Sorry I couldn't oblige you there. I ended up only having time for a quick Quru+ run to get my last armor part anyway.Nicktals said:Just hopped online for the first time in a week. Would LOVE having some GAF help to get the Deviljho Event Quest GS.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm in the usual recruiting -> wisdom 1 ->city gate 40 -> city 2.
botticus said:Sorry I couldn't oblige you there. I ended up only having time for a quick Quru+ run to get my last armor part anyway.
Haha it really is exactly like this.sprsk said:I was bored last night.
Same here, sucks that the offline and online mode aren't more properly integrated. Getting really far in the offline mode and defeating tough ass bosses only to then have to grind Ludroths in Flood Forests or whatnot for the sake of HR is not fun.Insaniac said:I need to get back into this (too large an influx of new games recently)
I'm only a measy HR 9![]()
DragonGirl said:My word it's quiet around here. Will there be anyone left to play with when I finish my E3 writing/Mario Galaxy 2 playing this week? I plan to be on this weekend for some extended Monster Hunting.
WHAAAAAAAAAA?!oracrest said:Man, that fight with Deviljho in the arena with the Temple is beautiful!
Boo.oracrest said:Arena is the wrong word, I should have said area.
Out of curiosity- what quests would you want to make videos of?oracrest said:Would anyone be interested in video capturing some quests? I don't have the means, but would like to participate if someone else has the tech required.
Lance Bone Path said:Out of curiosity- what quests would you want to make videos of?
Okay, just found a video where you get to see me using a long sword. It's kind of bad and kind of not Tri, but it's a monster hunter video: (I'm the random hunter)
I wanna come!DragonGirl said:I'm about to head on. I'd like to try Joe event a little before it disappears. Other than that I'm after the usual Uragaan, Baggi, Barioth, Rathalos and whatever else.
That's actually pretty good skill wise. I've seen some good lancers add in Evasion+1/+2 though I don't really know if it's worth using since you'll be guarding 80% as a lancer.botticus said:I'll be back on tonight for some more Ludroths until I get my last Crest+. And then I'll be playing any other 4* star stuff with my HR36 friend.
Before I spend a lot of money, I suppose I'll ask for feedback here. Wanted to take a shot at putting together an armor set for my lance. Slapping together some Ludroth, Steel, and Agnaktor pieces with a charm and decorations would give me Constitution +1, Guard, and Guard Up. Anything I should add/remove?
Yeah, I've noticed the same thing - I assume that helps when sidestepping and the like. But it looks like those will require Barioth+, which will take me a while. I'm planning to use low-rank Agnaktor Greaves for now that I'll just upgrade the hell out of.Jangaroo said:That's actually pretty good skill wise. I've seen some good lancers add in Evasion+1/+2 though I don't really know if it's worth using since you'll be guarding 80% as a lancer.
Jangaroo said:That's actually pretty good skill wise. I've seen some good lancers add in Evasion+1/+2 though I don't really know if it's worth using since you'll be guarding 80% as a lancer.
Yeah I'm already looking for a new game to play (probably SMG 2). I just need to complete my ala armor set (only being stopped by a stupid lagi sapphire) and I'll be done. I've given up on ever upgrading my Ala Switch Axe because I don't have the patience for 3 skypiercers and one Azure Dragongem. I might complete my Handicraft/Sharpnerss +1 set if I don't have too many Jho mats to farm (although I am going to hate farming for jho gems or whatever).tomegatherion77 said:Is it just me or are a lot of people slowing down after HR60 or so? Seems like most of the regulars I grouped with aren't playing much at all. This game needs more quests, its starting to get quite repetitive. Dont get me wrong this is probably the funnest Ive had all year so far, but im wanting more, than just Jo, and Ala fights, and randomly helping newer players.
Yeah, I pretty much took a break from the game to work on some of my other DS backlogs. I already grinded out most of the mats I needed from Jho so it's just a matter of me making the money to finish my weapons and armor. I'm done with the game but I think I'll pop it in every now and then for the rest of the summer to help out newer players. I'm hoping TriG adds in more content. Not sure if I'm going to pick up Portable 3 since it's such a gigantic time-sink and I don't want to do things over again.tomegatherion77 said:Is it just me or are a lot of people slowing down after HR60 or so? Seems like most of the regulars I grouped with aren't playing much at all. This game needs more quests, its starting to get quite repetitive. Dont get me wrong this is probably the funnest Ive had all year so far, but im wanting more, than just Jo, and Ala fights, and randomly helping newer players.
Yeah this is something I wondered. If Tri G does happen on Wii would it be possible to transfer data? Is this something past G titles did?Jangaroo said:Yeah, I pretty much took a break from the game to work on some of my other DS backlogs. I already grinded out most of the mats I needed from Jho so it's just a matter of me making the money to finish my weapons and armor. I'm done with the game but I think I'll pop it in every now and then for the rest of the summer to help out newer players. I'm hoping TriG adds in more content. Not sure if I'm going to pick up Portable 3 since it's such a gigantic time-sink and I don't want to do things over again.
You were able to transfer your data from MHU2 to MHFU and keep pretty much everything with you including your mats, your weapons/armor and money so you didn't have to start all over again. That's my biggest problem with Portable 3. It's supposed to be a mixture of MHFU and MHTri and from the looks of it, it has way more content than MHTri, but I don't think I have the time or interest to start ALL over again. Capcom hasn't really made it clear if you could transfer things from MHFU to Portable 3 but it seems like they haven't decided yet.PounchEnvy said:Yeah this is something I wondered. If Tri G does happen on Wii would it be possible to transfer data? Is this something past G titles did?
Back then for MHG, you are able to use back MH data so you practically skip the whole non-G content altogether. I reckon it will be the same for MH3G.PounchEnvy said:Yeah this is something I wondered. If Tri G does happen on Wii would it be possible to transfer data? Is this something past G titles did?
I'd do that too but since I play only with randoms it's a bit of a crapshoot as to whether or not I get a good group. I guess I could use the MHTri Online thread but I usually play when everyone else is in bed.Tenbatsu said:Back then for MHG, you are able to use back MH data so you practically skip the whole non-G content altogether. I reckon it will be the same for MH3G.
The reasons I am still playing is that I don't hunt for the drops as they are just a bonus to me, but rather for the thrill, to brush up my skills and better team work.
Yeah, I'm done with Tri for now, but I absolutely LOVED what I played. 150+ hours and I don't regret a minute of it. Hoping MHF will keep us busy for a while until Tri G or just Portable 3 hits. Tri is lacking content and variety but everything else about it shits on the other games IMO. I hope everything they improved with Tri carries over to P3 and any future MH games.tomegatherion77 said:Is it just me or are a lot of people slowing down after HR60 or so? Seems like most of the regulars I grouped with aren't playing much at all. This game needs more quests, its starting to get quite repetitive. Dont get me wrong this is probably the funnest Ive had all year so far, but im wanting more, than just Jo, and Ala fights, and randomly helping newer players.
Yeah I notice that as well even in myself. Like others have already said, it just dries up with content. I see this is a good and bad thing. Bad because I am more into MH3 than I was the PSP games (since I can actually play with others) and I still want the good times to roll. However its also good because I got bored of MHF2 & MHFU well before I got through all the content, meaning I never was able to obtain that legendary equipment I oogled over for so long. In other words, its nice that the top is obtainable for your average player.tomegatherion77 said:Is it just me or are a lot of people slowing down after HR60 or so?
john tv said:Yeah, I'm done with Tri for now, but I absolutely LOVED what I played. 150+ hours and I don't regret a minute of it. Hoping MHF will keep us busy for a while until Tri G or just Portable 3 hits. Tri is lacking content and variety but everything else about it shits on the other games IMO. I hope everything they improved with Tri carries over to P3 and any future MH games.
Yeah I'm enjoying the hammer in MHF but I do want to try something new, so I'm thinking about the gunlance. Shit is finally starting to get hard so I'm gonna have to start thinking about skills and upgrading and everything soon. I had a nice run with the free gear, but it seems like it's just about over now.tomegatherion77 said:My thoughts exactly..Thats why I picked up MHF also, its been pretty good so far, besides have to start over with crappy gear lol. Damn LS is soooo much slower than Tri also. I have to adjust. I think I may go back to GS, Im not having the same success I had with LS in Tri.
I also absolutely loved the PSP titles, and I cant wait for Portable 3, but yeah I have a really good feeling we will hear about TriG before the end of the year!
I was kinda surprised to find that Ala was a regular monster fight. I had expected something more along the lines of Jhen and Ceadeus.Haunted said:Deviljho is fantastic game design, what a great fight, full of entertainment, variety and options for the players.
Alatreon is so poorly conceived in comparison. Boo for him being the "final" boss, he's not fun to fight at all. :/
More design like Joe and less like Ala in the future, please!
Well that's because Ala is a Fatalis replacement and Jhen is a Lao-Shan Lung replacement. To veterans of the series, Ceadeus was the real surprise. The previous single player only monsters were just weakened versions of other monsters.botticus said:I was kinda surprised to find that Ala was a regular monster fight. I had expected something more along the lines of Jhen and Ceadeus.