Grizzlyjin said:What the...
Bog said:Judging from the replies, I'm pretty sure a lot of you people don't even know what saturated, and thus desaturated, mean.
Funny, I was thinking that they should call it Grand Theft Auto: The Pimpish Hand instead.Catchpenny said:I hope San Andreas introduces some new gameplay elements as well. The combat should be KOTOR style, since everyone loved the combat engine from that game. Also, armor upgrades should work like the shields in Halo. Oooh, and maybe you could go around playing a mini-game of cards that have the faces of various NPCs!
Playable prostitutes should be in, too. That would add a lot to the game.
Teddman said:Funny, I was thinking that they should call it Grand Theft Auto: The Pimpish Hand instead.
The main character must be Tommy Vercetti from Vice City once again (I never want a new protagonist or playable character, ever), but this time let's do something cool--have him be able to be able to change phase between a "dark world" and a "light world" by virtue of the "pimpish hand"! It's an exciting new magical item that allows him to change his race instantaneously between African-American and Caucasian.
Other than that, I want everything to remain exactly the same as the last game. Because you know, change is automatically bad.
You utterly miss my point, which was to take the absurd extremes Catchpenny went to in lampooning my ideas and turn them on their head. I wasn't saying all Zelda games are exact carbon copies.AniHawk said:Because every Zelda game's been exactly the same as the last. Right.
Instead of throwing out these ideas of you being able to play as Zelda and Ganondorf, how about you tell me exactly how that will change the gameplay, and make it seem a lot more fresh and new. I'm always hearing these complaints, but no one ever offers an actual example.
Teddman said:You utterly miss my point, which was to take the absurd extremes Catchpenny went to in lampooning my ideas and turn them on their head. I wasn't saying all Zelda games are exact carbon copies.
It's called parody.
Gee, how do you think controlling a new character would change gameplay? You'd have different abilities, a different plot, new scenarios, etc. A support character could change the dynamic of battle, like Secret of Mana or Final Fantasy Adventure. And I trust I don't have to go into detail in exactly how a traditional Zelda RPG would change mechanics.
Majora's Mask's 3 forms (Deku, Zora & Goron) essentially did the same thing actually. God that game rules.Teddman said:Gee, how do you think controlling a new character would change gameplay? You'd have different abilities, a different plot, new scenarios, etc. A support character could change the dynamic of battle, like Secret of Mana or Final Fantasy Adventure. And I trust I don't have to go into detail in exactly how a traditional Zelda RPG would change mechanics.
Won't ever happen anyway. Miyamoto doesn't like traditional RPGs, he thinks they're too slow and boring. And seeing as Nintendo's reluctant to pimp their non-mascot franchises into entirely new genres (usually that privelage is really reserved for mainly Mario, Pokemon & Kirby) I doubt it'll happen anythime soon.AniHawk said:Making Zelda an RPG wouldn't help things.
jarrod said:Won't ever happen anyway. Miyamoto doesn't like traditional RPGs, he thinks they're too slow and boring. And seeing as Nintendo's reluctant to pimp their non-mascot franchises into entirely new genres (usually that privelage is really reserved for mainly Mario, Pokemon & Kirby) I doubt it'll happen anythime soon.
jarrod said:Won't ever happen anyway. Miyamoto doesn't like traditional RPGs, he thinks they're too slow and boring. And seeing as Nintendo's reluctant to pimp their non-mascot franchises into entirely new genres (usually that privelage is really reserved for mainly Mario, Pokemon & Kirby) I doubt it'll happen anythime soon.
jarrod said:Won't ever happen anyway. Miyamoto doesn't like traditional RPGs, he thinks they're too slow and boring. And seeing as Nintendo's reluctant to pimp their non-mascot franchises into entirely new genres (usually that privelage is really reserved for mainly Mario, Pokemon & Kirby) I doubt it'll happen anythime soon.
Too the contrary, I'd say MM and TWW were rather risky departures in various fundamental ways (world design, visual style, subquest emphasis, etc) especially after OoT, which was essentially a more solid 3D ALTTP retread. If anything, it's Capcom's GBA Zeldas that stick more closely to tradition, and even they are hugely enjoyable and varied beyond EAD's old 2D stuff.Teddman said:Nintendo seems to be playing it pretty safe with the Zelda series, and I wish they'd do something radical for a change
Yeah, Wario also (though both could be grouped in the "Mario" universe).CVXFREAK said:And Donkey Kong.![]()
Teddman said:I think a couple spin-off games would be great for the Zelda series. I mean, if it had never been done, most people would say that a Super Mario RPG would never work. Mario's world doesn't seem nearly as RPG-friendly as Zelda's. And yet things turned out great, and Paper Mario 2 is looking really promising.
Ganondorf would be cool to control because he's always been the forbidden enemy. He's the series' requisite badass, and it would add to his dimension as a longstanding character to see another side of him. I'd liken it to playing as Alucard in Castlevania: SOTN. Plus, you'd have the thrill of wreaking havoc with Ganon's powerful attacks, instead of defending against them, for once.For example, it was a treat when Bowser joined your party in Super Mario RPG and a great surprise for fans.
Teddman said:You like the main Zelda series the way it is, that's fine. But it's not as if traditional Mario games have stopped coming out because they also diversified the franchise in other games. Yoshi's Island is one of the very best Mario titles, and it had a new protagonist, with new abilities that fundamentally changed the gameplay in exciting ways. And yet it was still very much a Mario game. Do you see what I'm driving at?
I thought Wind Waker, Majora's Mask, (and by all appearences, the upcoming GC Zelda) introduced some good new elements to the series, but they could have gone even further. The 2D Zeldas appear to be Nintendo's way of giving fans the tried-and-true Zelda of old without too much variation. For me, something like Minish Cap doesn't hold much interest.