Besides being a wonderful click-bait title, the quote comes from a New Preview (game played directly at Ubi Montpellier's studios) posted by Gamekult (French website) with a lot of gameplay/content info, including bits on the VITA/PS3/XBOX360 versions.
Haven't found it posted anywhere. Send it in a cage with Lums if old.
Here is the link to the original article (in french) :
Quick summary of information confirmed (translated from french):
- Xbox 360/PS3 versions do not provide any form of touch gameplay (no options to use Vita or Smartglass as a second screen). Murphy is mapped to a single button that automatically triggers his actions.
- Touch levels design has been completely re-worked from Wii U/Vita version to match with the other consoles. The purpose was to obtain the same kind of difficulty/rythm/balance.
- The overall difficulty has been toned down compared to Rayman Origins, leaving more space for a "progressive" evolution. They however focused on implementing a lot of secrets and challenges to satisfy gamers looking for more while avoiding frustration for the others.
- The Preview Demo was including a new sub-aquatic level, with a more "open" structure. The level included a central hub to return to, with several switches to activate around the open level to free the way to continue.
- The extra-time given by the infamous delay allowed them to work on an "Invasion" version of the existing levels. These are completely re-worked versions of the levels ("à la" Super Mario 3D Land extra levels) including Time-attack challenges.
- Christophe Héral, who was in charge of Rayman Origins' music, is back for Rayman Legends "with a surprise" for those completing the game at 100% (excellent news, I LOVED Rayman Origins soundtrack)
- PS Vita Version is identical to Wii U version in terms of gameplay (including touch levels). It even adds 5 exclusives "touch" levels. Performance-wise, the Vita version tested ran smoothly but with some dips below 60 FPS (whereas Wii U was rock-solid 60 FPS).
- There is no over-arching scenario that builds a logic to the entire game. These are stand-alone "universes" that are pure context excuses for the fun, gameplay and art. Hence the nice quote from Michel Ancel in the title :
or (free translation)
And a few new Screenshots to make it better (direct-link, as I was too lazy to re-host it) :
Haven't found it posted anywhere. Send it in a cage with Lums if old.
Here is the link to the original article (in french) :
Quick summary of information confirmed (translated from french):
- Xbox 360/PS3 versions do not provide any form of touch gameplay (no options to use Vita or Smartglass as a second screen). Murphy is mapped to a single button that automatically triggers his actions.
- Touch levels design has been completely re-worked from Wii U/Vita version to match with the other consoles. The purpose was to obtain the same kind of difficulty/rythm/balance.
- The overall difficulty has been toned down compared to Rayman Origins, leaving more space for a "progressive" evolution. They however focused on implementing a lot of secrets and challenges to satisfy gamers looking for more while avoiding frustration for the others.
- The Preview Demo was including a new sub-aquatic level, with a more "open" structure. The level included a central hub to return to, with several switches to activate around the open level to free the way to continue.
- The extra-time given by the infamous delay allowed them to work on an "Invasion" version of the existing levels. These are completely re-worked versions of the levels ("à la" Super Mario 3D Land extra levels) including Time-attack challenges.
- Christophe Héral, who was in charge of Rayman Origins' music, is back for Rayman Legends "with a surprise" for those completing the game at 100% (excellent news, I LOVED Rayman Origins soundtrack)
- PS Vita Version is identical to Wii U version in terms of gameplay (including touch levels). It even adds 5 exclusives "touch" levels. Performance-wise, the Vita version tested ran smoothly but with some dips below 60 FPS (whereas Wii U was rock-solid 60 FPS).
- There is no over-arching scenario that builds a logic to the entire game. These are stand-alone "universes" that are pure context excuses for the fun, gameplay and art. Hence the nice quote from Michel Ancel in the title :
"Dans un certain sens, c'est un peu comme du porno : on va droit à l'essentiel sans trop se demander pourquoi le plombier est venu au départ."
or (free translation)
"In a way, it's a bit like porno : you go straight to the essential without really wondering why the plumber was there in the first place"
And a few new Screenshots to make it better (direct-link, as I was too lazy to re-host it) :