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Modern Game Devs Suck at Community Support


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
It's insane how you are basically at the point where you can't even talk in a game anymore via chat or voice unless you want to get banned. There's 0 tolerance for ANYTHING said. Doesn't matter if it's just as simple as "my team sucks" because some boo hoo douche bag got butt hurt he goes 0-20 and I'm supposed to carry his fat retard ass WITHOUT mentioning they are a griefer or just idk a fucking waste of ozone.

My recent chat log in a game of League is below and netted me a 5 day ban. Yes I am well aware "your first mistake is playing League," but this issue isn't just Riot and their games. It's EVERY fucking game.

dorks (I said this to enemy team when they failed a 3v1 gank against me twice, and died)
this is the part where u ff (told to enemy team)
gg (me to all players, cuz at this point we have lost, and i cannot 1v9 carry my team)
1v9s are hard
my team is so bad it's insane
they wouldnt listen to a SINGLE call out lmao
3 top
shove bot
shove mid
take tower ziggs
take tower
bro can we listen to what im asking
ziggs u would have got tower
plz dont throw a game
top tower going down
rtoate top
ignore ziggs (telling my team here to not help this ziggs player, he has no clue he can hit towers from 20 yards away, and keeps trying to 1v3)
ult up in 20
i can run nasus down
ready to fuck captain stabbin (maybe this is ban worthy? but it wasn't said to offend their team or mine. It was me saying i'm ready to go in on this guy, let's gank him)
i got tp up
shove towers in
so i can tp onto best lane
trying top most likely to take the inhib
take tower
how can i fight 5 solo
and u guys scratch ur nuts mid
seems like udyr is your issue
run him down
buy anti heal for udyr
ill shove mid
then tp bot
nvm guess i must be muted no one listening to call outs pings or general strategy discussion
drake into baron. ill shove top or mid
ziggs u can take towers from far away
or do u not know how to play ziggs?
just run
dont die
we win if u dont die
just defend mid
back off
back off
dont fight
ur 2v5
back off
dont die
dont die
they have to defend base now
all 3 inhib down (i have taken all 3 of their inhibs solo. all my team has to do is back off, wait for them to be split up, then 4v1, or 4v2 people who are caught out of place)
fight mid
kill them
dont go bot jungle
they are there
udyr somewhere
just playing ARAM mid


and that's it. Somehow that requires ME to get a 5 day ban. I'm not allowed a SINGLE bit of frustration. I did in after game chat tell them go to play roblox and uninstall this game because it's beyond them, but even then that's IMO not against ToS of any kind or ban worthy.

DOTA or CS you can pretty much say anything and Valve doesn't care. I've seen people let rip the hard R in every game, and nothing is done about it. This really needs to be the approach. Let people block and mute -- not ban someone (unless obviously being racist or insane) for talking shit in an online game.

The next game a dev makes that's focused on banning cheaters, afkers, griefers, etc and not communication is the game I'll support and play non stop. Devs have lost the plot.

/end rant
You didn't need to type any of that to your team. You were toxic and should probably have a longer ban, or be muted (if that is a thing in that game).

There's 0 tolerance for ANYTHING said. Doesn't matter if it's just as simple as "my team sucks"

Yeah. That's the point. "my team sucks" is toxic and unnecessary. System is working as intended.
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Yeah, I ain't reading shit during any game mate. I'm focused on what is going on, not reading.

Apex Legends ping and automated audio team cues FTW. Also voice chat over text all day.


Since the launch of Doom + Doom 2 I hvae been posting bugs from the game and not a single dev answer yet.

They release this week a patch that fix the connection with bethesda servers?

I'll stop helping those folks. They are out if salvation.


Gold Member
this is the part where u ff
my team is so bad it's insane
how can i fight 5 solo
and u guys scratch ur nuts mid
or do u not know how to play ziggs?

You started off name-calling the other team, which I can pretty much guarantee is against their ToS. (EDIT: It is. This is in Riot Games' ToS:

  1. Engaging in any behavior which we reasonably believe is objectionable or offensive to other players, including communications or conduct that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, misogynistic, prejudicial or racially, ethically, or otherwise objectionable;

It is safe to assume that name-calling, even if it isn't the worst name in the book, would be classified as "behavior [which is] offensive to other players", and "communications [which is] abusive".) You then told them they should forfeit, I guess because you're one of those guys that likes to rub your skills in people's faces? Then you insulted your entire team. After that you insulted your entire team again. You then proceeded to insult one player on your team directly. You moved back to insulting your entire team for a third time. Finally, you vented your frustration when your team wasn't playing the way you wanted them to play. Any one thing that you said wasn't terrible, but put it altogether and you're someone I wouldn't want to play with (not that I play PvP games anyway).

Keep in mind, this isn't an attack on you. There are plenty of people I wouldn't want to play with that are decent guys, but they get super competitive and pissy in-game. That's not the way I want to play games.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
You started off name-calling the other team, which I can pretty much guarantee is against their ToS. You then told them they should forfeit, I guess because you're one of those guys that likes to rub your skills in people's faces? Then you insulted your entire team. After that you insulted your entire team again. You then proceeded to insult one player on your team directly. You moved back to insulting your entire team for a third time. Finally, you vented your frustration when your team wasn't playing the way you wanted them to play. Any one thing that you said wasn't terrible, but put it altogether and you're someone I wouldn't want to play with (not that I play PvP games anyway).

Keep in mind, this isn't an attack on you. There are plenty of people I wouldn't want to play with that are decent guys, but they get super competitive and pissy in-game. That's not the way I want to play games.
The way I don't want to play a game is to waste 40+ minutes of my life while airheads can't take simple direction. I'm fine with losing when we all play to win, but if the guy giga carrying your game is saying "go here" you should probably listen lol. I know I do when I'm the one being carried.


I want Nexon's and The First Descendant's names to go on record in this thread. Banning people for requesting refunds because they didn't receive their purchases that they bought immediately after buying them. I'm shocked Sony currently gives the option to refund purchases. Nexon's/The First Descendant's customer support is a fucking joke.
dorks (I said this to enemy team when they failed a 3v1 gank against me twice, and died)
This is a possible.
this is the part where u ff (told to enemy team)
Explain this one further (I don't know DOTA/LoL lingo).
ignore ziggs (telling my team here to not help this ziggs player, he has no clue he can hit towers from 20 yards away, and keeps trying to 1v3)
This is a possible (could be taken the wrong way, like ignore player).
ready to fuck captain stabbin (maybe this is ban worthy? but it wasn't said to offend their team or mine. It was me saying i'm ready to go in on this guy, let's gank him)
This is a definite, -1.
and u guys scratch ur nuts mid
This is a definite, -2.
This is a possible, depending on if they take the 'fuck' in FFS seriously.

So to sum up, 2 definite strikes, 3 possible strikes, and 1 unknown (because I don't get the lingo).

Also, before anyone brings it up:

1) No, this isn't the 2008 CoD lobby anymore (as people will always bring this example up as the good old days)

2) Yes, people today all around (yes, all around), are touchy about being criticized constantly while losing a PvP game, especially if they're new or just okay or worse at the game. It's the anger of losing with an added multiplier of insults. The difference between you and them is that there is a higher percent chance they will report people for these insults.

3) Yes, we all have to deal with the current state of affairs online. We might not like it, but the best advice is to find other ways to vent if you don't want to risk the ban.


Gold Member
The way I don't want to play a game is to waste 40+ minutes of my life while airheads can't take simple direction. I'm fine with losing when we all play to win, but if the guy giga carrying your game is saying "go here" you should probably listen lol. I know I do when I'm the one being carried.

Oh, I absolutely know how you feel. I remember when I used to play matchmaking in Halo 3 back in the day. You are 100% not wrong for being frustrated. In-game isn't the place to vent that frustration, though. Not only is it against ToS for almost all multiplayer games, but there could also be people who genuinely do not know what they are doing, and that frustration you voice is just stressing them out (which makes them play worse) or causes them to intentionally ignore you simply because they don't like your attitude.

When I used to pay Halo 3, I would mute myself so many times to just scream at the TV. I never screamed it in-chat/in-game, though, and I never received a ban. My roommate, however, was banned multiple times for his communication. He definitely was someone who let his frustration out in-game. Sometimes you get away with it. Sometimes you don't. Personally, I don't think it is worth the risk of a ban just to tell someone they suck.

Unless you're on NeoGAF. Fuck those guys.


Yeah Right Smile GIF by Apple TV
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It's just what it is, instead of just giving tools to mute/ignore things by yourself, a lot of these platforms have turned into an ultra sanitised interaction where you have to walk on eggshells not to catch any kind of ban; it's a very "think of the children" kind of approach that's all kinds of pathetic really.
I've seen people catch bans for innocuous things, so for years now I've just simply stopped communicated altogether with randoms, and only talk/chat with friends in private channels, sometimes completely disconnected from the game/platform.
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Gold Member
You didn't need to type any of that to your team. You were toxic and should probably have a longer ban, or be muted (if that is a thing in that game).

Yeah. That's the point. "my team sucks" is toxic and unnecessary. System is working as intended.
The polite term is my team vaccums.
The way I don't want to play a game is to waste 40+ minutes of my life while airheads can't take simple direction.
You realize that even if everyone followed your directions and you won the match, it's still 40 minutes "wasted". Video gaming is a hobby. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines hobby as, "An activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure."

It sounds like you need a new hobby if this game upsets you so much, especially when you are trying to ruin the game for others.


Dota is basically a free for all. For the best and the worst.

I couldn't care less to criticize/offend and be criticized/offended in a 5v5 highly competitive and complex game that could take up to an hour. It's in the nature of the game. But there are definitely some soft skins peaches that couldn't bear one single criticism without breaking up. Even if their behavior is fucking up the game for another 4 guys for an hour.

But at the same time Valve is VERY lenient with trolls/grieffers and people actively destroying their teammate game time in the competitive matchmaking.

Imho the main problem is 1. F2P.
2. if you're matching in a competitive lobby, you're not looking to have fun. You're looking for competition, ranking and winning. Criticism/conflict is part of any game/sport and I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of these guys never played a team sport seriously in their entire life, where you have teammates and a coach demanding performance in your face. (Or any that involves performance and competition)

If you want to enjoy the game, try YouTube builds etc, go play casual.
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It's bullshit that so many games have done away with communication and those that have it are moderated to shit.

I've been banned from Overwatch 2 several times. Next ban would probably be several months, maybe even perma, so I pretty much keep any comms to a minimum.

Games that don't let you chat at all, especially when they're team based, are even worse. It's bad enough that we can't say anything to the opposing team, we can't even communicate with our own? I pretty much write those types of games off now, unless they're really fun to play.


People are a bunch of whiny babies nowadays that's why...
Feelings Feels GIF by WE tv

Hell,most devs are like that,you only have to watch a new release bomb hard to see some dev lose his shit on twitter. It's embarassing.

Its why we have these antifun systems in place by antifun people who think they are better than us because they program that shit.

I remember how many times I was called names on XBL and PSN back in the day and what do you know,I turned out fine.No emotional damage.

So my response to all those people:



I play games online, basically every single day and have for 20+ years. I've been banned once and I totally deserved it.


I agree in many games the result is a veil of silence has descended upon the chat. I'm playing the latest World of Warcraft expansion and the chat is nearly silent because everyone is afraid to say anything for fear of being banned. During this period years ago the chat would be going so fast you couldn't keep up.
The lack of text chat in so many modern games is ridiculous. There ain't nothing wrong with friendly back and forwards between teams during the contest. They sledge in cricket and many other sports why can't we do it in online games? I don't need the developers to "look out for me" by not allowing teams to communicate. I can take care of myself. Let me have my fun like we all did in the good old days of online gaming.

Even in CS and Valorant people don't talk like they used to. It's like they're all a) afraid of getting banned (which is shit and people need to grow thicker skins) or b) they're antisocial as fuck. I've even had people ask me why I'm talking and I'm like we're here to play and have fun so let's do that? Lighten up and stop taking everything so seriously.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Imagine giving instructions through chat whilst playing a multiplayer game

I'm actually suprised
At certain points you either die to chat, or i am teleporting back, or I am pathing out of base so i can type while the character is running somewhere. If you type fast it's ezpz.
I was just playing for fun, probably like those people.

They were trying some callouts that meant absolutely nothing to me.

TLDR: Some people are just playing for dumb fun.
This is why every PvP game needs fun modes added.

The minute Overwatch Arcade and custom servers were introduced I went over there for 90% of my experience and I’m sure other casual players did too. It’s why I mostly had fun with the game until OW 2. Deathmatch, Gun Game, Crazy CTF, Randomizer, No limits, Lucio surf, Lucio soccer, etc. I only played rank for 10 matches to get a rank so that I would get golden gun points for that season.

The fun modes help filter out some of the people like me and you who are simply looking for a fun time.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I had people getting upset like you at me during a game of Deadlock yesterday.

I'm not good at it, but I was just playing for fun, probably like those people.

They were trying some callouts that meant absolutely nothing to me.

TLDR: Some people are just playing for dumb fun.
Completely different IMO. Brand new game, with no meta, and it's in early access. Asking for coordination in a game like that isn't gonna happen --- for a while.

I'm talking about a ranked game mode where you've opted into a sweat fest. They have a casual mode for casual players that isn't competitive, and funsies modes too. If someone queues up into rank and wants to afk, fuck around, feed, etc then they are the problem.
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Don't play with randoms, or better yet, don't play multiplayer at all if it's bothering you so much that some people are bad at games.
Both worked for me and I've never had a better time gaming.

Ranked gaming is what you make it out to be. What's there at the end of the road? Some sort of ego boost or some skin? Or do you actually win a prize noteworthy? If it's the first, ranked means nothing. Especially with random people.
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Gold Member
OP I salute your battle. Sometimes people need to be told explicitly what to do or they never learn. And if they ignore you then they need to feel the wrath. Tough love. If you're going to play online then you have to be competent at least.

I remember having arguments on L4D2 where players thought just running ahead quickly through the level and then getting downed was the rest of the teams fault.

Same in battlefield, when you have people sniping to up their kdr while our objective is getting obliterated.

I never go on comms with randoms these days or the last ten years or so. Which is a shame. Because they legitimately used to be a good time.


Eh while not banworthy, it does sound like you are annoying to play against. Like why even go to the effort to make a comment.

I just couldn't be bothered to be affected by a game online so much that I'd need to type in some snarky comment to people I'll probably never interact with again in my life 🤣, it's all so petty.

Just keep it to yourself and chat with your team if you need to. You aren't a professional gamer, you don't need to be in the oppositions head


Gold Member
Dude posts his entire chat log and expects people to read through it, lol.

Online gaming sucks, okay. Outrageous amount of restrictions on what you cannot eat and everyone is being treated like a ten year old child. Why even bother communicating at all at this point.
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