I guess the "farm" should be enough for your farming needs
1. set your cat's status
出撃 - you take your cat with you
休憩 - rest
サブ出撃 - sub character-cat accompanies you
特訓 - special training - I have no idea what it does..
2. option: change your party. 1st screen are your regulars. Put your preferred cats here so you can switch between them faster (or train them)
3. Cat Gear
Submenu: 1: equip, 2. equip set 3. register set, 4. move set 5 delete set 6 move gear (in your box) 7. sell
4. change your cats appearance.
5. change the comments your cat can make.
6+7 not sure about that one. can't read the kanji and it's to small to trace, but it's probably something like delete, so stay away.
Why didn't I make a more helpful post about cat's back then x.x
I think special training levels up your cat even if you don't take it with you on quests, but lowers tension (if tension is 0 you can't let them train, have to rest)
as an addendum my post about the skills for your leader cat
So cat skills for your Main メイン cat:
*The level (5) cat skills only apply to the main cat.
*You gain these skills by putting (x) amount of cats with the trend in your team. (Regulars from the second option)
Fighter (ファイト

: (2) attack-up flute (3) cat gets pierce boomerang (4) stronger attack-up flute (5) 会心/critical up
Guard (ガード ): (2) defense-up flute (3) nothing (4) stronger defense-up flute (5) gain ability to guard against attacks you usually can't (there was an armor skill like that?!, prolly same)
Assist (アシスト ): (2) cat rarely sets a shock trap (3) cat indicates location and status of large monsters (like Autotracking armor skill) (4) cat lays trap more often, maximum number of uses increases (5) short rest/evacuation time (when cat dies)
Restoration (回復

: (2) heal spell (3) poison and odor heal spell (4) bigger heal spell (5) drops better item when evacuating
Bomber (ボマー

: (2) puts a bomb on a trap set by the partner airu (3) makes cats attack with only bombs (4) uses large bombs when angry (5) uses G-rank bombs when angry
Bundori (item snatching) ぶんどり: (2) cat gets big boomerang and boomerang power up (3) cat attacks only with boomerang (4) cat gets targeted less by enemies (5) item snatching gets better
Treasure Hunting (宝探し

: (2) cat harvests faster (3) cat stops attacking and only harvests (4) cat finds harvesting spots more easily (5) 'special' harvesting stronger, can collect consecutively
Combination Technique 合体技
*If you set out with two cats, they can do a combination technique, which is decided by the SubCat サブオトモ only (合体技 field)
Cat assault Party - Cats will hop into a rocket ant fire themselves onto a monster. If they hit they do an attack similar to a hunters mounting attack
Cat's Firedrake Tank - Cat's will hop into a tank and shell monsters until ammunition is used up or the tank is destroyed (influenced by cats att and def stat)
Ouendan Cats - Cats will use a giant flute to cheer the hunter on (heals hunter and cats - higher level = higher heal)