Can anyone confirm if the cart has all the episodes on and there is no need to download any of them?
So, how is this? Haven't played a TT game since Walking Dead Season 2.
Can anyone confirm if the cart has all the episodes on and there is no need to download any of them?
The "Details on the back of the box" note at the bottom of the cover implies that some download might be needed
The "Details on the back of the box" note at the bottom of the cover implies that some download might be needed
So, how is this? Haven't played a TT game since Walking Dead Season 2.
It's especially shit for Switch users with such a limited data capability (I haven't really looked into it and if you can have more than the 32GB given on the console, please let me know if you can increase storage).
That's incredibly disappointing. TellTale should only release physical versions of their games after each episode has release, and each one is available without download. It's frustrating as a person who can't download games to a console (University blocks internet on consoles) and for them to continue putting out discs that contain like 5-7GB of data / two-three episodes on a disc and the rest is required as a download is disappointing as fuck.
It's especially shit for Switch users with such a limited data capability (I haven't really looked into it and if you can have more than the 32GB given on the console, please let me know if you can increase storage).
I also feel weird for them to call it "The Complete Adventure" knowing that Season 2 is a thing with episodes already released.
That's good to know, especially for my brother who bought a Switch in June.Micro SD card slot behind the kick stand.
I left off the part explaining my disagreement with 'The Complete Adventure' so I should expand on that.The 'complete adventure' on PS4 and XBOX ONE had them on disk so i dont know why it would be different for Switch.
Interestingly, the EU box doesn't have "Details on back of box" like the US one does. LEGO City all over again?
So, how is this? Haven't played a TT game since Walking Dead Season 2.
Can anyone confirm if the cart has all the episodes on and there is no need to download any of them?
Man, it's £39.99 on the UK eShop.
Basically just removed the $ and changed it to £.
That's good to know, especially for my brother who bought a Switch in June.
I left off the part explaining my disagreement with 'The Complete Adventure' so I should expand on that.
I'm uncomfortable with it because there's already a Season Two with multiple episodes released, therefore when a person buys this version of the game they are not getting 'The Complete Adventure'. I feel that subtitle should have been left for a finished series.