I hated you so much :lol Two ruby carves from tails in one double Uragaan quest...Kyoufu said:I got lucky with those. 3 rubies from 3 tail carves in a row. Cut that tail!
I hated you so much :lol Two ruby carves from tails in one double Uragaan quest...Kyoufu said:I got lucky with those. 3 rubies from 3 tail carves in a row. Cut that tail!
Damn them! Right when I have to stop for a week...Kyoufu said:Sandstorm is active guys. Time for some Jhen farming!
You find them every once in a while when mining in the volcano. Usually when mining I stumble across a couple. Personally I have a bunch. But I also mine a ton in the volcano. They're always afterthoughts for me since I never mine there for the purpose of seeking timeworms. It might also be the reason why I don't consider them so rare. :loloracrest said:Sorry Haruka, I got a network crash. I had mined a timeworm charm too, are those rare?
Kyoufu said:I got lucky with those. 3 rubies from 3 tail carves in a row. Cut that tail!
Each weapon has it own "stun" attack, if you just want Kelbi down I'd recommend any Sword and Shield.markot said:How do I knock out stupid animals >.>?
Yes, Exhaust Ammo.I know the bowguns have the ammo that knocks em out, is that it?
Nope.Also, is there anyway to increase your bag size?
Bowgunners usually bring Combo Books and materials for combine purpose, thus a different bag. It's strange at first, but really useful. *alatreon items*Also too, how come when you equip bowguns you get totally different bags and shit >.>?
Me too.Um... yeah, my main problem is always running out of room for all the crap I have picked up >.<
Yes!Also, with the piggy, can you get extra outfits for it ^_^?
I can't remember, was that you? I was playing with Gaffers one day and someone went in my room and was like "OMG REMFIN I LOVE YOUR PIG!" I was kinda confused for a few seconds cause no one ever goes into the rooms so I wasn't even thinking about it :lolSammy Samusu said:Yes!<3Frogsuit.
Sammy Samusu said:Each weapon has it own "stun" attack, if you just want Kelbi down I'd recommend any Sword and Shield.
markot said:Um... yeah, my main problem is always running out of room for all the crap I have picked up >.<
Luigiv said:Damn Lagia Horns! I need 11 and so far only have 2. Well what do you guys think I should do once I get my third one; upgrade my Thunderclap or forge my Lagia Set? Currently leaning more towards the armor set, since it'll make getting the other 8 horns a bit easier. However if I get my Thunderclap+ then it'll make farming Rathalos easier so i can get my plate, forge his armour set and then take on Agnaktor (who currently proves to be fairly annoying to take on with my Gigginox set). Decisions, decisions.
Not every weapon. Only Hammers, Sword and Shield and Great Swords can stun (Maybe Lances as well, I'm not really sure).
speaking of which, the online trader currently has the gold sword available. maybe it coincides with the sandstorm.Boney said:I'm in the same boat as well. Grinding for shit sucks, but I usually have a great time hunting with you guys. I'll probably wait it out until the high rank arena's are available.
edwardslane said:Anyone know the best way to kill him?
No SA for sure, I don't use LS so I haven't looked. I believe because switch axes are a 'new' weapon, an rusted/ancient version of them wouldn't make any sense.Haunted said:Are there Rusted variants of all weapon types out there?
I know about Hammer, SnS and GS, but never seen a SA or LS.
No LS either. And yet i'm still looking for it.explodet said:No SA for sure, I don't use LS so I haven't looked. I believe because switch axes are a 'new' weapon, an rusted/ancient version of them wouldn't make any sense.
In your initial meeting, I'd focus more on his backside. Cut off his tail and then just wale away. This will let you avoid his roll, and other than the occasional tail swipe or curl, his attacks are generally directed out in front. Low sharpness weapons will have trouble with his head.edwardslane said:I'm on the Royal ludroth there now~
I just upgraded my weapon finally.. i use a great sword primarily at the moment so it's up to a decent attack power! i can notice a nice difference on quickness of killing with this thing.
I'm hoping i can kill royal ludroth soon and start farming him.. i've only tried him for a bit, but finished a subquest then had to head out.
Anyone know the best way to kill him?
Heh, that's true I didn't think of it that way. Thanks.explodet said:No SA for sure, I don't use LS so I haven't looked. I believe because switch axes are a 'new' weapon, an rusted/ancient version of them wouldn't make any sense.
No one appears to have answered any of your Qs, so I will try!markot said:Soooooooo.....
How do I knock out stupid animals >.>?
I know the bowguns have the ammo that knocks em out, is that it?
Also, is there anyway to increase your bag size?
Also too, how come when you equip bowguns you get totally different bags and shit >.>?
Um... yeah, my main problem is always running out of room for all the crap I have picked up >.<
Also, with the piggy, can you get extra outfits for it ^_^?
B-Genius said:I think there was a way to increase pouch size in the PSP games. Maybe someone else can help you with this.
PounchEnvy said:Against ian, los, and Jhen what's better? A weapon with a dragon attribute or an ice weapon with 70% affinity?
What if the weapons are at equal raw and equal attribute damage?Kyoufu said:Dragon dragon dragon. Add some more dragon!
PounchEnvy said:What if the weapons are at equal raw and equal attribute damage?
Lol okay.Kyoufu said:It depends on the monster's weakness to ice but fuck that, Dragon on Los/Ian/Jhen all the way.
PounchEnvy said:Lol okay.
Only GS, SnS, Hammer, Lance and bowguns.Haunted said:Are there Rusted variants of all weapon types out there?
I know about Hammer, SnS and GS, but never seen a SA or LS.
To add further.... 5 weapons with stun ability: GS (slap), Hammer (any hit), SNS (shield), Bowgun (exhaust and craig) and Lance (shield).markot said:How do I knock out stupid animals >.>?
Would I be completely unable to contribute/useless at HR31 with Rathian Armor?Lance Bone Path said:So, anyone interested in jhen+?
Hawkian said:Would I be completely unable to contribute/useless at HR31 with Rathian Armor?
Not exactly true. While I have 399 defense I still played it safe because I'm weird like that and I forgot to eat I did take responsibility of the Ballista Binder and the Gong. Someone still needs to protect the other players and the ship and you really only need two well-equipped players to attack Jhen. The other two can focus on shooting with cannons and using the ballista for breaking the tusks.Palmer_v1 said:Your defense will be shit for Jhen +, leaving you dangerously close to being OHKO. Just as an example, I have something like 350 defense, and his big flop still takes about half my health. His random mortar fire takes about 1/4 of my hp when it hits.
Theoretically, you could just play safe, but I don't think you'd contribute much that way.
Gamer @ Heart said:I gemmed bombardier in my Damascus armor set. I still don't have a max alatreons GS so I always use the ship weapons when fighting jhen. That skill works on the cannons and ballista right? I'm not wasting per second damage oppertunities?
Anyone know the break down of ship damage?
why bother with earplugs when evade+2 (overkill) lets you roll your fat ass through roars with your eyes closed?
Alex said:Man they should totally have body types in MHF3. I want a fat Hunter. Slim body type + 25% Max stamina! Fat body type + Speed Eating skill always active!
All Normal bombs becomes G Bombs to be exact.Kyoufu said:The Felyne skill "Pyro" increases Bomb damage.
Tenbatsu said:All Normal bombs becomes G Bombs to be exact.