So there's a minecart line passing near my place now (Wyzdom).
I am in the surroundings at the north's tip of the jungle (approx Z-0 / X-1680)
Is that your doing Charlie?
It would be cool if I had a station. I can give you a hand building it if you want.
diddle dee said:
Well at some point the cyan line will probably go past/through nihon's place and beyond, which might make it a better line to connect to than the green line. It's a bit ungainly where it's connected right now--might just want to make it a transfer from the main station as opposed to Dry's spur at least.
On the other hand, there's no reason it can't do both--just have the line they've currently built span the green and cyan lines for ease of travel as well.
(BTW--is Dynmap down on purpose per our discussions or is the link in the OP broken?)
(BTW--is Dynmap down on purpose per our discussions or is the link in the OP broken?)
Yes Dynmap is oof on purpose. Server restarts are much rarer now.
Was it you making the rails map?
Where would pass the cyan line? I just wanna make sure it wouldn't pass straight through my surroundings.
Its not that I will build a line, its because I don't want someone to build it too much near my place lol
What's the location of your place, just so I can make sure?
It's around 1680(X) and 0(Z).
You should spot a visible farm outside. It's also the point there like 5 different biomes are meeting, at the north tip of the jungle. I want to devellop the surroundings as mine and want to eventually build a wall (fortress).
Maybe I should go and build 4 quick pillars in order to show where I want my wall to be just to be sure?
Help! Where can I get mods & skins without contracting malware. My daughter keeps trying to get skins and fills up my PC with malware that is a pain to get rid of.
Hey Speculawyer,
There's three different launchers you can go with for pre-assembled mod packs:
Feed The Beast:
Each offers up different packs with different themes to choose from.
As for skins, you may want to try Novaskin's skin editor: You can search ones they have in their database without having to worry about downloading anything malicious.
my player skin has been something I made forever ago, so I don't know where to get those safely. Official MC forums, maybe?
Not much point in skins on a survival server, really. I spend all my time in full armour, like everybody else. The only bit that's worth changing is the face and I haven't even bothered with that :-/
That's one thing I really hate. Spend so long making a nice skin, and cover it up with ugly ass armor.
Hope one day we can use invisibility potions on armor to make them invisible forever.
Fun episode. It was a nice change watching you build your own stuff (and herd stubborn sheep, hehe).New episode is up! NihonTiger on NeoCraft - 88 - Taste the Rainbow
24 to 32 blocks away from you is ideal but you can go further and stuff will still spawn (up to 128 blocks) but not move much (which may or may not be a problem). If it's a spawner you want to be within 16 blocks.For a ghetto mob room..does it have to be 20 blocks away from where I hang out? I know it can't be near spawn but what about my base?
Tiz why I like the Modular Powersuits mod. You can make the armor transparent.That's one thing I really hate. Spend so long making a nice skin, and cover it up with ugly ass armor.
Hope one day we can use invisibility potions on armor to make them invisible forever.
Who's normally building the stations for the different minecart lines in Gafland?
I'd like to put a standard station near my place and will be glad to help out.
I've been building the stations. They're basically all the same layout, just with the roof material changed to match the surroundings (the type of wood, if it's in the forest/savannah, or else sandstone blocks...)
I haven't been on much to extend and double-track the rails, I've been working on the ocean station west of spawn.
What version of Minecraft is the server running on? I've just built a new computer (told you all I would!) yesterday and I can FINALLY PLAY MINECRAFT AT A SMOOTH SOLID FRAMERATE OVER 100 INSTEAD OF LIKE 30 ON A GOOD DAY AND OVERHEATING EVERY 15 MINUTES HAHAHAHAHA.
Yes it's hilarious that I don't know what version of Minecraft my own server is using.
Thank you![]()
Sorry to bump but is this thread for the console versions too or just PC? Would like to play with some people on the PS3 version as currently playing on my lonesome is a bit dull.
Mojang said:Here's a quick preview of an upcoming feature for Minecraft 1.8 which will allow players to create their own wild and crazy terrain!
There are 16 sliders which can be used to affect various aspects of Minecraft's terrain generator, but you can also type in values directly. You also have complete control over things like the sea level and what structures you want to generate.
We've also supplied a set of seven presets that we think players will find interesting, including a world made of water up to the top of the map, and the return of floating islands.
Wow, that looks incredible. Talk about customization options:
You can save presets even, this is great. I could spend days just experimenting with this shit.
Yep, I think it's time I start a brand new single player main world again.
Those new world creation options are totally awesome, there's all the different parameters BUT we can't have a world size or something?
Am I the only fool in this world who would like a limited world? I mean, I have this fantasy to actually "master" a world of a given size, strip it of all its ressources of prevent any bad mob to spawn, stuff like that. Might be an alien.