It doesn't make any sense. Why on earth did they make your character "celebrate" after taking potions or whatever other items? How is something like this even possible in such a game? The problem here is, the list of things that make no sense goes on forever. It's a broken game... and once you learn your way around it's insane design faults, it becomes awesome, but that's terrible game design. A gigantic learning curve is not a good thing!
And the difficulty is ridiculously overplayed. This isn't difficult, it's broken. The monsters all attack in patterns that are predictable to the point which hipotetically would mean you could actually defeat any single one of them naked with the weakest weapon in the game, if you cared to, and rightly so!!! But no, they had to ruin that. That's where the time limit comes in, to make sure you can't do that. They pretty much force you to grind and call it difficulty. The real difficulty here is learning how to play around the game's poor decisions.
Hello Oxigen_Waste,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Shin and I'm here to address a few points that you've made in your posts.
First of all, let me clarify that you should stop covering your ears while stating that other people are covering their ears. Now having said that, let me point out a few things.
1. The idea of a delay in potion use has been addressed several times before you even stated this delay. Can you elaborate why this has missed your eyes when you pointed out this delay potion use? I suggest you to take a look at previous posts with excellent points.
Drink a potion carelessly? Eat an attack.
I think the game is just not for you or you have the wrong expectations, you might have noticed how everything is slow by design. It takes about 4 seconds to drink a potion and you can't walk while doing that, it takes more time than that to place a trap.
Or the player can learn/use one of the various ways to not waste traps? The possibility of wasting traps is a deterrent to indiscriminate trap spamming, similar to how the the flexing animation discourages potion chugging. Or we could introduce regenerating health so that players don't have to learn when to use potions or have to worry about running out!
Actually the strategic element seems to be pretty planned out. I'd guess almost all of the delays are deliberate. Look at how long it takes you to heal and sharpen your sword. You really have to time these movements, just like how you have to time when to attack and when to sheathe and run. And later on in the game you get armour that lets you remove some of these delays, which can play into your strategy.
Yes, there's even an armor skill for faster healing.
Yeah, but what exactly are the Recruitment servers? I'm not looking to get on any clans or whatever... The open servers and rookie servers are always pretty empty...
In other news, just killed Rathian and Gigginox offline. Rathian took an insane amount of hits to fell, considering how powefull my hammer is at this point!
Except for the whole controls/hitboxes/whatever thing, I'm loving this game. 
It's a shame I can't jump in on quests of this level online, the prospect of having to do most low level quests again online essentially by myself isn't that tempting... =/
Hitboxes and controls are an important part of the game. My personal beliefs are that you do not fully understand the most enjoyable (debatable) part of the game. It's comparable to a fighting game in the sense that someone could love the game while pushing buttons with random intentions. But to fully grasp the game, it's essential to understand
moves performed based on input,
moments of punishing, etc. The same can be said about Monster Hunter.
3. Naked runs exist ever since Monster Hunter got popular. It's a showcase of skill. From my understanding you know this is possible, but to put it to task is in my opinion a different feat. If you haven't tried it yet, you should now. The goal of not getting a single hit greatly burdens your mind as you have to fully avoid attacks whilst still having a great damage output. I would showcase a few of my own no-hit videos, but unfortunately my gaming YouTube account has been disabled a while back.
Finally, let me add this personal point of mine:
I think you're fucking obnoxious as hell. I think you're extremely fucking rude to everyone by ignoring their posts. Several pointing have wrote several paragraphs in a post trying to address you in a civilized manner, then your last post
clearly shows you haven't read any of it. Then you throw insults at everyone who disagrees with you ("You're a hardcore fanboy and know nothing about the
truth about the controls!!!1!") and stick with the "I am right and you are wrong" stance. Not only that, you repeat your stance while staying this obnoxious. I play games that are almost their own genres, like Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Starcraft. Freaking generic reviewers know
nothing about the depth in those games. Don't pretend they do, and don't pretend you do. You could play hundreds of hours spamming shoryuken mindlessly in Street Fighter, just like how you can spam your super pound with the hammer and chuck potions until you're out of. It still doesn't mean you understand what the fuck you're talking about.
Stop saying a knight should move straight and that chess has bad movement. If you don't understand why a knight moves like it does, go play some checkers.