kafka rock opera
Ok so you want to have your weapon out and then hit X and then hit R like its your next attack button after the X animation finishes. Should work fine.
Sykotik said:As far as I know it only works on certain attacks. For me, it works on the second hit of the un-sheath attack, and the first hit of the hold-forward-X attack.
upandaway said:God damn. Is there a guide for those kinda things? It will suck if I spend like 20 hours (yeah yeah not a lot of time blah blah) before realizing I can fucking switch modes in the middle of a combo!
If you press the + button on the CC in sword mode something awesome will happenupandaway said:God damn. Is there a guide for those kinda things? It will suck if I spend like 20 hours (yeah yeah not a lot of time blah blah) before realizing I can fucking switch modes in the middle of a combo!
I know the original CC made me a god at Brawl, can only imagine how awesome this will go!Teknoman said:If they're fans of fighting games, that CCpro will go great with Tatsunoko vs Capcom. I know thats how i'm making my TvC online comeback :lol
I guess it makes the game more community oriented. With the veteran players teaching the freshmen. :loljrricky said:How can a big game like this not have an official strategy, WTF Capcom, I am really pissed especially for a newb like me that wants to learn and do everything right. >:-(
Pretty basic actually, all you have to do is to pass the farmer the right fertilizer for the stuff that you wanna grow. Go for a mission to let the day pass and you will have the stuff you requested when you are back.DeaconKnowledge said:Explain this in more detail please.
I was complaining to my wife that I wanted another game like Rune Factory Frontier for the Wii. How deep are these farming mechanics? Do you just buy from some dude?
I'm gonna buy Monster Hunter anyway but if it scratches my Rune Factory itch even a little i'll be happy.
No black bars at the side in the japanese version.fernoca said:??
It had the bars too..at least the videos and pictures I've seen did.
Most Capcom games on Wii have them..anyway.
Since you have experience, I think you shouldn't have any problem at all starting as a gunner. Maybe you will spend more time calculating as guns have their stats now too. Yes they are able to cut tail but I don't find them too effective actually :/seipherzero said:I've played 200+ hours of MHP2G/MHFU primarily as a HBG user and Hammer user. Since the gunning system has been totally revamped, is it still safe to start off as a Gunner? I saw your recommendation Tenbatsu, but I wasn't sure if it applied to semi-experienced hunters too.
And can that new ammo (slicing shot) cut tails too?!
Dogenzaka said:Holy shit that trailer pumped me up. I want this game so bad but I can't buy any games until May
So...I loved Shadow of the Colossus, is this kind of like that? But with way more RPG elements, multiplayer, and stuff?
jrricky said:OK, I am gonna start in just under like 5 minutes, but one question, does the game go through a tutorial of how to do things (controls, fighting, making weapons etc.)?
But why there are black bars on the videos and pictures I've seen..even the ones I linked/pictured from the japanese version?Tenbatsu said:No black bars at the side in the japanese version.
fernoca said:The bars are not that big ..sometimes even depends on the set you're playing..
You can even see in direct feed videos of the japanese version, (like this one) that the game is not fully widescreen.
Or here:
The small gap/bars in the japanese version too...
I don 't mind, but some people do..
Yeah, just got the call too.
The call is basically to tell you that you can pick it after 12pm..at any moment,, more like to make sure. You could try earlier, but the 12PM time is basically to make sure the game will be there already. Many stores already received the shipment last week, so it shouldn't be a problem.
Teknoman said:I'd say so, minus horses and plus alot more action/reflexes.
Dogenzaka said:Are there more weapons than swords? Are there like bows or projectile weapons or anything?
If not it's okay, but man this looks INCREDIBLY addicting.
Do want so badly
You can work to take down monsters with strangers online, right? Or do you need friend codes for everything![]()
nacire said:
Nope!Dogenzaka said:Online play is still for FC-only people, right? :l
Mr_Guillotine said:Alright I decided I'm going to get this, are there gonna be any GAF groups or wii friend code sharing going on? I'm not totally sure if I want to get wii speak or a keyboard yet so might not be able to talk for a while.
Dogenzaka said:Online play is still for FC-only people, right? :l
Teknoman said:C'mon people, read the ridiculously awesome opening posts.
Zero friend codes here.
I'm sorry but this has to be done.RuneFactoryFanboy said:It's a big deal for me. I can't stand it when games don't fill the screen. I own a plasma and if I play like that for too long I'm afraid it will burn those bars into the screen. I can circumvent it by switching the aspect ratio of my TV every so often, but that's annoying.
It's disappointing but isn't going to prevent me from enjoying such an amazing game.
Dogenzaka said:I skimmed through it but the only hint I got was at the bottom where it said 100-person-text-chat-lobbies...xD
No FC = confirmed buy from me. I gotta support this kind of multiplayer on the Wii. It's how it should have been since 2007.
It literally is actually, since you're given a "Hunter ID" instead which is a similar premise to FCs but so much better implemented.Dogenzaka said:I skimmed through it but the only hint I got was at the bottom where it said 100-person-text-chat-lobbies...xD
No FC = confirmed buy from me. I gotta support this kind of multiplayer on the Wii. It's how it should have been since 2007.
Dr. Acid Avatar said:Are character names unique? Or can multiple people have the same name?
Dr. Acid Avatar said:Are character names unique? Or can multiple people have the same name?
Schwabe said:Monster Hunter Tri Launch Trailer:
Greetings from europe, have fun tommorow![]()
Yea, I noticed when I started. I'm really getting into this, with the item collecting and all. Sword and sheild are great, I think I am going to stick to these as main weapons...sprsk said:Yes.
jrricky said:Yea, I noticed when I started. I'm really getting into this, with the item collecting and all. Sword and sheild are great, I think I am going to stick to these as main weapons...
Question, cooking raw meat seems to be a little challenging, it's either rare or burnt when I'm done. :lol How do I time my cooking?
Dineren said:Can't wait to get my Greatsword back out. The farthest I got in MHFU was defeating Khezu, but I had a blast the whole time. I wish I could take off work tomorrow, it's going to be a long day.