No. And my machine is a PII 970 @ 3.5ghz with a GTX 560ti. I routinely get well over 100fps normally.
Them that is weird. Did it run like shit or it just told you what you posted earlier ?
No. And my machine is a PII 970 @ 3.5ghz with a GTX 560ti. I routinely get well over 100fps normally.
Them that is weird. Did it run like shit or it just told you what you posted earlier ?
MC isn't the best optimized game.
It gave me a 'this computer is below min spec' dialog box, then kicked me back to the launcher.
MC isn't the best optimized game.
MC isn't the best optimized game.
I shudder to think how incredible this game could be if it was in C++.
I love Minecraft to death and have literally played hundreds of hours of it, but I agree 110%. Minecraft pretty much runs like shit considering what it is. That's mostly the fault of being coded in Java though, honestly for a Java game it's probably optimized very well. But if they simply converted the game to C++ it would run 1000% times better even with a draw distance four times greater than what it is now.
I shudder to think how incredible this game could be if it was in C++. It would solve their lighting problems. You'd be able to see such incredible distances. The amplified world generation mode wouldn't bring Cray computers to a struggle.
Someday, someone is going to make the Minecraft clone that is optimized and coded in a better language, and if they do a good job they are going to make MILLIONS. Honestly I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.
Xbox version i believe is written in C++ since Xbox doesn't work with Java at all. That version have rock solid 60fps. Worlds are smaller but those smaller worlds aren't problem of hardware more like save space req for arcade games or something like that.
360 MC map is small due to memory limits, not space limit. Large map would increase save-file size but that's not limited, AFAIK. Minecraft requires a lot of memory, and 360 has mere 512MB of it (and that's shared memory, no?).
Must say - I don't think they have any ambition whatsoever. They just want to let the cash keep rolling in. Yes, they continually update the game, but I think they do the bare minimum in order to keep people interested with a bare minimum team on a bare minimum budget.It's absolute bullshit they won't spend a million or two to make a PC version in a different language, or port over the Xbox C++ code and update it to the PC's version. NOT LIKE
Must say - I don't think they have any ambition whatsoever. They just want to let the cash keep rolling in. Yes, they continually update the game, but I think they do the bare minimum in order to keep people interested with a bare minimum team on a bare minimum budget.
I love Minecraft, but it could be so much more. I wont feel one ounce of loyalty if somebody comes along and rips them off blatantly, while spending a bit of money and doing everything better.
Exactly. And better-looking, most likely.Any proper dev studio with 10-15 C++ specialists people would outdo Mojang in less than a year delivering even more content and better features.
I started a similar thread! lolI started thread here on NeoGaf why there is no proper minecraft close
If they just hired a few more people, the current Minecraft would have been achievable a year or more ago. They're just plain cheap and unambitious.But being written in Java is also pretty much the onl thing making Minecraft as moddable as it is and has probably sped up the development and patching process by several times, so it's not like they don't have their reasons.
Imo the reason is Notch starting it in Java as a hobby project. And then it simply never changed. I don't think he sunk to much thought into it's not like they don't have their reasons.
Not even speaking about how other aspect of Minecraft dev is going ( didn't play for at least a year, but looking at some of the snapshot I always end up crying a little inside, so few things after so many millions $/£/€ made ), it's still blow my mind that the modding API is still nowhere near sight ( and with EvilSeph leaving I don't think it will change anytime soon ).Or they just want to work on it personally. Jeb and Notch are Java programists mostly. Naturally C++ and Java are not that much difference so people need to dedicate life to one or another but essentially they would need to hire somebody that would be doing jeb work or other people hired already.
Optifine shouldn't even exist to begin with. Few modder modded core engine of minecraft to support multicore CPUs properly. That shows how none of that team is java expert.
Probably most problematic thing is lack of any real competition. IT is either small indie 1 man studio doing some barely working minecraft like sandbox that has less features than alpha or completely different style that isn't really competition to minecraft.
Any proper dev studio with 10-15 C++ specialists people would outdo Mojang in less than a year delivering even more content and better features.
I started thread here on NeoGaf why there is no proper minecraft close and basically most of people just said that no one tries to compete for unknown reason. Which is imo weirdest thing considering how much $$$ minecraft make.
Yep, 4J Studios, which is a very small team of people who are in return, earning them millions and millions of dollars.Well, no shit they could do more if more people worked more on the project. And sure, a team of not that many people could outdo them in less time than they have spent and make something that runs better. I'm not arguing against any of those things. Minecraft as a thing only exists because it got made at the time it got made in the way it got made though, which isn't a direct argument for coding it in Java with one guy at all.
Edit: And they did more or less hire guys to completely re-write the game with the 360 version. It's not like they're against the idea. You could probably snatch that render code and port it to DX9 and have a rough C++ version of the whole thing running in a month.
Yep, 4J Studios, which is a very small team of people who are in return, earning them millions and millions of dollars.
I think the point here is - DO SOMETHING WITH THAT MONEY. They seem far too content to just rest on their laurels.
Imo the reason is Notch starting it in Java as a hobby project. And then it simply never changed. I don't think he sunk to much thought into it.
This is true, Notch never dreamed his experiment would balloon into the huge wonder-hit that it is today. In that regard I can see why the game started in Java. However, now that it's sold many millions of copies and made him dozens of millions of dollars, I would think he could make the effort to take his hobby game to the next level, and actually migrate it into a far more efficient language. I mean honestly, he could easily afford to have the two platforms updated and maintained in parallel even, and give the players the option of using either the Java client or the C++ client.
And while the updates to Minecraft come frequently and they are great, it seems like the mod community is far, far more capable of updating the game to do wonderful and incredible things than Mojang is. Almost every official update and addition that has been incorporated over the past two years was done first by the modding community, and in many cases even done better by the modding community.
Notch does seem to be very content with Minecraft updating slowly, almost glacially. And I suppose he's earned the right to do so if he wants.
It's an interesting discussion.
My personal view is this: I paid $14 for Minecraft, and it's given me literally hundreds of hours of fun. If Mojang announced today that they were stopping all updates immediately, I'd be okay with it as love the game the way it is and plan on playing it for a very long time. Could it be better? Hell yeah, much better. Does the game have huge potential? Most certainly. That doesn't negate the fact that a $14 Java game is probably my favorite video game of all time. Anything they add or improve to the game from now on is simply sweet, delicious gravy on top of my meal. So I'm grateful for anything they do to make the game better.
And while the updates to Minecraft come frequently and they are great, it seems like the mod community is far, far more capable of updating the game to do wonderful and incredible things than Mojang is. Almost every official update and addition that has been incorporated over the past two years was done first by the modding community, and in many cases even done better by the modding community.
I don't think he's even involved in it anymore (except for some office chitchat). It seems that by now, he pretty much just enjoys the ride.Notch does seem to be very content with Minecraft updating slowly, almost glacially. And I suppose he's earned the right to do so if he wants.
There's something to be said for authorial intent, isn't there? That's why I only play vanilla. It's 'canonical' in a sense. Mods to me are like custom Magic cards and fanfic. May be totally awesome, but not the word of god.
Frankly i think that if they would stop updating minecraft modding community would do much more that now. They promised proper API like year ago and still there is no API at horizon.
Wheat as far as I could see
Terrafirma Craft has seasons. You actually have to plan your farming ahead and stock up or you'll have no food. Would be awesome to have a mechanic like it in vanilla MC where you had to stock up before winter hit.
So, I'm trying out Feed the Beast, and have never made quarries or tried out buildcraft before. I made one, but I can't seem to power it. I'm not sure if it's enough power, or I have the wrong pipes. Here's my setup.
Yeah, I put some coal in it, it looks like there's power running through the pipe, but the frame doesn't appear.Is your engine actually running? You'll see the engine animate if it's running. If I'm remembering correctly, you need to supply a redstone signal to it to turn it on. Plop down a lever next to the engine and see if that does it.
You do have a fuel source in the engine, right?
Yeah, I put some coal in it, it looks like there's power running through the pipe, but the frame doesn't appear.
Edit: I was able to power it by putting the engines right up to the quarry, but I would still like to be able to transfer power through pipes so I can get more power. What pipes should I use?
I think you need an electric engine hooked into the quarry to do that. Correct me if I'm wrong, Vlad.
I could have sworn that as far as Buildcraft is concerned, power is power, regardless of the source. The quarry won't run as fast on a single stirling engine, but it'll definitely run. Unless something's changed in a recent version..
Is something wrong with neocraft? I can't seem to interact with anything and then I get kicked out with some java error
Making bookshelves is the absolute worst thing in this game. It was already tedious before, now it's even more soul crushing that it requires leather.
Making bookshelves is the absolute worst thing in this game. It was already tedious before, now it's even more soul crushing that it requires leather.
That's why pro Minecrafters are raising cows first and by thousands![]()
We need to make a 'Spooky-ville' or something of the like on the server. Anyone in?
YusI just finished a Halloween-themed build.