So I'm not going to be able to play Minecraft for months because Optifine isn't going to be updated? FUCK.
Did you even try 1.7 without it, many of the changes they made to the code also concerned optimization and performance.
So I'm not going to be able to play Minecraft for months because Optifine isn't going to be updated? FUCK.
Think about it Charlie, Dome City with colored glass!!! Red Dome, Blue Dome, Yellow Dome...![]()
I'd love a copy. That's my favourite world ever, so much time spent.
Still not near good enough. Single digit FPS all over the place.Did you even try 1.7 without it, many of the changes they made to the code also concerned optimization and performance.
So I just logged on and found myself in Mengy's house in spawntown, which is not where I was when I logged off, or anytime in the past that I can recall. Then the same thing happened to my brother. What's up there?
got em; stuffs in a chest on the floor of my tower.Hey folks, I just attempted to log on NeoCraft and things seem to be quite laggy and slow loading. Anyways I logged in near Panda's place and seemed to have suffered a lag death. underground. Thankfully I had hit F3 shortly before I died so I was able to get the coordinates. If somebody could be so kind and get my stuff for me? It should be all found near x: -656, y: 13, and z: -993. This is assuming you don't experience any lag issues.The important stuff would be two or three enchanted diamond picks, diamond axe, and diamond chest piece. There was probably quartz there too. Thanks!
got em; stuffs in a chest on the floor of my tower.
Awesome, thanks. Was the stuff on the surface or buried?
Did you even try 1.7 without it, many of the changes they made to the code also concerned optimization and performance.
Yep, the new built-in mipmapping for example is MUCH better than Optifine's ever was.
Is Bukkit also reliant on MCP btw.?
Yep, the new built-in mipmapping for example is MUCH better than Optifine's ever was.
Is Bukkit also reliant on MCP btw.?
Connected textures and randomness. Pretty much everything from Optifine. Being able to change the texture of wood fences to look like actual wood fences (So it uses a different texture from the plain wood) with each piece being a separate log via a separate texture is amazing. They should have just bought it up and integrated everything into the game. Make it better than having to wait every time. And put all the excess options under the Advanced menu. Optifine just adds so many new features for texture pack developers. It feels wrong not having them. And if it were part of the game, more texture pack creators would take advantage of them. (Like Painterly and not just the John Smith people.)Ye I think connected textures needed to be added to vanilla pronto!
Try out Mekanism (Universal Electricity Mod) for some interesting machines.
MineCon Day 2 is streaming live right now. I just happened to open MineCraft right before it started.
I didn't see day 1. Nor do I know anything about this. Did I miss anyone actually good on day 1? I really only watch BDoubleO and maybe Etho. (Who never appears in public last I checked.)
For when GAFLand gets reset, perhaps we should look into doing a proper train station as one of the first projects? Something like this:
For when GAFLand gets reset, perhaps we should look into doing a proper train station as one of the first projects? Something like this:
Just watched it. Exactly what I wanted. BDubs is awesome.Not a whole lot. Best panels are on Day 2 and Mindcrack panel is going on now.
So ... did you guys watch the Minecon closing ceremonies?
You probably should. At least the last third of it.
Just saying.
Let me guess Notch got presented with a gold diving watch ?
I had a chance to fiddle about with 1.7.2 today (in singleplayer). Initial thoughts are that an amplified world sucks donkey balls.
So is the neogaf server gone? Got the itch to play after a long hiatus. do I watch this?
How do I tp to Gafland, or is it the default world when you log in?It's still there, quote the OP for the IP. You may need to get re-whitelisted. Currently we have two worlds on the server. There's the previous NeoCraft which is available for both survival and creative building. Then there's Gafland, a survival only wold created back in August. Gafland will be short lived however as it'll be reset once 1.7 hits (NeoCraft will remain).
How do I tp to Gafland, or is it the default world when you log in?
The top three build winners start around 8:08, and at least one was from GAF.![]()
So ... did you guys watch the Minecon closing ceremonies?
You probably should. At least the last third of it.
Just saying.
By the way, I listened to most of the Notch interview earlier in the day. Though of course it did not really have any news about the various Mojang games, it was a fun interview. He seemed refreshingly down to earth about stuff, admitting he has made dumb comments sometimes, or said things he regretted, saying he thinks he's probably a better designer than programmer, even though he thinks of himself as a programmer, mentioning some of the upsides and downsides of Java, and so forth.
Oh, and I learned that Notch really liked Advance Wars, hooray!
The top three build winners start around 8:08, and at least one was from GAF.![]()