sprsk said:
When you get to a certain HR, you can upgrade to G armor and activate color customization (don't get excited).
Unless you use Ludroth armor.

It changes the color of the
entire armor set.
Also regarding online, I have yet to come across a WiiSpeak user. It seems to me as though the majority of players are using USB keyboards. And really, I was going to get a WiiSpeak, but having seen how well the keyboard chat works, I think I'll pass.
Also regarding the keyboard chat, what the hell is up with all the censored words? I've come across several, aside from the obvious ones:
AIDS (When a real life friend of mine was trying to tell me to "Die of AIDS" :lol )
Crap (Crap is not a swear, Capcom)
AFTER. Yes. the word AFTER is censored.
WHAT. THE. FUCK. :lol :lol
EDIT: Wait, does this explain it?
A German word meaning anus. One to avoid when engaging in conversation with Berliner society matrons.
In spite of many years spent living in New York City, Hans (ever polite) still approached the word "after" with trepedation, still connecting it with both his mother tongue, and his nether regions.
Is Capcom seriously using the same censored word list for all regions or something? Seriously? :lol :lol Should have figured that when I discovered that the word "bloody" was censored too.