Marathon got the most views out of te showcase... and I toatlly don't feel the gaas crap games.
I feel extremely out of touch.
I only want single player games. I hate gaas and multiplayet. Classic MP? sure... maybe a bit but I just want SP
Yes this. Unless they are resurrecting quake 3/unreal tournament /warhaek/bf2/bfbc2/tf2... Than forget multiplayer (outside of a few random mortal kombat and switch sports matches).
Single player all the way. Linear focused or open world. Either is great, but I need to pause and take care of things. Don't have time for marathon gaming sessions with shooting shit for épéen.
Turn based strategy, rpg, city builder, survival, horror, arcade and Sim racing, freelancer style space combat, 3rd person action adventure, fps single player, etc... And I'm all in. When everything goes gaas, and always online they loose my money.
It's a stupid strategy as I'm sure I'm not alone. Gen x will be the first Gen to really take gaming into the nursing home, lol... Retired people need something to do and I will be there in 20 some years (wtf)... Thankfully backlogs grow by the day and I don't mind replaying old games.