Big-ass Ramp
hella bullets that's true
ah ok thanks folks
Anyone else think 1600 is too much for an arcade game? Or it is just me? When did the 800pt limit get raised?
Why the hell cant i fill the bucket with water?
so....anyone have an extra code?
omg what happened. I just got minecrafted. Downloaded the game so I could coax my girlfriend to play a video game with me, we started playing and I swear in the blink of an eye five hours was gone. I can usually only get her to play games with me for like 1 hour at the most. I was minning and she was building a house, so great.
Why the hell cant i fill the bucket with water?
Does anyone know if enchanting tables are in the 360 version? I know the ingredients for it but don't know if you can craft it.
Why the hell cant i fill the bucket with water?
Just started this today. The PC version, since I don't have an Xbox, but this is the only active Minecraft thread. I'll get back to it soon but when I left off I was stuck in a very deep and dark hole that I dug for no reason, and most of my tools are busted. Is there a way to suicide or am I going to have to slowly punch my way to freedom?
Is that tutorial only in the demo? It seemed really excessive, kind of kills all the magic of the game. It was great just starting out with no idea what you are doing. It was the first time I realized why PC gamers always say consoles are the reason games are becoming too casual
It's in the full game, but it's optional.
oooh ok. That's better. Still that thing shouldnt existNope you start in an empty world and you don't get all the popups of the tutorial.
Ok cool, so you don't always start in that weird area? And the non stop popups telling you how to do things (even when I said I dont need help)?
There's 2 layers of those half sized blocks, we went overkill on lighting...I don't get it. Works fine solo, co-op keeps getting attacked.
Finding gold is a pain! Only found 6 pieces so far, I need those for the booster tracks on my mining rail way.
Last night me and my fiance played from 5 till 5
I made a house, and she made a house across the map, then we made a rail way from her house to mine across the desert, and through the forest, put some torches every few blocks so it looks nice at night. its almost done and looks so nice!
I left the pc version alone for a while, just to play this with her and its the best fun ever!
such an awesome way to start the weekend.
It could be really great if the monsters had some intelligence and there was a reason to build something more ambitious. Guess the game's not for me unless I'm missing something.
:lolI was mining in a cave when I got attacked by Skeletons, got back to my makeshift home with one heart of health left and survived until morning
I opened my door to go out and kill some pigs to regain health and as soon as I did a creeper appeared to my very left, he was just fucking hiding there right up against my house and blew me and my house to bits
There's 2 layers of those half sized blocks, we went overkill on lighting...I don't get it. Works fine solo, co-op keeps getting attacked.
And been trying to come up with ways of disposing the creepers, using some kind of switch trap in front of my front door. Maybe another straight mine shaft down into some lava - would that kill them?
Is there a better way to install a roof? Between mining runs I've been watching my girlfriend build our house and her method of roofing is to build from the ground up inside the house a stack of dirt then placing the roof stone on top of that, then removing dirt.
Is there a better way to install a roof? Between mining runs I've been watching my girlfriend build our house and her method of roofing is to build from the ground up inside the house a stack of dirt then placing the roof stone on top of that, then removing dirt.
I'd make some scaffolding or stairs outside the house and get on top of it to lay the roof. Would be much easier.
but you cant put a roof on top of nothing right. You know what I mean? You cant lay stone with nothing undenearth it.
but you cant put a roof on top of nothing right. You know what I mean? You cant lay stone with nothing undenearth it.
but you cant put a roof on top of nothing right. You know what I mean? You cant lay stone with nothing undenearth it.
Can you only join/be joined by friends? Am I being dense?
Can you only join/be joined by friends? Am I being dense?