Yeah, right now I'm trying to focus on SnS so I can get better with it but I do have a War Hammer+ that I use from time to time when I need some extra power. I think it'll be a while before I'm good enough with them to start learning the other weapons though. :lolBoney said:Be sure to try the other weapons later on! I ended up mastering each except the S.A.
Thanks! Those should be very useful to me.Proven said:And for Green Yoda, here are some SnS tutorial videos:
The man, the myth, Social Dissonance, has started a Monster Hunter Tri Let's Play, and you can easily pick through the playlist on his channel for just the specific videos you want to see.
The only tip I can give is to try every weapon and see what's best for you and the monster you're fighting.Sagitario said:This game is freaking hard.
Me and a friend were playing last night and boy, we couldn't kill the Great Jaggi and the Qurupeco [1 star difficulty].
But a random player joined and he killed them in less than 1 minute... WTF?
Seriously, my and me friend suck at this game so far, but it's fun.
Any tips on getting better? To farm money?
Also, do city quests disappear? Cause the Great Jaggi quest is not listed anymore.
Your best bet, if you want to play with other gaffers, is to announce that you want to play with gaffers on a given day/time. Weekend evenings seem like a popular time. I couldn't play this weekend because I was busy.Little Green Yoda said:What time(s) does the GAF server have people on there? I realize a number of players have moved on to other games 6 months after release but I hope there's still GAFers to play with!
I swear by the Nunchuck (Freestyle) to the point where I'm considering not getting the next release as I'll lose that feeling of flow in combat. Tilting the controller instead of using the button combos just feels better to me, but I will admit that each control scheme has at least one weapon that feels a little awkward to use, especially to a new Monster Hunter fan.upandaway said:It's possible to do all the attacks from Wiimote+Nunchuck, right? I noticed some people doing weird combos or beginning attacks that I don't know how to do. I hope I don't need to get used to the CC Pro all over again.
CC2 and Nunchuck have all possible moves except for 1 that's exclusive to CC1: going from block to counter with the lance.upandaway said:It's possible to do all the attacks from Wiimote+Nunchuck, right? I noticed some people doing weird combos or beginning attacks that I don't know how to do. I hope I don't need to get used to the CC Pro all over again.
There's no good reason why CC1 should have those limitations. My opinion is that Capcom intentionally gimped CC1 (because it would otherwise be the best scheme).Soneet said:Other things CC1 can't do: sideway hop slash with LS without starting a combo, use items directly with SnS while unsheathed without going into block first. I also read that you can't unsheathe your GS without actually attacking.
Lance Bone Path said:There's no good reason why CC1 should have those limitations. My opinion is that Capcom intentionally gimped CC1 (because it would otherwise be the best scheme).
Aside from the weird limitations it is. I don't know why it's not possible to draw a GS without either going straight into a block or into an attack with CC1 because that's not how the GS unsheathe action worked in Freedom 2 or Unite.Proven said:Isn't CC1 based off of the regular PSP Monster Hunter controls?
Yeah, I was playing online with other people for the first time today and they totally ripped into monsters that I typically take 20+ minutes to fight. :lol Part of that has to be the quality of weapons. My non-elemental, dull SnS isn't going to take me very far at all. Finally got myself a Royal Claw and I'm working on a Hypno Knife atm. Having green sharpness last an entire battle is a welcome addition.Sagitario said:This game is freaking hard.
Me and a friend were playing last night and boy, we couldn't kill the Great Jaggi and the Qurupeco [1 star difficulty].
But a random player joined and he killed them in less than 1 minute... WTF?
We can only hope.john tv said:I wouldn't mind coming out of Tri retirement every now and then just to go up an HR or two. Still holding out hope for a Tri G that'll make it all worthwhile someday.![]()
Little Green Yoda said:Okay, I just got my shit wrecked last night by online Rathian. Offline I think I only died against it when I got poisoned and didn't Antidote quickly enough but last night I got one-shotted. Twice in the same quest (my teammates were probably pissed).
I'm wondering if I should change armor. I'm currently sporting level 4 Hunter's Armor because I figured I could blow through LR without forging more armor so I can save some materials for HR armor.I know HR armor has some HR exclusive materials
Or maybe I should just play through it and learn to be more careful against things strong enough to OHKO me?
upandaway said:I don't really get the combo books. Do they have to be on me or can they be in the item box? And don't they do anything besides making success rate higher?
Alright, thanks man. Sounds okay, as I nearly always combine from the item box.Korigama said:You can store them all in the item box. However, the increases in success rate (which are indeed the only purpose of them) work depending on how many are carried in your pouch at the time, or what's stored when mixing at your item box: the increase won't work while out and about if you left them in your box. You'll eventually be able to buy enough of them to never fail in creating an item.
I have a hard time booting any MH game after the 500 hour mark myself. I must say that I am surprised that Tri lasted this long for me (which I thought it would have been the shortest game in the series)john tv said:I wouldn't mind coming out of Tri retirement every now and then just to go up an HR or two. Still holding out hope for a Tri G that'll make it all worthwhile someday.![]()
Tenbatsu is totally crazy... and Asian. 'Nuff said.Soneet said:I have a hard time booting any MH game after the 500 hour mark myself. I must say that I am surprised that Tri lasted this long for me (which I thought it would have been the shortest game in the series)
How Tenbatsu even managed to REPLAY the whole game is a mystery to me.
Willy105 said:I've been meaning to get this game, and there's a copy on the store just sitting there, the game + Classic Controller Prop bundle.
Should I get? Or wait for a better deal in the holidays?
Korigama said:Best to get it while it's still there (IIRC, the bundles were discontinued some time ago).
upandaway said:I can't even get the king something from Great Jaggi, and there's something I'm missing from Qurupeco. I already killed Q at least 4 times now (and Jaggi more than I can count). Is my luck with drops really that shitty? Argh. I have 1,700rp and 20,000 monies just from killing these guys over and over again, despite wasting them as hard as I possibly could on garbage.
upandaway said:I can't even get the king something from Great Jaggi, and there's something I'm missing from Qurupeco. I already killed Q at least 4 times now (and Jaggi more than I can count). Is my luck with drops really that shitty? Argh. I have 1,700rp and 20,000 monies just from killingthese guys over and over again, despite wasting them as hard as I possibly could on garbage.
upandaway said:I was just beating them in the woods so I guess that's why. I'll try doing the capture and hunt quests. I got enough money and points to last me a while so that's good.
I tried doing Barroth once, two traps + might seed + food, but no Spiral Lance yet, and I got him to limp before I failed. Near the end though I got much better at shielding with the lance on his charges (would be helpful if I knew how to counter). So for now I'm working towards the Rhenoplos set to help me out.
Edit: What do you know, two captures = two king frails. I'm now fully decked for Barroth.
Though, I'm still just kinda randomly choosing food, so I think I'll try him after I research that a little.
upandaway said:THIS FUCKING GAME MAN.
6 hours daily for 4 days now. I'm not exaggerating.
I'm this close to trying Barroth out in the real game (already got him in the arena before so I know the guy), but I'm shitting my pants here because I already killed 3 of these Royal Ludroth and I didn't get a SINGLE sponge or crest or chest or whatever the fuck I need to make my Spiral Lance. And I really want this Spiral Lance because of the Water element and everything. I know how much of a bitch Barroth is and I NEED it.
I can't even get the king something from Great Jaggi, and there's something I'm missing from Qurupeco. I already killed Q at least 4 times now (and Jaggi more than I can count). Is my luck with drops really that shitty? Argh. I have 1,700rp and 20,000 monies just from killing these guys over and over again, despite wasting them as hard as I possibly could on garbage.
So yeah the Lance is pretty much the best thing I've ever seen and while I love the Switch Axe, I suck at it terribly. Should I feel lucky that there's one weapon I'm good at?
Alien Manobo said:Hi guys, it's been a while.
Anyone on?
Nicktals said:EDIT: Nevermind.
I'll be getting on tomorrow...available all day, and hope to get some time in tomorrow!
EDIT 2: And maybe later tonight too...but bowling first
Korigama said:Best to get it while it's still there (IIRC, the bundles were discontinued some time ago).