It wasn't me!jrricky said:What have you done? D:
See?!Tenbatsu said:It will appear once in a while together with that long hours play warning.
It wasn't me!jrricky said:What have you done? D:
See?!Tenbatsu said:It will appear once in a while together with that long hours play warning.
I don't like the sound of that. I only modded the system for a USB loader and SCUMMVM. Hope it doesn't bite me in the ass here..fernoca said:Then there was a message on the chat saying that Capcom doesn't allow modified content or consoles in the game and is banning anyone that does....
Some people I know are comparing it to WKC.DragonGirl said:People have been asking what this game plays like and the only game I can directly compare it (the single player) to is Rune Factory Frontier. Seriously, it's not even a stretch. Monster Hunter Tri is Rune Factory with a heavier lean towards monsters and a lighter lean towards farming (and no dating of course). But the questing..the gathering, the fishing, the general way you fight monsters, even the crafting to an extent is totally reminiscent of Rune Factory.
Anyone else here played the overlooked brilliance of Rune Factory Frontier?
VegaShinra said:Some people I know are comparing it to WKC.
Tenbatsu said:I got an S rank with a friend in arena mode online yesterday. 2mins 50s fighting the bird. We are both using wiimote n nunchuk. Who says the control scheme is bad?![]()
Finally connected with another friend who has Wii Speak, we could hear each other. Yet my 3rd friend without Wii Speak couldn't hear either of us. :/ Sorry but that is just stupid and borderline useless to me.Soneet said:Can anyone confirm this? Shocking if true!
Dude, I love both Rune Factory Frontier and Monster Hunter, but they couldn't be more differentDragonGirl said:People have been asking what this game plays like and the only game I can directly compare it (the single player) to is Rune Factory Frontier
Yap you are able.Parallax said:After using the claw on the psp, the wiimote was a great change of pace. I am interested in how the cc pro works. Can you control the camera with the right analog stick?
It's possible, you really just have to look around. They had some at the gamestop and bestbuy by me although limited supply. You can buy them separately though if you're really stuck but you don't save the $10. Amazon still has the $10 future credit if you buy it from them so it comes to $57 technically since you pay $67 but get $10 on future video game purchase plus no tax for most places.KingHenrik30 said:is it possible that the bundles are still available or did i miss out on them?
I had a lot less trouble in AC as well. People could understand me in that game and I could understand others.Teknoman said:How close was he to the mic? I really didn't have much of a problem in Animal Crossing...
That does suck about people not being able to hear you unless they have Wii speak as well.
Fair enough. Haven't actually looked at the Tri damage formulas yet.Wolf Akela said:Those are outdated sharpness multipliers. The attack multipliers from sharpness has been significantly nerfed in Tri. IIRC purple only gives 1.3x now.
autobzooty said:Where do you get the iron ore early on in the game? I've looked all over that cave but I can't find anything that lets me mine it...
Someone selects a quest, then the others need to go to the bulletin board and choose to join it.bigdaddygamebot do you just group up and kill shit? I'm in the city...I'm completely baffled.
bigdaddygamebot do you just group up and kill shit? I'm in the city...I'm completely baffled.
d0c_zaius said:which lobby are you in? ill come help you through the ropes
d0c_zaius said:cool. my character name is trixie.
night city sky is awesome![]()
Switch axe is available online from the start.PounchEnvy said:Is everyone already going online? I still want to grind 'till I can get my Switch Axe but I don't want to miss out on all the online fun.![]()
Really? Hmm...Tenbatsu said:Switch axe is available online from the start.
Skiesofwonder said:Played online for a little bit. Quested with some people who had Wii Speak. Worked pretty well for me.. at leasy I heard them perfectly. Any Wii speakers up for some quests right now so we can test this thing out?
GCN controller doesn't have enough buttons.riceandbeans said:I wanna give this a go, but the investment is a killer. Gotta buy the game, then a classic controller since there's no GC controller support (WTF?), and Wii Speak to get some decent party play going.
Hiltz said:Spent some time online and experience was lag free. Did one quest (collect kelbi horns) with some guy either named Alabaster or Alaster. Couldn't figure out how to get my Wii Speak to work properly while in-game. Will post Hunter ID tomorrow.
Got my ass handed to me when a Great Jaggi suddenly appeared. Bit I did kill some of those medium-sized ones.
Killed a couple of sharks while wandering under water.
I'm a little over 5 hours in but have only completed one lousy level 1 quest.
Gamer @ Heart said:Dont start online. Play the singleplayer so you learn all the ropes.
Gamer @ Heart said:If you are still on in 45 minutes, lets meet up using this thread. I really want to test my wii speak out.
Insaniac said:so how exactly does this online work? do i just seelct a quest and people can follow me?
You'll be on the US servers. I'm in the same boat.MightyKAC said:Anyone know how the servers work?
If I'm in Japan and I'm playing an American copy of the game which server will they put me in?
Same here, wasn't expecting to like it as much as I do. I've spent a good deal of it offline and I think I might head online for some good times soon.I Push Fat Kids said:I really like this game.
Mr_Guillotine said:Same here, wasn't expecting to like it as much as I do. I've spent a good deal of it offline and I think I might head online for some good times soon.
Hiltz said:Anyone else notice that if you come to an edge of a cliff in certain parts of the environments, you can jump off and end up in another area under water?