I'm such a sucker I watch every card no matter what, even the garbage.
I've missed a number of them because life lately. I love the sport but I kinda miss the time when they spaced these things out more.
I'm such a sucker I watch every card no matter what, even the garbage.
Saw Waterson getting the W from a mile away.
I've missed a number of them because life™ lately. I love the sport but I kinda miss the time when they spaced these things out more.
Can't say I disagree. I think the perfect amount would be 1 PPV, and 1 Free card per month. That gives us only 24 total events per year, compared to the current 42 events we had in 2016. If they went that route they could ensure every single card was stacked all of the time. Maybe on a few months do 2 free cards and 1 PPV. 30 total events would probably be a nice number
CM vs Sage is the obvious match to make now, right Oblit?
@sagenorthcutt Your next fight, I will come train your MMA grappling. Just pay for my flight and expenses. DM me and keep your head up bro.
Sage will win that fight but I'm all for it. Get one last PPV payday off of CM and let Sage get a victory. I still think Sage should take a full year away from the cage and do nothing but train though, his ground game is just way way too poor for this level.
On a good note it looks like Michael Chiesa wants to legitimately help Sage, and if Sage was even kind of intelligent or wants to take fighting seriously he should take him up on this offer
Also in the WTF picture of the day, apparently Sage is gonna start hanging out with the Diaz bros? Lol this is a brilliant reality show in the making. Let them turn Sage full Heel like he was starting to turn in this fight. Heel Sage is best Sage
Guy in the bottom right is clearly translating for Sage.lol!!, i wonder what the Diaz's were saying to him.
Sage is also 20.
I feel like people forget that.
Rogan is the ultimate goof. He's trying to defend his previous comments about Ronda being a "once ever" athlete.
Some of the responses are funny as hell. Especially the legit ones that have him moving goal posts from "athlete" to "fighter."
For those unfamiliar with Rogan's love for Ronda...
Rogan's a moron. Also made a bunch of tweets recently about having "no opinion" about Russia hacking the DNC and then posted a bunch of RT articles refuting the CIA and FBI, and retweeted alt-right memes about it.
I think hear just getting exposed by his ground game. He was never a wrestler in high school and it's not like he's been doing jiu jitsu for 5 years.If he keeps getting starched by better competition there is no guarantee he's going to improve.
I think Rogan's starting to lose it. He went from healthy skepticism to unhealthy skepticism in the last year. He used to be able to have people from all walks of life and engage them from a place of curiosity, but lately he's been having crazier people on his podcast. Like when he had that UofT prof Jordan Peterson on. I'm from Toronto, locally, he's a bit of a crackpot, it's painful that the MRA are championing him.
Agreed. Used to really like listening to his podcasts but over the last 2-ish years he's lost it, it's telling that if you browse his Reddit, Twitter, or Facebook pages probably 80 percent of the commenters are some brand of Trump supporter or at the very best Bernie or buster.
Not to mention every fight companion now has that absolute nut Eddie Bravo actively peddling things like pizzagate and Sandy Hook hoax conspiracies with Rogan doing nothing to refute him.
He'll always be my go-to person to listen to about anything MMA but that's pretty much it at this point.
Cro Cop said:I just received a message from Rizin Fighting Federation that Wanderlei "the Braveheart" Silva doesn't want to fight me. He gets scared and he changed his mind, but he know it from the beginning. He played tough guy on the press conference in July and he called me out for a fight. Then I said to myself, this man has a guts, but now we all see what is he made of, nothing but shit. Once he was a fearless and true axe murder but now he's just a scared homie and only thing he can kill is his mosquito. And Wanderlei, don't you dare to come to Saitama to see the tournament like a guest because I will slap you like a bitch just like you deserve, you are nothing but a scared bitch and I had so much respect for you as a fighter until now. I suggest a new name for you that will fit you well... WANDERLEI "THE CHICKEN" SILVA
he's just a scared homie
So what he said was when he stood up from my guard he was like, Get up, get up, and he was standing right over me, so I was like, Why dont you come down? I thought you said you jiu-jitsu is better than mine, because he said that in the show. And the when I got up I was like, What? youre tired?, and he was like, Nah, I never get tired. I got to say, I like Sage with an edge. And when he blackened my eye and then he cut me, he was like, Oh, that was good. He was talking some crap, I like that he came out a little bit.
Sage with a buzz cut and in a black shirt and prone to engaging in brawls would have everyone shook.
Cut that dumb looking hair and grow some stubble. The transformation will be complete.
Reaching out to media because she's too heavy to make weight. Cry me a river.Cris Cyborg Gets Emotional During Interview
She seems awfully emotional about issues ; especially about things Ronda has said. Rondalol
UFC should have just cut Cyborg.
She told them she would make weight. Instead she put on more muscle and threw millions of dollars down the drain.
Now she isn't even the drawing fight with Ronda.
Michelle Waterson only made 15k to show up and 15k to win. jesus christ ufc
Dana, is that you?
Michelle Waterson only made 15k to show up and 15k to win. jesus christ ufc
Michelle Waterson only made 15k to show up and 15k to win. jesus christ ufc
-No health insurance
-Paid $30,000 for a main event spot
-Always the potential for a career ending injury
-Lucky if your career lasts 10 years
Come to the world of MMA, where the Billion dollar lead promotion will pay significantly less than what most meter maids make in a year.
For real. She has even blamed their nutritionist, while her previous guy had her eating 4 grapes and a sliver of salmon.
- She was signed specifically to fight Honda.
- She told them she could make weight.
- The UFC hired a top teir nutritionist for her.
- She could have made more money in that 1 fight than all of the fights for the rest of her career combined
but she wanted to look like the fucking hulk and walk around at 190 and powerlift like she was gonna be Eddie Hall.
She can cry all she wants in her weight cuts and beg Ronda to come up to fight her but she was the one that had to lose the weight and extra muscle.
Cris Cyborg @criscyborg
#thestruggleisreal 175 with a six pack
3:33 AM - 4 Mar 2015
THat was her first fight of the year, right? In this new "no sponsors" UFC, I don't see how these guys survive. I have to assume they train or work at gyms during their off time?
Undisclosed bonuses guys. They dont want you to know what they truly make.
Conor said he made 25 million dollars for UFC 202. I dont see that number anywhere for a reason...