I'm bummed my copy didn't come with the reversible cover. Is that only for the special edition?
Area 3 and 4 absolutely do need those teleporters with the amount of times you're running from one end of the area to the other, they save a lot of time you'd otherwise spend pointlessly running around.
I strongly disagree with both these points. Even with 30 fps Samus feels lightning fast and super responsive, nothing remotely "tanky" feeling about it. The addition of free aim on top of that puts SR far above every other 2D Metroid, where most of the challenge of combat consists of awkwardly trying to position yourself such that you have the right angle on the enemy.
The teleporters aren't at all necessary while progressing through the game normally. They just make backtracking for 100% less tedious while maintaining Metroid 2's globally linear structure. I thought Fusion did a much worse job of making each stage interconnected. Super Metriod is obviously the king in this regard, but that's not really a fair comparison because SM's is has an overall nonlinear structure that involves criss-crossing rapidly between all areas of the map.
In terms of "micro" level design, I thought SR was strong but the navigational puzzles and challenges didn't feel quite as inventive as Fusion. Particularly the "challenge rooms" for certain powerups -- some of Fusion's were straight up nuts, whereas SR's are pretty tame and don't push the mechanics particularly hard. Haven't played Super Metroid in too long to say, but my recollection is that the moment-to-moment navigation was less puzzle-y and more straightforward. The challenge was in figuring out where to go next, less how to do so.
Anyway, I haven't actually beat the game yet (just acquired *late game powerup sort-of-spoiler*) but assuming the game sticks the landing I feel like this game is easily on par with Fusion. An impressive showing from an external team with a dubious pedigree!the powerbomb
Area 2 Spoilers/Plea for help
HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO KILL THAT GODDAMN SPIDER BOSS? Every time it dives for me I literally can not jump over it, every time it makes a bee line for me it stops just short of me the moment I jump so that I cant get over it and it hurts me. Thing kills me so easily every time and it is driving me INSANE.
Area 2 Spoilers/Plea for help
HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO KILL THAT GODDAMN SPIDER BOSS? Every time it dives for me I literally can not jump over it, every time it makes a bee line for me it stops just short of me the moment I jump so that I cant get over it and it hurts me. Thing kills me so easily every time and it is driving me INSANE.
What's with the blocks that are indestructible? Most power ups left are between me and that diamond pattern block. Someone spoil it for me on what I need to do here.
I've got everything sans power bombs.
I though shine sparking was way too awkward to be a viable mechanic.The morph ball being what it is in this game and the 30fps pretty much force a lack of shinesparking which makes the power-up collecting more a puzzle rather than a test of mechanical expertise. (Phase Drift Puzzles were the worst.) The responsiveness of the controls in Fusion/ZM allows for those sorts of challenges. Here you fall and remember you have to stop time next time.
You won't get the ability to get past those until basically the very end of the game. You'll definitely know when you get it, it's not missable.
The morph ball being what it is in this game and the 30fps pretty much force a lack of shinesparking which makes the power-up collecting more a puzzle rather than a test of mechanical expertise. (Phase Drift Puzzles were the worst.) The responsiveness of the controls in Fusion/ZM allows for those sorts of challenges. Here you fall and remember you have to stop time next time.
I though shine sparking was way too awkward to be a viable mechanic.
They're art depicting the story of the Chozo of SR388 and their creation of the Metroids. You can view them when you select a save file under the options menu. You unlock pieces of the 10 memories with item completion milestones; you need 100% to view all of them.Am I missing something? Where are these Chozo memories?? Lol
What Fusion and Zero Mission did with the Speed Booster is one of the main reasons I hate the Speed Booster and all of its BS controls with having to conserve momentum. It's challenging, yes, but I don't find it fun in the slightest. I'm glad we have the slowdown here rather than speed boosting.While the Speed Booster being missing is definitely due to graphical concerns and there were a few areas where I definitely missed the extra speed and protection I don't really miss the Speed Booster/Shinespark puzzles, they were leaned on way too heavily in Fusion and Zero Mission for my liking. Zero Mission especially, it felt like every other expansion and Energy Tank was hidden behind a Speed Booster puzzle. While I would absolutely like to see it come back in the next 2D Metroid I'm okay with Samus Returns bringing a change of pace to 2D Metroid puzzle solving.
I thought I was reading something else.Final Score=SR388/10
So you're telling me ALL these blocks that obstruct a power up will become availabletalk about breaking the pacing to go back and collect all these.near the end of the game?
Use bombs.Wow I was absolutely loving this game until I've hit a big ol' roadblock. I'm hoping there's something obvious I'm missing here, because otherwise I'm at a loss for how poor the conveyance inis. How do youthe driller bossdamage it in its final form? I already broke both of its big ol' drill arms, despite it taking far too much trial and error to see what I was even supposed to be interacting with. Now it just goes in a cycle of lasers -> drill smash -> sucking in, and seems to be unable to be damaged in any of those forms.
As a side note, it's such bullshit that your time power turns off for no reason if you're sucked in. It would have been very cool if you could damage it by slowing time to grab onto its mouth without getting hurt on the teeth and ram some missiles in.
Wow I was absolutely loving this game until I've hit a big ol' roadblock. I'm hoping there's something obvious I'm missing here, because otherwise I'm at a loss for how poor the conveyance inis. How do youthe driller bossdamage it in its final form? I already broke both of its big ol' drill arms, despite it taking far too much trial and error to see what I was even supposed to be interacting with. Now it just goes in a cycle of lasers -> drill smash -> sucking in, and seems to be unable to be damaged in any of those forms.
As a side note, it's such bullshit that your time power turns off for no reason if you're sucked in. It would have been very cool if you could damage it by slowing time to grab onto its mouth without getting hurt on the teeth and ram some missiles in.
I really hope this is less shitty than I'm thinking it is, because I really like the Metroid battles for the most part, especially the Zetas, they're a lot of fun.
Oh, speaking of boss design, does anyone know if it's possible to regain missiles when you're fighting the Alpha/Gamma Metroids that drop the lightning balls instead of shooting the pellets? I had an issue early on where I got stuck in one of those fights because I couldn't figure out how to/if you had any way of regaining missiles, and it's a huge bummer if so.
Ah, okay. The one thing I didn't try on theFor the boss:You can use bombs when he uses the sucking in move, it's not sign-posted well at all, no. After that, there's a slight gimmick to land the final hits on him that's also kind of obtuse - notice that some red lines on his face need to line up when you attack.
Yeah, the lightning balls can replenish missiles. Metroids are also all vulnerable to the Ice Beam now, I think the fire variations are supposed to hint you toward that I guess?
Regarding the bossAh, okay. The one thing I didn't try on thesucking move - I figured that if neither Missiles nor Super Missiles did anything, it wouldn't be terribly likely that Bombs would either. Plus they would be extra-difficult to make it suck in due to them exploding quickly, so I didn't continue trying after I failed a handful of times.
That's interesting, I was just thinking how the Ice Beam seemed underused. I hadn't even thought to use it on the evolved Metroids. That lines up with Fusion's Omega being weak to Ice, too, which is fun.
Gonna need to slap my head with my hand followed by a head desk a few times for not realizing this after I fought with theRegarding the bossyou can use spider ball to stick to the ground and just follow the vacuum and lay bombs.
Regarding the bossyou can use spider ball to stick to the ground and just follow the vacuum and lay bombs.
All Metroids have attacks you can counter. Either your timing is off or you are trying to counter the wrong attacks.
I am not sure if freezing the belly forces an attack you can counter, but shooting rockets at a frozen belly definitely causes more damage than shooting at an exposed one.
Area 3 and 4 absolutely do need those teleporters with the amount of times you're running from one end of the area to the other, they save a lot of time you'd otherwise spend pointlessly running around.
Regarding the bossyou can use spider ball to stick to the ground and just follow the vacuum and lay bombs.
About the Final Boss:Holy goodness, Ridley is just an absolute tank. Like, I'm just imagining him coming straight from his fight from Metroid 1 and still recovering, but if you take into account the Prime games it's even crazier. And then there's the fact that after taking this multi-stage beatdown from Samus and the Metroid, he literally gets right up again and chases you down in Super Metroid. Honestly, the whole contrivance in Other M where he had to be "revived" is just made even more incredibly pointless, it's clear this dude just does not die, and whatever beating he received in Super Metroid could not have been enough to have Samus convinced that was the end of him. Almost want a Super Metroid remake just to see them seriously tackle taking Ridley down.
How has the stock situation been with the more recent amiibo? I wasn't able to get the amiibo for this game from the initial shipment. Am I likely to be able to get them within the next few months? I'm in Canada, but I'll import the damn things if I have to. I've wanted a Metroid amiibo since amiibo were first announced. They're like the perfect blend of cute and horrible.
Also, what's with that 100% reward?Evil Chozo are the villains in Metroid 5?
Just beat the game.
Also, how does Ridley die, then come back to life minutes later, in time for Super Metroid?
Just because he falls down and his eyes turn dark doesn't mean he's dead.His body is largely intact and we saw how resilient he is earlier in the fight.
That... Actually makes a lot of sense. How the hell would you be able to make any kind of meaningful scientific discovery in a few hours?I don't think Super Metroid takes place literally just after Metroid II anyways. There needed to be some time for the researchers to study the Metroid Samus brought in in order for them to make any kind of discoveries that Samus mentioned in the Super Metroid info. My headcanon states that she was hired to guard the Ceres station for at least a few months or so.
Just because he falls down and his eyes turn dark doesn't mean he's dead.His body is largely intact and we saw how resilient he is earlier in the fight.
I don't think Super Metroid takes place literally just after Metroid II anyways. There needed to be some time for the researchers to study the Metroid Samus brought in in order for them to make any kind of discoveries that Samus mentioned in the Super Metroid info. My headcanon states that she was hired to guard the Ceres station for at least a few months or so.
About the Final Boss:.Holy goodness, Ridley is just an absolute tank. Like, I'm just imagining him coming straight from his fight from Metroid 1 and still recovering, but if you take into account the Prime games it's even crazier. And then there's the fact that after taking this multi-stage beatdown from Samus and the Metroid, he literally gets right up again and chases you down in Super Metroid. Honestly, the whole contrivance in Other M where he had to be "revived" is just made even more incredibly pointless, it's clear this dude just does not die, and whatever beating he received in Super Metroid could not have been enough to have Samus convinced that was the end of him. Almost want a Super Metroid remake just to see them seriously tackle taking Ridley down.
Lame. I had that version but returned it for the normal. I don't care about a cd for $10. I didn't know that was the only way to get the reversible cover though.
"Hobbyists"My eyes twitch when I see hobbyists use a 100 point scale lol.
Ah, yes. Clearly, inferior to "professional" Metroid players.
Get over yourself.