mopeshroom + DB = spinning death forever!
The issue is without razor sharp it's going to be spinning death forever with frequent commercial breaks to sharpen.
mopeshroom + DB = spinning death forever!
Ok that makes me feel a bit better... Hopefully I won't have to kill too many more. I just want a full set for the Edgemaster skill, tired of my combos being ruined when I have a creature at my mercy. That combined with Constitution, and the Guard-Up from my talisman, will make a nice 'tanky' set for me.Got a lens just now on my second ever G-rank Seregios. Don't want any of his stuff at the moment.
The issue is without razor sharp it's going to be spinning death forever with frequent commercial breaks to sharpen.
Search for gaijinhunter youtube channelJust ordered this and was wondering of there's any good beginners guide? The stuff in the op wasn't any help as it seemingly linked to a blog and I'm completely new to the series. Only MH I've played is the demo on the eshop![]()
Search for gaijinhunter youtube channel
Gaijinhunter's tutorial videos are subtitled though. He only voiced his video in last 5 uploads or so.Already bookmarked! Any text only though? Can't watch videos while on lunch/going til or from work...
I'm pretty sure if you do guild hall offline, it scales to 1 player. I had about the same kill times doing offline gh and caravan.
However, I am also pretty sure that it scales to 2.5 players if you are online but playing solo. I tried once when nobody joined, and the monster took forever to kill.
Thanks guys.monsters don't scale.
Overall defense is a set percentage that changes depending on the quest. Thats why powered up quests have monsters that have not only more HP, but are tougher to break parts as well (if it was just HP then there would be no difference, after all!). For generality sake, assume that:
Village: 100%
Low Rank: 85-95%
High Rank: 75-85%
High guild/event: 70%
Yeah, so if you do the same quest in the online part of the game solo, you are battling a monster that is about 25% higher defense, they do this because youll typically be online with other players.
I know that feeling. I got very fast at running expeditions and started taking smoke bombs so I could mine nodes while avoiding the monsters, fuck these distorted fragments. I need 12 more![]()
I still haven't beaten it, but I am doing much better in multiple arena fights since I started consuming mega dash juice (stops stamina reduction) so I could stay mobile and block/dodge until an opening appeared. You're right, taking in the tools to make farcasters is good, I do that with every tough battle where I'm unlikely to have a chance to escape and recover from multiple blights/poison/bleed/health/stamina/sharpen etc. Especially with fast and flying monsters.Unlocked the Caravaneer's Challenge over the weekend, given it a couple tries... Needless to say, that one is brutal. I even brought multiple farcaster combos and smoke bombs, still couldn't avoid being spotted by both at some point.
Outside of not being seen by both monsters in a multiple monsters arena setting, are there any other tips for dealing with two at once that maybe I'm missing? Only have about 200 hours in the MH series between 3U and 4U, so still relatively new.
Though I think low rank has gotten a little easier than before, just knowing what to do and how the fights work beforehand makes a huge difference. Though there's plenty of challenges as the game goes on, I've yet to find something that feels insurmountable. There's always some way to tackle whatever the game throws at me just by changing tactics, bringing in a new skill, swapping weapons, or whatever. I've done it before, after all.Similar experiences where you feel real good during your second MH game?
So, this is my 2nd monster hunter. But I'm cruising thru LR. Time is limited for gaming but I'm clearing these guys in 15 minutes, solo.
That means I'm just getting better at this and not that LR on this game is terribly easy, correct? I'm using GS but I keep wondering if the weapons are overpowered as hell or I'm just recognizing things/movements/habits quicker this time around. Feels Good man. But I can't imagine 4 players, who know what they are doing. I should just shut up until I hit G rank. Damn kids. Always need food or to go to sleep.
Similar experiences where you feel real good during your second MH game?
This is the best list I've found. Not sure if accurate.Is there a place that says which Arena Quests give which rewards? I've never done any before.
Those are all the arena quests? Not a huge number... I hoped there'd be more.This is the best list I've found. Not sure if accurate.
wow @ molten tigrex.
insane fight
I wish somebody had told me sooner that Palicos get Deviljho gear! They look funny with their mini championship belt.
I wish somebody had told me sooner that Palicos get Deviljho gear! They look funny with their mini championship belt.
G rank doesn't necessarily mean they have G-rank gear yet- it's possible they could have only done a handful more key quests than you, I was wandering around G1 with high rank gear for ages before settling on a new set of kit. Having said that, a lot of people seem to be rushing to reach the endgame, doing as few quests as possible, so they can start grinding for the best kit while the online is popular (and it's easy to find a hunting party for the exact quest you want). It means they have ended up woefully underequipped for the last stretch. It's obvious which people haven't touched single player either, or bothered to upgrade their food options.I did an advanced HR6 quest earlier with one other high rank player and two G rank players.
It was the two G rank players who kept fainting/coming close to fainting.
Anyway, I'm HR7 now, woo. I also fainted though for the first time online...during an Akantor fight.The damage it is capable of inflicting took me completely by surprise, and the fact that it can melt armour - I was lulled into complacency by its slowness! I don't think I'll make that mistake again.
G rank doesn't necessarily mean they have G-rank gear yet- it's possible they could have only done a handful more key quests than you, I was wandering around G1 with high rank gear for ages before settling on a new set of kit. Having said that, a lot of people seem to be rushing to reach the endgame and start grinding for the best kit while the online is popular (and it's easy to find a hunting party for the exact quest you want, and have ended up woefully underequipped for the last stretch. It's obvious which people haven't touched single player either, or bothered to upgrade their food options.
Good stuff. Teostra online can be a nightmare when players are encountering it for the first time, as the explosions ignore armour. I think he managed to triple cart a team with one explosion as they all piled in (despite being low on health and with the bomb status effect) in one of my games!True. One was G1 and the other was G2, I think.
At this point I'm going to finish off the rest of the advanced 6* caravan quests, which have just opened up for me now that I've reached this level of the online game. I think they should be good preparation, since they include Teostra and Rajang.
Is there a worse feeling than getting combo'ed by a monster and you're thinking "sweet he going after someone else so I can heal," and then realizing you're stunned and of course the monster comes back and swallows your soul?
Mohran is fun with a party doe...Dammit, game. Giving me a Mohran quest that unlocks new Wycoon trades right after I clear the Mohran urgent. :lol Outside of the first time (due to the spectacle of the whole thing), Mohran isn't fun to fight with a party, and it's even worse solo. I don't want to do it again, haha.
Ah yes, poison or burning adds to the fun.I hate when that happens. But worse, is getting combo to stun while you are poisoned and then cart because of the poison.![]()
Is there a worse feeling than getting combo'ed by a monster and you're thinking "sweet he going after someone else so I can heal," and then realizing you're stunned and of course the monster comes back and swallows your soul?
You canct really describe Molten Tigrex that since it have very low HP, most likely balancing decision by Capcom. What makes the fight felt long is because one hit will punish player greatly. It had all Tigrex moves, and big body makes it a deadly combination so most player will be running around looking for opening while keeping their ass safe. A Molten Tigrex down pretty quick if the team have lots of disable, but even if that happened I bet not all body part broken unless there is someone with Partbreaker.YEAH. He's tough, and just doesn't seem to want to go down. Definitely the hardest of the tigrex family.
Is there a worse feeling than getting combo'ed by a monster and you're thinking "sweet he going after someone else so I can heal," and then realizing you're stunned and of course the monster comes back and swallows your soul?
You canct really describe Molten Tigrex that since it have very low HP, most likely balancing decision by Capcom. What makes the fight felt long is because one hit will punish player greatly. It had all Tigrex moves, and big body makes it a deadly combination so most player will be running around looking for opening while keeping their ass safe. A Molten Tigrex down pretty quick if the team have lots of disable, but even if that happened I bet not all body part broken unless there is someone with Partbreaker.
This is very unlike Lucent Nargacuga that really tough to go down. In my experience, people attacked it more frequently since it gives more opening with less risk. But then, most fight could last to between 8 ir 15 minutes, even when the party used trapper. Also when it dies, most of the time all of it body part usually broken.
Having a projectile user in any group is so awesome. They get monsters out of apex fast and constantly apply status affects because they can just keep shooting them. So underrated.Yeah, molten tiggy always goes down fast in a somewhat decent group. Most hints I've done with groups usually end in under five minutes, especially if I or somebody else guns.
I'll never bring Lance ever again to apex hunting. Vayu Sedition will be my weapon that bring down apex monsters the most.Having a projectile user in any group is so awesome. They get monsters out of apex fast and constantly apply status affects because they can just keep shooting them. So underrated.