Complete Monster Hunter noob here. What are the three most important things to know for tomorrow?
Whetstones, dodge, meat.
Complete Monster Hunter noob here. What are the three most important things to know for tomorrow?
Is it crazy that I'm considering selling my XL and buying an original 3DS so I can play this with the CPP? I kind of feel the XL is bordering on too big anyway, but I'm not looking forward to the drop in battery life.
Complete Monster Hunter noob here. What are the three most important things to know for tomorrow?
$40 for all the luxury of the XL model is too much? You'd rather go through the hassle of selling/trading/transferring to pay another $20 for the standard CPP?
Just sayin it's not impossible to get the CPP for the XL, just slightly... odd...
1) Dodging is more important than hitting the monster. Take it slow.Complete Monster Hunter noob here. What are the three most important things to know for tomorrow?
Complete Monster Hunter noob here. What are the three most important things to know for tomorrow?
Is it crazy that I'm considering selling my XL and buying an original 3DS so I can play this with the CPP? I kind of feel the XL is bordering on too big anyway, but I'm not looking forward to the drop in battery life.
Complete Monster Hunter noob here. What are the three most important things to know for tomorrow?
I have a question about local play? Can 2 wii u's and two 3ds' play all locally?
Complete Monster Hunter noob here. What are the three most important things to know for tomorrow?
Just 1 Wii U, up to 4 3DSs (3 with 1 Wii U)
1) Dodging is more important than hitting the monster. Take it slow.
2) Try different weapons to find your style.
3) Eat!
Complete Monster Hunter noob here. What are the three most important things to know for tomorrow?
Had a good time on EU Tri with Out of Ammo tonight but god did we get cursed.
Failed 2 times veeeeery close to HR diablos, perma enraged ... this fucker is nasty
Then tried HR los+rath, was toooo easy but then he disconnects, rath is limping, my trap is ready , she is tranked, she limps again (but she's in her resting place already) and I love due to time up because my gunner is too weak.
This is basically the game's way of saying : "FUCK YOU, Please buy the new game !"
That's monster hunting at its best, I had more fun failing on blos than raping the chicken dragons.
I'll be there tomorrow with more luck I hope (and maybe easier monster right from the start, first hunt since ages with HR blos was a baaad idea but fun nonetheless)
Target website says "not sold in stores", is this bs? I'm looking for the 3ds version
I just tried the Hammer in the U demo and I ran out of time, even though I downed Lomb with the SnS, DS, Axe, and lance without running out oftime. I got one KO on him and I found my 'A' attack to be the easiest to pull off and I kept missing with my 'X' attack. Any hammer tips?
I just tried the Hammer in the U demo and I ran out of time, even though I downed Lomb with the SnS, DS, Axe, and lance without running out oftime. I got one KO on him and I found my 'A' attack to be the easiest to pull off and I kept missing with my 'X' attack. Any hammer tips?
I just tried the Hammer in the U demo and I ran out of time, even though I downed Lomb with the SnS, DS, Axe, and lance without running out oftime. I got one KO on him and I found my 'A' attack to be the easiest to pull off and I kept missing with my 'X' attack. Any hammer tips?
Charge (hold R), run up to his face, stop moving for a second (<-important step!), release charge, segue into x combo, explode faces.I just tried the Hammer in the U demo and I ran out of time, even though I downed Lomb with the SnS, DS, Axe, and lance without running out oftime. I got one KO on him and I found my 'A' attack to be the easiest to pull off and I kept missing with my 'X' attack. Any hammer tips?
Target website says "not sold in stores", is this bs? I'm looking for the 3ds version
I have a feeling that this game will be limited in a lot of areas [likely enough to cover pre-orders and that's it].I went to target early today and asked for MH wii u, the guy pulls game out from back room I started to get hype, but then he scanned it and said sorry have to wait to tomorrow... They have available in store but very limited.. When I went to back room with the guy they only had like 5 max.
I just tried the Hammer in the U demo and I ran out of time, even though I downed Lomb with the SnS, DS, Axe, and lance without running out oftime. I got one KO on him and I found my 'A' attack to be the easiest to pull off and I kept missing with my 'X' attack. Any hammer tips?
Charge with R (you can move while charging) _stop_ next to the monster and pull off the super pound. If you move while letting go of the charge you'll do a whirlwind attack which can be good in some cases but is generally not as good as the super pound.
Really torn atm... Really wondering if there is enough content in there to keep me going again.
Really torn atm. Put 200+ Hours into the Wii version but I am almost tempted to trade in my 360 since I am not really using it and get a Wii-U for MH. Nothing else on the console currently interests me, so I would be buying it to play MH again. Really wondering if there is enough content in there to keep me going again.
You could always wait until after E3. Also... BAYONETTAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Online and store operate separatelyTarget website says "not sold in stores", is this bs? I'm looking for the 3ds version
You could always sell the 360, buy a Wii U, and then buy a 720 in the future if you miss anything good on the 360 in the next ~6 months. Assuming the 720 is BC, of course.Really torn atm. Put 200+ Hours into the Wii version but I am almost tempted to trade in my 360 since I am not really using it and get a Wii-U for MH. Nothing else on the console currently interests me, so I would be buying it to play MH again. Really wondering if there is enough content in there to keep me going again.
You could always sell the 360, buy a Wii U, and then buy a 720 in the future if you miss anything good on the 360 in the next ~6 months. Assuming the 720 is BC, of course.
That is exactly what I am thinking about. I would not say I was a massive fan of Nintendo games but being able to check out Zelda/Bayonetta/Mario Kart etc should be worth is later on. MH should at least get me to E3.![]()
So in order for this to work in my case, both wii u's would need to have a wired connection and then each of the 3ds' would go through each of the wii u's?
eShop has some pretty quality cheap games on it as well. Nano Assault, Mighty Switch Force, etc. You should be able to find some launch games for much less now (I've seen ZombiU for $29.99 for instance) if any of those look remotely interesting.
If you're in Canada, Costco has the Deluxe Set for $309.99 and basic for $249.99. Or SDM 20x points day (giving you around $80 in points to redeem) provide a good value.
Well, how does MH3U handle saves on Wii U? If they keep them set to each unique account I'd THINK it could still work. If they blew that off and just have one universal save for the system across accounts like Mario though then yeah, that won't go well.So, via the review thread, someone confirmed the transfer tool copies over all three slots. So any sort of plan we had to play our Wii U version at home (with a 3DS connected), but then take both our 3DS versions out during the day seems like a poor idea now.
Well, how does MH3U handle saves on Wii U? If they keep them set to each unique account I'd THINK it could still work. If they blew that off and just have one universal save for the system across accounts like Mario though then yeah, that won't go well.