autobzooty said:Can someone explain the elemental damage thing to me? My next sword upgrade will give me some 200 points of poison elemental damage. Is that in addition to the regular attack power? So my sword will practically double in strength once it gets an elemental thing with it?
Teknoman said:I really dont like Gobul. Also couldnt figure out where to fish him out...
What happens if you use a water based weapon against a water based monster? Less/reduced damage, or just no additional weakness damage effects?
Pancho said:If a monster is weak against that element it will get damaged more, otherwise it doesn't do anything. You don't have to worry about any monster being resistant to an element.
Gamer @ Heart said:Correct me if im wrong, but poison and paralysis work like a meter correct? Each hit adds to a hidden amount and eventually when that monsters limit is reached, it gets poisoned or paralyzed?
oracrest said:pretty much, yeah
Remfin said:Sorry about leaving right after we failed that quest guys, I really had no more time
Barroth can bite me. We went the full 50 minutes, hitting it on its weak points with 4 players and...still didn't kill it. WTF?
Johnlenham said:That thing charged the shit out of everyone when I was in the group then when we got back to the pub I was disconnected (Ozoko).
Do I need to get my HR to 8 or do the quests? it winds me up that ive done loads of them and ive cleared all but 2 gathering ones and its still not enough to get the urgent!
butzopower said:I was so hoping we'd have him at the end and have a hero of a story. Oh well, I learned how to charge the Great Sword with the Wiimote, so we can go at him again and hopefully cut his head off when he's sleeping next time.
Pancho said:If a monster is weak against that element it will get damaged more, otherwise it doesn't do anything. You don't have to worry about any monster being resistant to an element.
autobzooty said:So you ONLY get the damage bonus if the monster is weak to that element? Otherwise it has no effect?
autobzooty said:Can someone explain the elemental damage thing to me? My next sword upgrade will give me some 200 points of poison elemental damage. Is that in addition to the regular attack power? So my sword will practically double in strength once it gets an elemental thing with it?
DragonGirl said:Just a reminder, first journal hunt goes down Monday (tomorrow). I'm relocating to:
Recruiting / Wisdom 1 / Gate 40
I'll create an open city at 6:30 CST
Look for Khory.
I'll do one hunt then head off to write my notes, though I'll potentially head back on just for fun later.
This will basically be my pattern every other day until the journal ends. Hope to see you there!
Remfin said:Sorry about leaving right after we failed that quest guys, I really had no more time
Barroth can bite me. We went the full 50 minutes, hitting it on its weak points with 4 players and...still didn't kill it. WTF?
Nothing feels better than having a trap waiting for him right where he's gonna land when he first appears! sprsk did it yesterday, was awesome. Totally gang-raped him as soon as he arrived.Brannon said:Just realized something; I could probably keep Qurepeco from flying away to another zone if I keep on his tail while he's limping and plant a Bounce Bomb in his shadow right when he takes off...
I must test this...
Teknoman said:So whats the benefit in using a pitfall trap vs shock trap?
Lonely1 said:Anyone can help me capture a Great Jaggi?
d0c_zaius said:i believe shock traps work more places
room for 1 more HR9+ !
edit: nevermind heh
botticus said:Safe to say I suck at trapping monsters. If Jaggi is only staying in the shock trap for 10 seconds or so, does that mean he's not weak enough? Or is that all the time you ever have to keep them in a trap?
On the bright side, I made sure to break his head before messing around with that, and got my first King's Frill! (after quitting via subquest)
Ugh. Yeah, he was pretty beat up at the time. I got him in a trap (which is usually easy since by the time I get the trap set up he's either kicking my ass or very close to it) then by the time I can get reoriented and pick a tranq bomb, he's already loose.RapidCancel said:Doesn't matter if he is weak or not, they only don't stay caught in the shock trap for very long. Best way to tell if they are weak is if they are limping when they walk.
That's what I thought. Until he'd flown to another quadrant just after I'd laid my trap TWO FRIGGIN' TIMES IN A ROW. Stupid bird. And then the third time the great jaggi he summoned tripped the trap instead. I learned to make/take several shock traps with me for that quest...EvilMario said:Beat Qurepeco now, will work on trapping it tomorrow, but I don't think it will be a huge problem.
autobzooty said:Any tips for solo barroth? I just spent a ton of time fighting him only to blow it in the end of it all. He was about to die too.
I'm using Assassin's Dagger (SnS) and full Rhenoplos gear. That gives me immunity to being covered in mud, which came in handy. SnS is nice against him too because it's easier to maneuver around him when he runs so fast.
Gamer @ Heart said:Raw Damage > Elemental
From what I saw, you just have to wear it out. When the monster's stamina is low it looks for something to eat. Worked with Great Jaggi.Teknoman said:Also still need to know how to get something to eat status effect meat.
gotee12 said:That's what I thought. Until he'd flown to another quadrant just after I'd laid my trap TWO FRIGGIN' TIMES IN A ROW. Stupid bird. And then the third time the great jaggi he summoned tripped the trap instead. I learned to make/take several shock traps with me for that quest...
Buggy Loop said:Got pwned by Barroth, i guess my jaggi armor set doesnt cut it, he's hard with great sword too.
Pitfall traps are more effective on most monsters.Teknoman said:So whats the benefit in using a pitfall trap vs shock trap? Also still need to know how to get something to eat status effect meat.
Pancho said:Get the Rhenoplos armor set, it negates the mud/snow status thing.
So is anyone looking for players to play? I'd love to join![]()
Not. Cat food will thou.Brannon said:THE PIG...
...may or may not influence quest rewards. Are they ever going to tell us?
No it will never increase.jaundicejuice said:Question, does the speed at which you can wield the great sword ever increase? So far I've just used the sword and shield combo and the great sword. The great sword was so slow and awkward to wield that it made hitting the smaller, more agile critters kind of difficult. I've pretty much just stuck with the sword/shield combo since.
Next time I will share with you videos of how japanese players slaughtered every monsters in the game in 10sec - 3mins:lolSeraphis Cain said:I just...I've never seen a monster get owned as hard as we owned Lagiacrus. Salza, Itachi, PopFairy, if you read this, you guys are awesome. Thank you for helping me have the absolute best hunt ever.
You can only get it as reward or carve from big monsters.kafka rock opera said:Ok guys i checked the wiki and couldnt find this out. What is the best way to get Monster Bone L Ive just started the 4 star quests. I managed to get 1 from somewhere but damned if i can remember where. Any help is much appreciated.
Nope, but rather they want you to play around with armor skills. Hint: Mind's Eye?Raging Spaniard said:Question for the dudes who have Monster Hunted in the past:
Ive been doing pretty well (about a 150 hrs on MH 2) so I havent had to grind for weapons or armor since Ive been killing shit left and right ... but now the weapons I have just dont have enough sharpness to make a dent the current crop of bosses, I guess my only option is to just suck it up and grind for items uh?
Capturing monsters yield more rewards than killing it. You can even capture in a kill quest.Cruceh said:Whats the point of capturing monsters?
Its random, it will eat if it is tired. You can see saliva dripping from their mouth. But they might avoid it too. It depends really.Teknoman said:How do you lure a monster into eating poisoned or tinged meat?
You only start mixing when you have plenty of charms in your item box. Just wear full set in the beginning.autobzooty said:In the beginning, should I just not worry about decorations and instead just use whole armor sets? It's too confusing and limiting for me to start mixing and matching armor in an attempt to get different skills. Also, can you remove decorations from armor once you put them in, or is it a permanent thing?
Flooded Forest Area 4.Teknoman said:I really dont like Gobul. Also couldnt figure out where to fish him out...
You can stun or KO a monster in a pitfall trap.Teknoman said:So whats the benefit in using a pitfall trap vs shock trap? Also still need to know how to get something to eat status effect meat.