jufonuk said:I am actually really liking this game , does that make me a bad person? :lol
No. A lot of us love it. It just seems to be very polarizing.
jufonuk said:I am actually really liking this game , does that make me a bad person? :lol
I probably would a have been a tad more diplomatic, but thanks for saving me the trouble of responding to that.jarosh said:oh shut up. seriously. if that's all you have to contribute, don't bother. WAH WAH THIS THREAD CAN BE DIVIDED INTO 2 CAMPS: THE SMART PEOPLE WHO ARE TOTALLY OPEN FOR NEW THINGS AND TOTALLY COOL (LIKE ME!!!) AND THE PEOPLE WHO ARE EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE AND DON'T LIKE ANYTHING NEW AND ARE STUPID.
it's cute how you choose to ignore 90% of the arguments of people who didn't like other m or thought it was mediocre, that have NOTHING to do with "change". the idea that people who dislike other m are simply "afraid of change" is a complete fabrication. i see it brought up at least once on every page by someone who summarily wants to dismiss everyone criticising the game.
in my opinion other m is ANYTHING BUT a daring and bold new direction for metroid. hell, i wish it was! it has: a god awful plot and some of the worst writing and storytelling in recent memory, boring, samey level design, dumbed down, simplistic controls, plenty of inconsistent or inconsequent gameplay mechanics and terribly unexciting gameplay in general... that's how i see the game.
but wait, all or most of those things were not present in previous metroid games! so this truly IS change! i guess i am afraid of change after all! it's that simple, isn't it?
let's say you have pizza for lunch and you love it. so tomorrow you'll get poo for lunch. what? you don't like it? well, jeez, guess somebody doesn't like change. i guess you just want pizza every day!
i don't have the time to respond in detail right now. i only wanted to say that i'm sorry if my post came off overly harsh. it's just that you weren't the first one to say something like that and those kinds of comments are usually made so other opinions can easily be dismissed. it's usually a cop-out. i might have been a bit rude, but my point still stands.GregLombardi said:First of all, you clearly completely mis-characterized my post. I said that neither is more correct than the other. You can choose to believe that you are more correct than everyone else by throwing around insults (which, might I add, surprises me coming from you since I've been reading your posts for a long time), or you can listen to reason when I tell you that I've had more fun with Other M than I've had with all other single player Wii games that I've played (perhaps with the exception of Resi 4 but that doesnt' really count as it was a gamecube game).
I happen to believe that people's dislike for the game may be related in a majority sense for a dislike of change. If that's not your beef then that's fine.
You're viewing Metroid Other M through a very critical lens, which is fine, but honestly I'm simply viewing it through the lens of:
1. Is the game fun?
2. Does the game hold my attention?
3. Did I beat it?
For most major games this generation, the answer to 1. is yes, 2. is many times not, and 3. is No, for me specifically. These games include Uncharted 2, Red Faction Guerilla, Mario Galaxy and Galaxy 2 etc., -- many of the most revered games of the generation.
For Metroid Other M, the answer is a resounding Yes to all three. It is a fresh look at gameplay that I haven't seen much of this generation, fresh enough to keep my attention. Not a masterpiece, but definitely not the terrible game you are making it out to be.
This is a poo-filled comparison for sure. Firstly, the game isn't crap. Secondly, if it is crap to you, that doesn't mean it is crap to other people. Thirdly, your generalizations are just as bad as the one you are accusing me of making.
of course not. it only becomes a problem if you patronize people for not liking the game or dismiss every dissenting opinion. there is fun to be had with other m. i had fun with it myself occasionally.jufonuk said:I am actually really liking this game , does that make me a bad person? :lol
Fusion and Prime 3 did just fine without backtracking. Zero Mission also lacks much, if any, backtracking. Prime 2 doesn't have much at all until the end, and it's about an hour out of the game.KevinCow said:What the fuck.
"Guys, the next Mario game shouldn't have a jump button.
Also the next Halo game shouldn't have guns.
And the next Gran Turismo shouldn't have cars."
Seriously they say that opinions can't be wrong, but then you have statements like this.
Well, Other M has you going back to certain sectors will new power ups also.Ridley327 said:I just played Prime 3 recently and it sure as hell has backtracking. Hell, two of the major power-ups require you to travel to the previous planet.
spidye said:ok, I am now 6 hours in and it's already one of the best games this gen. I just got the grapling hook. the game is much, much better than the prime series.
how long does it take to finish it and will it get better?
:lol always thought the sameReiGun said:Adam is an idiot. Why would he not give me the Varia Suit and Ice Beam the moment I step into Sector 3? Moron.
I wrote a paragraph, but erased it. I'm just gonna say your examples are moronic and that is not the essence of Metroid games to me. But power ups.KevinCow said:What the fuck.
"Guys, the next Mario game shouldn't have a jump button.
Also the next Halo game shouldn't have guns.
And the next Gran Turismo shouldn't have cars."
Seriously they say that opinions can't be wrong, but then you have statements like this.
JodyAnthony said:Finished the game 100%, but not gonna play hard mode. Was hard enough as is.
Loved it though. Didn't like it at all for the first couple hours, but stuck with it. In the end, I adored it.
Getting all the items was kind of stupid though. Like thatmissile expansion you can only get after beating the last last boss, by blowing up the elevator. Once you have that expansion, you end up being put into the zero suit right afterward. You never even have a reason to have another missile expansion.
Also, never saw the sexism, don't know what that argument is all about.
I liked the story and the storytelling.
_Alkaline_ said:Seriously?
Come on man. Surely you didn't hate everything .Even the most cycnical bloke would have loved the.gravity section
balladofwindfishes said:Fusion and Prime 3 did just fine without backtracking. Zero Mission also lacks much, if any, backtracking. Prime 2 doesn't have much at all until the end, and it's about an hour out of the game.
Boney said:I wrote a paragraph, but erased it. I'm just gonna say your examples are moronic and that is not the essence of Metroid games to me. But power ups.
Sigh..KevinCow said:Oh cool, then you'd agree that something like God of War feels just like a Metroid game because you get power-ups in it as well.
Oh wait, except nobody who has actually played both games would say they're remotely similar, and would likely point out that the thing that makes Metroid's power-ups special is that you can use them in areas you visited earlier to access new areas, thus proving my point that backtracking is a key element of the series.
_Alkaline_ said:Seriously?
Come on man. Surely you didn't hate everything .Even the most cycnical bloke would have loved the.gravity section
Kad5 said:Ok so I beat the main part:
Im stuck. I have no idea how to get to the point im supposed to in the after credits. I just went through sector 2 to get to the elevator in the main sector. I can't go inside the elevator for some reason though. Whats the deal?
Kad5 said:Ok so I beat the main part:
Im stuck. I have no idea how to get to the point im supposed to in the after credits. I just went through sector 2 to get to the elevator in the main sector. I can't go inside the elevator for some reason though. Whats the deal?
GregLombardi said:Honestly I think this thread can be boiled down into 2 camps: Those who like change, and those who don't. Neither is more correct. This game is a huge change from past Metroid games, but I am on the side of the fence that embraces it for some reason.
Except for a few obvious hyperboles some poster really believe, I don't think one side is more than the other at all. I've had as much fun with this thread as the game.ShockingAlberto said:I'm actually kind of surprised people are still arguing about this.
Aren't both sides tired of convincing the other side that they're completely wrong?
Boney said:Sigh..
Of course not, don't be stupid. Power ups in Metroid games allow you to reach new areas and keep going forward. This is true for Other M as well. Backtracking in Other M is going forward. With revisiting new areas with new powerups allowing you transverse them easily, allow you to cross morphed terrain or forks in the path.
That's why backtracking in both the Prime series and the modern castlevanias suck because terrain is unnaffected and your new abilities are so contextual that it makes it boring. Not to mention backtracking in these revolves around looking for cut off area maps which may or may not be the one you're looking for. Super Metroid doesn't have this thanks to and incredibly smart and well designed level design. It spins and weaves onto itself perfectly.
Not to mention backtracking in these revolves around looking for cut off area maps which may or may not be the one you're looking for.
Pyrokai said:Damn.
Just once I want to talk about this game with a bunch of people who enjoyed it. I just can't, no matter how hard I try, understand the hate for this game. It's been a long time since I've played a game in 5-6 hour chunks like I did this one, but I did. And I loved it. I also love the 2D and Prime Metroid games. Am I doing it wrong? Am I allowed to like them all? Because I do.
Edit: Ugh.....not what I wanted to be at the top of a page![]()
Rez said:having just finished Echoes, I was reminded why backtracking was so important to Metroid. Yes, you backtrack, but that feeling of opening a previously locked door with a new beam or visor, or jumping up to a new height with the grapple hook or space jump is just phenominal. Retro really had that world design down to a beautiful science. You have to backtrack, but the amount of things you can do on your way, that make you feel like you're improvising, is everything classic Metroid was to me.
The Prime series did backtracking better than any game I can think of at the moment.
Other M just feels scripted, I guess. No improvisational play at all. If you're going to do a heavily scripted game, then your competition isn't the Metroid series, it's stuff like Valve's work.
Boney said:You just like to moan.
Kard8p3 said:http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-Episode-40-Heavens-to-Metroid
Here's another video discussion the Other M controversy.
Very good video.Kard8p3 said:http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-Episode-40-Heavens-to-Metroid
Here's another video discussing the Other M controversy.
well, they do exist, but they never did anything for me. chalk it up to everything from a poor sound design to uninteresting level design. you get to a new area, and yeah, there might be a new item, but you don't actually need that one extra-missile, the cool sound-effect is missing and the room is probably generic bottle-ship C.Bizzyb said:I wouldn't say it's "scripted" but it's linear. you still have a bit of figuring out to do, and there ARE areas that you normally could get to before but now can b/c of an upgrade, esp those including the grapple beam and super missiles
Rez said:having just finished Echoes, I was reminded why backtracking was so important to Metroid. Yes, you backtrack, but that feeling of opening a previously locked door with a new beam or visor, or jumping up to a new height with the grapple hook or space jump is just phenominal. Retro really had that world design down to a beautiful science. You have to backtrack, but the amount of things you can do on your way, that make you feel like you're improvising, is everything classic Metroid was to me.
The Prime series did backtracking better than any game I can think of at the moment.
Other M just feels scripted, I guess. No improvisational play at all. If you're going to do a heavily scripted game, then your competition isn't the Metroid series, it's stuff like Valve's work.
Kard8p3 said:http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-Episode-40-Heavens-to-Metroid
Here's another video discussing the Other M controversy.
those being the exceptions in those games. granted, in my last playthrough of Echoes I managed to fall into the game's funnel at just the right angle and really naturally find all the dark keys in about half-an-hour, while finding a heap of other cool bonuses (ammo upgrades and energy upgrades), but I might have got lucky. I can see it being a nightmare if you're not sure what to look for or happen to get lost.ShockingAlberto said:I think the Prime games have examples of some of the most egregious forms of backtracking
I.e. keys, dark pieces, energy cells
The degree to which it uses this type of backtracking is not really my point.Ridley327 said:You need six energy cells to beat Prime 3. The game hands you four, including one at the beginning of the game and one that is literally right outside the Valhalla.
Kard8p3 said:http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-Episode-40-Heavens-to-Metroid
Here's another video discussing the Other M controversy.
Kard8p3 said:http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-Episode-40-Heavens-to-Metroid
Here's another video discussion the Other M controversy.
KevinCow said:Ahahahaha, he literally busts out a strawman and then keeps arguing against those points anyway.
Protip, Game Underthinker (because I know you're probably reading this): The issue isn't that they gave Samus more definition to her character. The issue is that they did a really, really, really, really, really bad job at it and made her an extremely unlikeable one. Exactly why this is has been explained in detail over and over, but you apparently skipped over those parts (not to mention the parts where people described in detail what's wrong with the actual gameplay) because they didn't fit with your little idea that anybody who is disappointed in this game just hates new things.
Oh and by the way I think you missed the part where Nintendo decided to revive Metroid as a first-person shooter developed by a western studio with no track record in your little rant about games that have taken risks.
Kard8p3 said:http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-Episode-40-Heavens-to-Metroid
Here's another video discussing the Other M controversy.