Oh Amazon made me laugh

I'll just keep jumping on your head, it'll be a blast.Despite this, you're all welcome at my house for a rousing game of NSMBU on launch day.
I'll ask. My friend Isn't digging what he's played so far fyi, so curb your expectations.
Honestly I'm just gonna be bummed out when the power inevitably goes out. Queens always has problems with trees and power lines. Without electricity I might have to do something drastic for entertainment, like read or learn basket weaving.
After the monotonous grind that was GTA4 I'll have to see something concrete regarding GTA5 before I get even remotely hyped.
I remember my first typhoon in Taiwan. It broke nearly all the plant pots on my balcony, there was a power cut for 4 hours and then there was a minor earthquake to top things off. Only earthquakes really faze me now though - especially considering that my current apartment shakes whenever a truck goes by. :/
Well we aint used to that shit up here. But yea you wont like least not the build he's playing right now.
I bet Heel is pissed right now.
Friend Heel made his bed when he chose to support the Cowboys in the first place.
You can't spell Elite without Eli.This game is leading up to a Eli Manning last second touchdown in the fourth troll. I just know it.
Games in general have been ass lately, its hard to get excited for a videogame as is. After Halo im not sure i'll be buying anything in a long time.
Games in general have been ass lately, its hard to get excited for a videogame as is. After Halo im not sure i'll be buying anything in a long time.
Nothing says stale like a Halo game.
Seriously though, 2012 has been the worst year I can remember for video games. I'm getting a WiiU on launch day and the only game I'll buy for it is Skyward Sword which is not even a fucking WiiU game.
To be fair Halo games are, at the very least, much better than your typical modern day military shooter like Call of Duty or Worfighter.
Don't forget to tell us how it feels to dump 350 dollars on 4/5 year old technology.
I don't differentiate between FPS game. The entire genre is stale as shit.
Suck it haters. I've played halo since the first one, and while its certainly far from the best thing since sliced bread, I got nothing else to use my XBL membership on. I havent played MP in a game for longer than i can remember.
Wait a minute, you pay for XBL Gold?
Well owning an xbox..uh yea?
I can't justify paying $60 dollars a year for (mostly)P2P multiplayer and some demos.
I can't justify paying $60 dollars a year for (mostly)P2P multiplayer and some demos.
I can't justify paying $60 dollars a year for (mostly)P2P multiplayer and some demos.
That's the thing with Xbox. I'm not into online gaming enough to pay a yearly fee for it yet if you don't have XBL, the system is practically useless.
thats like 12 cents a day dude. Its not that serious.
That's the thing with Xbox. I'm not into online gaming enough to pay a yearly fee for it yet if you don't have XBL, the system is practically useless.
Owning a 360 is probably my biggest gaming regret ever.
It's not about how much it costs, it's about principles. What I should have said instead is: I can't justify paying any amount of money for P2P gaming...
Well then dont get it lol. I always get the bare minimum. I still play SFs and Umvc3 with my friends so i get mileage out if.It's not about how much it costs, it's about principles. What I should have said instead is: I can't justify paying any amount of money for P2P gaming...
The last game I've bought for my 360 was Super Street Fighter 4, that came out in april 2010.
Nothing says stale like a Halo game.
Seriously though, 2012 has been the worst year I can remember for video games. I'm getting a WiiU on launch day and the only game I'll buy for it is Skyward Sword which is not even a fucking WiiU game.
I ain't even mad. This season was over when Sean Lee got injured.
May I suggest that the real issue here is that we've all outgrown video games?
May I suggest that the real issue here is that we've all outgrown video games?
May I suggest that the real issue here is that we've all outgrown video games?
I don't really play games without the Kojima name attached to them.
May I suggest that the real issue here is that we've all outgrown video games?
It's on the list.If you never had a wii then you need to buy Xenoblade
May I suggest that the real issue here is that we've all outgrown video games?
Because I like awesome games. Also, you can add Platinum to my buy list.Why would you do that to yourself?
Because I like awesome games. Also, you can add Platinum to my buy list.
Clearly you don't.
One day you will remove that stick and be able to enjoy life.
It's on the list.
Skyward Sword
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Sin & Punishment
Yeah. The last game i got really excited for was dark souls. It doesnt help that its so glaringly obvious that devs dont give two fucks about testing their games, and most games i played in the last 2 years are just covered in that 'well i already got your money so fuck you' sauce.
The PC version of Dark Souls is covered in so much of it that all the flavor the game had is gone.
The PC version of Dark Souls is covered in so much of it that all the flavor the game had is gone.