Where is the cheapest place to buy a CPP LL? It looks like playasia is sold out.
amazon uk?
Where is the cheapest place to buy a CPP LL? It looks like playasia is sold out.
Where is the cheapest place to buy a CPP LL? It looks like playasia is sold out.
? I see it's on stock.
So are Great Swords even worth caring about offline prior to crit draw and possibly fast charge/fast sheathe? I can do "okay" with it on the slower moving enemies, but it doesn't seem like it can do shit against something like Diablos or even a Rathian (who is very easy by comparison). I mean, I can spam combos all day while cowering underneath them and kill them, but trying to go for a tail or face cut? Hah. Maybe I'll get two good swipes in every five minutes. A level 3 charge on a specific body part? No fucking way. They say that to get good with this weapon you have to be "predictive" of the monster's movements, but sometimes they are entirely too random for that on top of simply being way too fast. I'm not sure if having the two Shakalaka partners are worth bringing along either because they constantly reposition the monster right before I'm about to land a hit.
So far I have the most luck using the Longsword, but apparently people hate it online due to the wide swings hitting other players, so I'm trying to find a weapon that is decent for group play.
Yes it is fine. I just ordered a CPP for the xl from playasia and it works perfectly. Goddamn thing needs an AAA battery wtf...My bad, I was looking at the wrong CPP. Just to double check, a NA 3DS can use a JAP CPP correct?
I've been wondering how feesible it is to duo (with 2 cats of course) G rank. I'm playing with my brother so obviously we'll never be able to play online together at the same time but will it be possible to do the harder things in G Rank with just 2 people, we managed fine against Green Plesi and Quropeco (HR6).
Yes it is fine. I just ordered a CPP for the xl from playasia and it works perfectly. Goddamn thing needs an AAA battery wtf...
My "Rathian Sized" Azuros
Not counting wingspan, this thing's body looks to be the same as a Rath
By the time you fight a Diablos you should be able to get Fast Charge from the Lagiacrus set. Up to getting that I had no problems killing monsters with GS. For the higher level stuff it really helps to have one of those skills. I'm at HR5 and still only have Fast Charge, so with just that one you can get by just fine. Without Fast Charge I just try to get as many cheap shots in as possible before getting out of there, even if it's just a draw attack.
So are Great Swords even worth caring about offline prior to crit draw and possibly fast charge/fast sheathe? I can do "okay" with it on the slower moving enemies, but it doesn't seem like it can do shit against something like Diablos or even a Rathian (who is very easy by comparison). I mean, I can spam combos all day while cowering underneath them and kill them, but trying to go for a tail or face cut? Hah. Maybe I'll get two good swipes in every five minutes. A level 3 charge on a specific body part? No fucking way. They say that to get good with this weapon you have to be "predictive" of the monster's movements, but sometimes they are entirely too random for that on top of simply being way too fast. I'm not sure if having the two Shakalaka partners are worth bringing along either because they constantly reposition the monster right before I'm about to land a hit.
So far I have the most luck using the Longsword, but apparently people hate it online due to the wide swings hitting other players, so I'm trying to find a weapon that is decent for group play.
How close am I to being done Moga Village? I am about to fight Volvidon for the first time (Walk 'n' Roll) in the 5 star section.
I really love this game, but I want a break from it for a while before I fully commit to the multiplayer section, hahaha.
About the half way markIt goes to 9 star.
Cock shit, I already have 120 hours in the game. Fuck, it's going to be a while, hahahaha.
Cock shit, I already have 120 hours in the game. Fuck, it's going to be a while, hahahaha.
Are you complaining because the game is too fun for too long?
The game is too long, yes (the single player, not the multiplayer). Not gonna lie. I really wish they would have just cut the single player in half and put more content into the multiplayer portion. The game is amazing, but 200+ hours for single player, when the first 100 hours is as easy as it is, is a bit too much.
Then just stop playing boring ass SP and go online where the game shines? I got to like 4* village and said fuck it, this isn't fun, I'm going online and never looked back.
You're right, sorry. Your last post implies tons of enjoyment. Keep truckin on that super fun single player!
Anyway I'm about to get online, doubt there's any GAF lobbies up :/
I either suck or G-Rank is showing me where my place is. Just faced a G-Rank Pink Rathian got carted twice, and took about 37 min to kill it. I was using a fully upgraded Rusted Hammer, forgot what it is called. I'm also using a Helios X set.
How much did you upgrade it? I think it's around 480 defense at lvl1. I'd upgrade it to at least 540-ish to be comfortable in Grank (I'm a wimp like that). It's not particularly strong to fire either, although you can probably fix that with food buff.I either suck or G-Rank is showing me where my place is. Just faced a G-Rank Pink Rathian got carted twice, and took about 37 min to kill it. I was using a fully upgraded Rusted Hammer, forgot what it is called. I'm also using a Helios X set.
No dragon elmt attack as far as I remember. No clue as to what it's weak to but dragon does sound like a safe bet. He's fairly easy in a good group, he can be a nightmare otherwise. GLHF!!Does he have dragon attacks or just fire? And I'm gonna guess he's weak to dragon, although the Brady guide has no entry for him.
How much did you upgrade it? I think it's around 480 defense at lvl1. I'd upgrade it to at least 540-ish to be comfortable in Grank (I'm a wimp like that). It's not particularly strong to fire either, although you can probably fix that with food buff.
How close am I to being done Moga Village? I am about to fight Volvidon for the first time (Walk 'n' Roll) in the 5 star section.
I really love this game, but I want a break from it for a while before I fully commit to the multiplayer section, hahaha.
Holy shit! I thought I was almost done. I just beat Volvidon and got the water mask thing at 72 hours played. I'm HR 3.About the half way markIt goes to 9 star.
Yeah, it's not shocking that things would get a little tense with 500 defense. Heavy spheres should be relatively easy and quick to farm.I only had 2 heavy spheres, so I upgraded 2 parts once. It is currently at 495 defense.
Think I need an extended break
I was doing the first Duramboros of the double Duramboros quest and I was thinking, "Fucking hell. How long is this going to take?" Checked the timer and it had only been 6 MINUTES
Just unlocked Dire Miralis.
Does he have dragon attacks or just fire? And I'm gonna guess he's weak to dragon, although the Brady guide has no entry for him.
I'd like to get this done tonight, I'm not expecting much out of random urgent rooms so I might be back looking for GAF help at some point. I think I'll just try and solo it once actually, if I fail at least I'll learn something.
Isn't that from popping his shoulder pimples? Wings bounce at most sharpnesses too. ;_;
Isn't that from popping his shoulder pimples? Wings bounce at most sharpnesses too. ;_;Another thing that can help is while underwater, you can disable his "wings" if you hit them hard enough. (This will stop them from spewing fireballs from above for a bit, but it's not permanent.)
So are Great Swords even worth caring about offline prior to crit draw and possibly fast charge/fast sheathe? I can do "okay" with it on the slower moving enemies, but it doesn't seem like it can do shit against something like Diablos or even a Rathian (who is very easy by comparison). I mean, I can spam combos all day while cowering underneath them and kill them, but trying to go for a tail or face cut? Hah.
Haha you need a break. How many hours does the file say you've played?
NA or EU? A decent online group can give you a quick tour of high rank in just a cple of hours.Now that I'm back to my main dude I'm kind of burnt out. Sucks because I know that I still have a lot to go, haven't fought Zinogre or Nargacuga yet.
Oh well. If you do get one and want to see the sights, don't hesitate to let us know!Sadly, I'm offline. I might be getting a Wii U soon though
NA or EU? A decent online group can give you a quick tour of high rank in just a cple of hours.
I started my first character, played for 18h and realized I was on a cursed table so I started a new dude (my main) which I have 71h on. Then I thought I'd make a bow user which I'm realizing isn't really my forte, especially underwater *shudder*
Now that I'm back to my main dude I'm kind of burnt out. Sucks because I know that I still have a lot to go, haven't fought Zinogre or Nargacuga yet.
I do this same shit making 3 different files then playing half the game so often I'm surprised I haven't caught onto it and stopped myself yet.