Welcome to the official Might and Magic Heroes VI thread.
This is a fantasy turned based strategy game developed by Black Hole and published by Ubisoft

This is a Ubisoft PC game so of course we do have DRM.
This time you won't have to be online all the time, you can actually play the game online but you will have to authenticate the game offline the first time after installation.
If you play online you will have many more features available, all under the name of the MMH6 online system: Conflux
Some of these limitations are there to avoid cheating during online gameplay

Core Gameplay
The Heroes formula is pretty much the same since the first installment of the game.
You control a faction in a map with your own castle and heroes.
Micromanaging the resources you'll be able to create new building in your castle to recruit more armies for your heroes.
Some other buildings will be incresing the town defence or giving you special ability unique to each faction.
Your heroes will be exploring the map conquering mines to gather more resources for you buildings, gather artifacts to potentiate their abilities and killing neutral creatures to level up, gain more skills and so on.
The most common objective during a game is to destroy all the other players on the map.
To successfully destroy a player you'll have to conquer all his castles and kill all his heroes.

Right now the game is featuring 5 factions.
Describing in a neat way every faction and their creatures would have required too much time.
That's why most of the content of this section is coming from a fan written manual.
The authors are spamm, alexrom66, Pavlov and Magic_Art from the Heroic Corner forum.
Each creature has a standard version and un upgraded version, that's why there are two names for each of'em.
Some abilities are common to both versions others are exclusive to one of them.

The Holy Empire is a theocracy protected by medieval knights and monks. They worship Elrath, the Dragon God of Light, who grants them magical powers based on his elemental dominion. Their objective is to lead a life worthy of Elrath’s ideals of Truth and Purity, to shape the world in his image, and to spread his sacred Light.
Core philosophy
“Law & Order” rather than “Good & Mercy”
Driven by the Angels, Elrath’s chosen, Haven believes in the flawed nature of the self, which must be cleansed in the light of Elrath. Their objective is to lead a life worthy of Elrath’s forgiveness, shape the world in his image and spread his sacred light.
Haven worships Elrath, the Dragon of Light, and its first servants – the Angels. With the Angels mostly gone, the Holy Empire is the primary remaining base of worship for the Dragon of Light.
The Holy Empire is mostly composed of Humans who have switched their allegiance from Ylath to Elrath. Supported by the few Angels remaining, they pray to Elrath in exchange for blessings and miracles.
In this system of belief, magic power is proportional to faith. Angels are a bit different. Being an elder race directly related to Elrath, they have an innate affinity with Light magic.
Approach to warfare
“Stand your ground”
Mounted knights make up the Empire’s heavy shock troops, supported by heavy infantry (the Sentinels, renowned for their discipline and military coordination) and missile weapons (the justly feared crossbowmen).
Each noble is responsible for training his local militia and men-at-arms, and each troop is under the command of the noble who raised and paid to outfit it. The entire army is under the command of whichever noble the Emperor has appointed to the post. In theory, anyone is eligible. In practice, very few are ever given command of an army – the Emperor simply doesn’t trust many of his vassals with that kind of power.
The Emperor personally leads the Imperial Host, a collection of battle-hardened troops made up of the best soldiers the Empire has to offer. These owe their allegiance to the Emperor himself and no one else, and there isn’t a force in the Empire who can stand against them.
Haven Creatures
Sentinel | Pretorian
The Sentinels are volunteers who have proven their loyalty to the Emperor and their devotion to Elrath. Renowned for their discipline and military coordination, they are the first line of defense of the Holy Empire. They have sworn an oath to protect their brothers-in-arms with their heavy shield and, if needed, their lives. For their own personal protection, they rely entirely on their faith.
The Praetorian is an upgraded Sentinel. Also called the Gold Cloaks by the small folk, the Praetorians have earned their honorable status through acts of courage and demonstrations of fearlessness. They form the personal guard of the Holy Emperor, and of the Dukes of the Realm. Only a handful of Sentinels are chosen to become Praetorians once a year on Elrath’s day. They must then swear a sacred oath before Elrath himself, pledging to sacrifice themselves if duty requires. Their golden armor was originally meant to impress the Empire’s enemies and allies alike, but now their legendary reputation surpasses the shine of their uniform.
Shielded | Sentinel, Praetorian
The Sentinels of the Holy Empire are renowned for their discipline and military coordination. At the first sign of an attack from the sky, they lift in unison their powerful shields forming a veritable wall of protection over their heads. Whenever any sentinel cries “to the sky”, the others react immediately,
crouching and raising their shields.
Shieldguard | Sentinel, Praetorian
The Sentinels of the Holy Empire have earned their honorable status through acts of courage and demonstrations of fearlessness. On the battlefield, they react quickly to protect those who are in danger around them, moving in unison like the first rays of light on a cold winter’s morning.
Shield Bash | Praetorian
The Praetorians of the Holy Empire have earned their promotion from Sentinel to elite guardians as much for their selfless dedication to their duties as for their excellent skills in melee. If an enemy attacks those they are assigned to protect, they strike the aggressor immediately in a cry of rage, assuring that the act does not remain unpunished.
Many stories are told about how Ronan Falcon, armed only with courage and honor, triumphed over the human clan lords and united them to form the Empire that would bear his name. But it is closer to the truth to say that the crossbow is the true reason why he was victorious. To this day, the Crossbowmen of the Empire are still feared in every corner of Ashan!
The Marksman is the upgraded Crossbowman. Marksmen are veteran Crossbowmen who traditionally guard the walls of the capital city of Falcon’s Reach. One of the numerous tests to join their ranks reflects on their remarkable skills. They are sent on a hunt with one bolt and must return with two geese brought down with a single shot. Captain Borloo, a legendary Marksman, is said to have found the test too easy. He brought back a wolf and a bear.
Armor Piercing | Crossbowman, Marksman
The Crossbowmen of the Holy Empire are feared by common soldiers as well as knights. Their coordinated volleys are renowned, but their lethal reputation comes from the tremendous power coiled in their
weapons. The bolts launched from their crossbows are said capable of piercing dwarven marble.
Piercing Bolt | Marksman
Marksmen have become masters of the crossbow and learned lethal techniques allowing them to make maximum usage of each of their powerful bolts. Not only do the front lines of their enemies fear their piercing strikes, but those standing behind their target must remain extremely wary.
Sister | Vestal
The Sisters of Elrath are devoted to the worship of the Dragon-God of Light. Chosen for their spiritual gifts, these women have dedicated their lives to bringing light and warmth to all the people in need. Sisters of Elrath are respected and loved by all the citizens of the Empire, and in war times they are on the front lines to care for the wounded.
The Vestal is the upgraded Sister. The Order of Vesta draws its name from the widowed wife of Emperor Ronan II. Vesta Falcon retired from public life the day her husband was killed in battle and dedicated herself to Elrath in pursuit of powers that might put an end to fighting once and for all. Today’s Vestals can be found on battlefields and are known to pacify their enemies so that other members of the Holy legions can finish them off. One might question if Vesta would be pleased by this evolution.
Heal | Sister, Vestal
The Sisters and Vestals of the Holy Empire, emboldened by their faith in Elrath, master the healing powers of the Dragon-God of Light. Many soldiers recount the tale of being saved in extremis in the heat of a bloody battle by the warm hands of a Sister. Some even claim that they were dead, but that the priestess
brought them back to life.
Pacification | Vestal
The Vestals of the Holy Empire walk with a natural aura of purity and truth that brings spiritual pause to the enemies they attack. Their resolve and beauty has been known to strike their enemies speechless. A well-known Elven ballad recounts a battle with Vestals, claiming that each blow they delivered felt like being slapped on the face by your mother.
Griffin | Imperial Griffin
Griffins were created in the Mythic Age from the spontaneous magical fusion of lions and eagles. At that time the surface of Ashan was irrigated by dragon-veins, remnants of the Dragon Gods’ wars, and animals that drank of these untamed rivers of dragon blood and magic were permanently altered by it. It is said that an act of compassion by an eagle who rescued a lion being carried away by the current of a dragon-vein gave rise to this formidable species.
The Imperial Griffin is the upgraded Griffin. In the days before the wars between the Elves of Tuidhana and the Holy Empire, the two realms enjoyed times of lasting peace. During the Years of Healing, Elven smiths were said to have been so impressed by the harmonious bonds Humans had forged with Griffins, that they taught them the secrets of Starsilver. This metal is as strong as it is light, and when properly crafted makes extremely effective armor for the flying beasts. The mysterious Elven glyphs found on the bardings of the Imperial Griffins are remnants of that long forgotten friendship.
Diving Attack | Griffin
When Griffins take flight in the heat of a battle it is not a sign that their morale is low. They dive on their opponents in a strafe of claws and beaks that can level a line of enemies. Many a man on Ashan will tell you that hell is below the earth deep within the bowels of Sheogh. Anyone who has ever met a Griffin in combat knows that the sky should be feared even more.
Unlimited Retaliation | Griffin, Imperial Griffin
Griffins are said to be animated by the magic of the Dragon-gods and are prized allies of the Holy Empire. Their fury in battle, their wild resolve, and their amazing agility permit them to retaliate against any and all assailants that surround them. As the saying in the Empire goes, “Outflanking a Griffin’s as easy as stealing a kiss from a maiden when her father’s holding her hand.”
Diving Assault | Imperial Griffin
Imperial Griffins have spent many years with their human allies, and have learned the tactical importance of weakening an enemy line in battle. When they take to the sky, they return and strike their opponents at the moment they think the greatest danger has passed. As the great Emperor Connor the 1st once said, “We’re never outnumbered, for as long as we have a Griffin with a breast plate who can still fly.”
Radiant Glory | Blazing Glory
Vessels of the will of Elrath, the Dragon-God of Light, Radiant Glories are shining spirits who can flare into brilliance and blind their enemies. In the Spirit Realm, Elrath’s dominion is filled with myriads of these creatures. They are often sent as envoys and advisors to Elrath’s most faithful followers.
The generals of the Holy Empire soon found a use for these beings of burning light.
The Blazing Glory is the upgraded Radiant Glory. The Blazing Glory is a Radiant Glory that has been elevated by Elrath to a higher status. Directly exposed to the immaculate aura of the Dragon-God of Light, they are considered to be the manifestation of righteousness. They are greatly feared in battle, for in order to defeat one of them, one must find a good moral reason, or be cursed with guilt for eternity.
Speed of Light | Radiant Glory, Blazing Glory
Glories are thought to be spirits of pure light, and they attack with blinding speed. An appropriate old saying best explains their power: “Parrying the attack of a Glory is like trying to pin your shadow to the
wall.” Try it! It’s not an easy matter.
Cleansing Light | Radiant Glory, Blazing Glory
“Glories are to justice what a hammer is to an anvil.” When magic has been used on the battlefield to change the outcome of a fight that a Glory deems just, it brightens in anger emanating a cleansing burst. The will of Elrath is that all battles are won through courage and faith, but never trickery.
Searing Light | Blazing Glory
A Blazing Glory is said to be a mirror of pure truth that can reveal your soul. Its gaze blinds those who are unwilling to repent from their faults. In the heat of a battle, the Blazing Glory will often force an enemy to look into its purity, causing both pain and blindness. Those who survive the searing light are never quite the same.
Sun Rider | Sun Crusader
There are many knights in the Holy Empire, but only those deemed worthy by Elrath himself can join the Order of the Holy Sun. Commonly known as Sun Riders, these champions of the Light ride enchanted steeds summoned from Elrath’s spiritual realm.
These magical mounts are said to be able to ride on the faintest ray of light.
The Sun Crusader is the upgraded Sun Rider. A Sun Crusader is a Sun Rider who has accepted a Holy Quest. This is a personal pact made with Elrath that generally involves thwarting a particular enemy or finding a particular object. Once the oath has been sworn, the Crusader rarely remains sedentary and often becomes a knight errant, dedicated to the pursuit of his quest. In times of war, the Holy Emperor recalls the Crusaders to protect the realm. This commitment, made by all Crusaders, takes priority over their personal quests.
Charge | Sun Rider
The legendary charge of the Sun Riders is a sight as beautiful as it is deadly. Many first-hand stories claim that the riders gain force the longer the distance they cover before their attack. Some of this is due to the increased speed of their mounts, but when seen from afar, one would swear that a magical light accumulates around their bodies in an ever-growing aura as they cross each parcel of ground between themselves and their enemy.
Blinding Charge | Sun Crusader
“May Elrath’s Light guide you swiftly on to your next life! Prepare to meet your Dragon-god!” The war cry of the Sun Crusader Baron Bernard has been passed down from generation to generation and exemplifies more than anything the tremendous amount of time he had to smite his enemies while he charged down upon them. It is said that his armor and shield reflected the light of the sun, creating a beacon that singled out the target of his wrath, blinding his adversaries. It was considered by many to be a merciful power, as it gave its victims a brief moment to prepare their soul for the transition from life to death.
Sun Steed | Sun Crusader
The Sun Crusader has attained a level of faith in Elrath that links his own determination to that of the Dragon-God of Light. No obstacle may impede him from attacking the target his pure heart has decided must be vanquished. His mount is momentarily transformed into light, and like some holy wraith, allows the rider to go anywhere and through anything for a brief and devastating moment. This power alone has changed the art of warfare on Ashan over the last centuries for a Sun Crusader may flank an opposing army by simply charging straight through the enemy lines.
Celestial | Seraph
Physically imposing and striking in their perfection, the Angels of the Light are Elrath’s messengers – and shock troops – on the face of Ashan. They are taller than Humans, far more beautiful, and project an aura of power and confidence. Celestials, on the other hand, are smaller and more Human-like in their appearance. They started to appear after the creation of the Falcon Empire. Their true origins remain a mystery, but their devotion to Elrath is total.
In battle they wield the twin blades of Judgment and Mercy.
The Seraph is the upgraded Celestial. The Seraphim are champions among the Celestials. Their given names are often those of more legendary Angels fallen during the Elder Wars, and some priests actually think that they are reincarnations of older Angel souls, returned by Elrath in this great time of trouble. Whatever their origin, they are extremely skilled in battle and fight with an absolute heroism and fearlessness that seems to come from an era of living legends.
Blade of Mercy | Celestial
“The Celestial has a blade that can bring a valiant soul back to life on the battlefield. This magic is neither arcane nor ritualistic. They call upon the power of Light instinctively, using their faith in Elrath as a catalyst.” This note, taken from the writings of a teacher of the Wizards of the Seven Cities, is amazingly accurate. Soldiers of the Holy Empire fight with greater courage and less fear when there is a Celestial amongst their ranks, for death is not necessarily permanent.
Blade of Judgment | Celestial, Seraph
“If ever you strike an ally of Elrath, the Celestial will know it, for the steel in her blade will tremble.” from the Requiem verses of Queen Tuidhana. The Celestial’s Blade of Judgment is said to be attuned to the pain taken by her allies. It stores the transgression as a power, and when the ally’s aggressor is attacked, the pain adds to the target’s woes.
Blade of Epiphany | Seraph
“I was dead I tell you, and the Arch-Angel Michael brought me back. I came back stronger and faster. Alive again... to do Elrath’s bidding!” This is a typical testimony of a resurrected soldier in Michael’s campaign against the Prince of Hate. Had it not been for the tremendous resurrection powers of the Seraphim, the demons would have certainly destroyed the Holy Empire.
Absolute Purity Seraph The Seraphim’s determination and faith in Elrath make them immune to all magic that attempts to hinder or sway them from their path. This tremendous ability has given rise to a well-known expression in the forests of Irollan. “Curse a Seraph? You might as well try cursing the sun!”

Demons are embodiments of Chaos. They believe that the only meaningful moral value is individual freedom, and they feel no need to justify their actions. They kill because they can, or they want to.
That’s why they are viewed as “Evil” and dangerous, and why the other factions of Ashan prefer them to be locked up in their prison-realm, Sheogh, that Sar-Elam created for them.
However, there are individuals, among these nations, who are seduced by this absolute notion of Free Will above all, and end up converted to demon worship.
Core philosophy
“Might makes Right”
The ability to commit an act is sufficient justification to do it. Conquer, plunder and rape the weak – or not, as you wish – indulge yourself in selfish pleasures, convert the fools who do not understand the true meaning of “liberty”. Power is to be taken by the strong, and lorded over the weak.