not a native English speaker. I got a whiplash when I saw the anime portrait/cutscenes with English voiceover.
I wish the characters were introduced at a better pace, the last two party members are introduced in the group a bit too quickly for my tastes. Speaking of the cast, Louis could have been a truly great villain, but he's just OK in the end. The problem is that they should have introduced his backstory and some motivations throughout the story: currently most of the revelations are towards the end... Due to that, there is not much weight to him unfortunately.
Combat was snappy, the fact that you can just one shot enemies a few levels below you on the field was really welcomed. The archetypes system was addicting, there is a lot of experimentation to be had there.
The production value was pretty bad. No consistent voice acting, terribly drawn anime cutscenes instead of mocapped animations, image quality is one of the worst I have seen at my monitor native resolution. I had to play the game a 175% resolution scale to make it look decent. Given its critical reception I was expecting something more akin to Xenoblade when it comes to the overall production, but it's not even close. Heck, even the newest Falcom games with the new engine are better in some regards.
It gets a solid 8 from me.
My man Strohl topping the JP popularity charts.
Strohl is by far the best written party member so I'm not surprised.