The game being ass gravy says alot about it too.mantidor said:Are you freaking serious? that says a lot about this game.
The game being ass gravy says alot about it too.mantidor said:Are you freaking serious? that says a lot about this game.
UltimateIke said:I also enjoyed the post-credits segment, going anywhere and doing anything. Like Metroid is supposed to be. :/
etiolate said:
Worthintendo said:Its not a perfect game but its still a good game.
ElectricBlanketFire said:I take the Mystery Science Theater 3000 approach with this game.
Just repeat to yourself it's just a show. I should really just relax.
Sennorin said:Great game and more fun than Prime 3.
And yes, the game isn´t sexist.
I disagree. Samus needs very little in the way of stuff that is inherently awesome. If you want to be flashy and awesome, learn to use the arsenal that you are given. You're able to pull off amazing stunts with them as long as the devs don't suck.Jezan said:The only problem with this game is Adam. Everything about his behavior and relation with Samus in the game is just weird, as everyone has been saying, why did he shoot Samus and why did he let Samus go into a lava zone without the proper suit.
Samus, except for her conversations with Adam (or her monologues about him), is awesome and badass, great moves that show her power and all that stuff, but then again you forget it as soon as she starts talking about Adam and his points of view about everything she is experiencing in Other M.
Anyway I like this game , I need another one with the same awesome moves , flashiness and agile Samus (but no d-pad)
Acerac said:I'm sure I'm missing out by having never tried this game.
I can't even play Metroid games any more. It was my favorite series as a kid. Metroid Prime was pretty awesome, then for some reason the devs decided to patch out every single sequence break they could find. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS? What possible good did this do? It made the game worse for no reason!HYDE said:No you're not, game will be entirely forgotten after this gen(other than later when it's brought up to demonstrate how not to do a Metroid game).
You sequence break on your first playthrough?Acerac said:Metroid Prime 2 had less sequence breaking from the getgo, I couldn't finish it. 3 had nearly none as well, I couldn't finish that one either. This one I didn't even bother buying as I knew it'd be a waste of money.
On the first 3? Of course! I would purposely not progress if I saw some crazy way I could theoretically go only if I pulled off some ridiculous bomb jump/wall jump combo. I'd spent upwards of half an hour at times to pull some silly route off. Even if the alternate route only rewarded me with a door I couldn't yet open, the fact that I made it to that point was awesome. When I managed to get some awesome item earlier than I was meant to, it was an amazing rush.KevinCow said:You sequence break on your first playthrough?
WELL I CERTAINLY CAN'T THINK OF A SINGLE GOOD REASON TO FIX BUGS. WHY INDEED!Acerac said:I can't even play Metroid games any more. It was my favorite series as a kid. Metroid Prime was pretty awesome, then for some reason the devs decided to patch out every single sequence break they could find. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS? What possible good did this do?
You call them bugs, I call them unintended features.jarosh said:WELL I CERTAINLY CAN'T THINK OF A SINGLE GOOD REASON TO FIX BUGS. WHY INDEED!
Break the game? I'm pretty confident they patched out bomb jumping over gates that didn't fill entire doorways. I may have been misinformed about this, (never bothered with the patched version of Metroid Prime) but as a huge fan of bomb jumping this seemed like quite the insult. If you were good enough to pull off a slightly trickier bomb jump you should be allowed to skip ahead.KarmaCow said:Most of the stuff they patched out was things pretty much no one would encounter unless they were trying to break the game. Even then, they didn't even patch the glitch in MP2 that could stop you from progressing. Granted it required the player to decide to only open 2 out of 3 locks, leave the room and save, but that was more harmful to the game than most of the exploits and glitches used in sequence breaking.
Acerac said:Break the game? I'm pretty confident they patched out bomb jumping over gates that didn't fill entire doorways. I may have been misinformed about this, (never bothered with the patched version of Metroid Prime) but as a huge fan of bomb jumping this seemed like quite the insult. If you were good enough to pull off a slightly trickier bomb jump you should be allowed to skip ahead.
I know my opinion isn't universal, but I don't think getting the Super Missiles before fighting the first miniboss broke Super Metroid. I don't see why the sequels should be any different.
[Nintex] said:- Why doesn't Adam want Samus to use her powers? It makes no sense for him to unlock her stuff as some sort of puppet master.
- None of the subplots/plots even get sorted out.Adam dies, so that melodramatic story has no conclusion, the infiltrator I can't even remember what happened to him/her, the whole stuff about 'mother' and the 'baby' it doesn't make any sense whatsoever and then the federation suddenly bursts in and fixes everything in 6 seconds. But we were all doomed because this station was going to destroy... wait what was the threat to the galaxy again?
There was certainly some cool stuff there but the overall package just didn't live up to the Metroid name.Maxrunner said:The best thing that got out from Other M was the smooth transitions of 3rd and first person views....that was very well put, but they didnt use it really well...
IrishNinja said:just read this game comes before Fusion, which i just finally got around to starting - would it be better to play this one first?
I second'd that. I really love M:OM and i think it's one of the best games of this gen, but to be honest, i'm not a big Metroid fan. Only played a couple of them. The biggest proof of this is that i love Other m for all the reasons that people hate it, like the linearity. I like Other M so much that i bought an american and a japanese copy(ended up selling the american one for a dime and staying with the japanese one, since the boxart and the dubbing are much better).Sennorin said:Every single of these subplots gets sorted out. You didn´t pay attention.
Great game, hopefully we get a sequel, maybe for 3DS.
Kid Ying said:The biggest proof of this is that i love Other m for all the reasons that people hate it, like the linearity.
[Nintex] said:This game has so many bad game design decisions that it's hard to sum them all up.
- Why doesn't Adam want Samus to use her powers? It makes no sense for him to unlock her stuff as some sort of puppet master.
Twilight Princess said:So I have heard that other m is about the sadist masochist relationship between samus and Adam? I love a good sm plot but I don't like samus being the submissive party.
It's just that the Primes were SO good Other M suffers by comparison.supabrett said:I have a feeling this game is getting way too much hate. I'll find out soon.
If the gameplay is good I don't care too much about the story.
Effect said:I still not sure I understand the reason they went with Team Ninja or they thought it was a good idea. Metroid is usually more popular in the west. You have a western based 1st party developer that has done the most recent Metroid games that were all well received overall and sold well. Said western developer understand the western market better or it would seem so. Yet instead they hand the latest Metroid game off to a Japanese developer. I thought there was a clear comparison that could be made between the western developed and the eastern developed Metroid games in recent years when it came to sales, popularity, and general reception. It's like they didn't even look at that data. Then to base a story and characterization on elements that were only released in Japan, knowing the following the game has outside of Japan just doesn't sound like a good decision at all.
I wonder if internally if Nintendo wishes they could have a do over.
Maxrunner said:Just give this back to Retro.....and let the try the third person aspect....oh give the art direction to andrew jones.....still one thing i think it worked well was the transition from third to first person, what was bad was the implementation and design, the fact you HAVE to see something at that moment or the game doesnt continues is ridiculous....
Then you might enjoy it, outside of the horrendous story, the game is a decent action romp with light exploration elements.supabrett said:I have a feeling this game is getting way too much hate. I'll find out soon.
If the gameplay is good I don't care too much about the story.
Play Fusion first darling.IrishNinja said:just read this game comes before Fusion, which i just finally got around to starting - would it be better to play this one first?